Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Homemade Hovercraft Materials

Corning's vision for the future

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Aerobics in Vienna - Valentine's Day ♥

The 14th February, who does not know is, for centuries unofficial feast day of lovers. Unlike birthdays and wedding days, he was hardly "sweating" so intense it is advertised. There are Valentine candy, Valentine cards, a perfume named St. Valentine, but Valentine's Day without flowers for many women like Christmas without candles, New Year's Eve without missiles (which should not exclude that he may also give a bouquet of flowers ..). During the year of mostly women buy bouquets on Valentine's Day there are mostly men.

Valentinstag 14.Februar Customs

Valentinstag The custom of giving on Valentine's Day flowers dates back to antiquity - the commemoration of the Roman goddess Juno (protector of marriage and family) on 14 February, which were sacrificed on that day flowers and tied in to the love of couples by lottery for a year (Lupercalia Festival) were.
fit in the Middle Ages the clergy existing holidays and customs of the Christian faith and because of 14.2. the day of decapitation of St. Valentine was almost identical, it was called then the day of lovers' Valentine's Day ". The Italian holy bishop is illegally married couples and Christian love birds have colorful bouquets presented. He is the patron saint of beekeepers. The "Valentine's bread" was considered a remedy that Beifusskraut (Herba S. Valentini ") is dedicated to him. Was able "Christians" celebrate with the same customs as the "pagans" and the ancient tradition was continued under a new label.
Valentinstag According to ancient folk belief is an unmarried girl to take the boy husband,
to it on 14 February sees as the first. young men who had chosen a girl, gave him so early in the morning of that day a bunch of flowers.
Valentinstag Even 600 years ago in England it was customary at that day, "Valentine" - to give as a valentine - four line cards with love poems. Creator of fashion, connect the send this card with flowers, should have been the writer Samuel Pepys, on the 02/14/1667 his wife wrote on pale blue paper with gold initials, a love letter, whereupon she sent him a bouquet excited. From then on, the combination of letters and flowers in der noblen britischen Gesellschaft nachgeahmt.  Tip: "Bereichern" Sie den Umschlag mit duftenden, getrocknete Blüten ( Potpourri ) .. . 
Valentinstag Im viktorianischen Zeitalter glaubte man, daß verheiratete Frauen an diesem Tag keine Schneeglöckchen (volkstümlicher Name auch: Sankt Valentinslilje) im Hause haben sollten, dann würden sie niemals heiraten.
Valentinstag In der höfischen Tradition des Mittelalters wurden am Valentinstag junge Paare durch das Los füreinander bestimmt. Auch Shakespeare erwähnt diese Tradition: im Hamlet can he tell Ophelia: "I want to be your Valentine." The English word Valentine means "honey."
English emigrants took the custom with Valentine in the "New World" - and so came by U.S. soldiers after the Second World War this practice to Germany. 1950, held in Nuremberg, the first "Valentine Ball", the Valentine's Day was officially established.
Valentinstag The poet Chaucer refers in his poem "Parliament of Birds" (with 100 verses, probably on the occasion of St. Valentine's Day celebration at the court of King Richard II, completed in 1383 and the first time publicly presented), however, another explanation for the day of lovers: the pairing of the birds he brings to work, for it was on Valentine's Day, when the birds are banded together. In West Slavic and East German regions falls in the period around Valentine's Day (or more precisely at 25.1.) The festival of the so-called " Vogelhochzeit ", which would make the well-known folk song " The Vogelhochzeit " (A bird wedding ... " ) has been reported.
a while the 14th February also "Vielliebchentag" called, and he recalled the sting in the fields philopena lettuce (corn salad).
Valentinstag what "Christmas" for Christmas, is the small town "Love Land" in the U.S. state of Colorado for the U.S. on Valentine's Day. The community has been using her name 50 years to return to the Valentine's lovers in the world to enjoy with their postmark.

Bauer rules for Valentin

Cold Valentine - formerly Lenz beginning
Has lost to St. Valentin's frozen, the weather long
is on Valentine's remember, flowers for Easter already the rice.
Located on Valentin in the cat sun, it creeps in March posterior oven full of joy
Regnet's an St. Valentin, ist die halbe Ernte hin.
Auf St. Valentein friert's Rad mitsamt der Mühle ein

(Quelle:  Wikipedia )

Love Ich liebe dich in vielen Sprachen I love you - in other languages - nicknamed

  • afrikaans ek vir jou is running
  • Albanian: Te dua
  • Arabic: ana Hebbeker
  • Bulgarian: Obicham te
  • Chinese: Ngo oi ney
  • Danish: JEG elsker dig
  • Alsatian: IIh up grounded
  • hoan English: i love you
  • Esperanto: mi amas vin
  • Finnish: minä sinua rakastan
  • french: je t'aime
  • Greek S'ayapo
  • Dutch: Ik Houd van jou
  • Italian: ti amo
  • Japanese: Ai shite imasu
  • jugoslawisch: Yes volim
  • kanadisch: Je t'aime
  • katalonisch: T'estimo
  • Croatian: Volim to

I love you Liebe in anderen Sprachen - Kosenamen

  • Kurdish: Ez to hezdikhem

  • lateinisch : h te amo

  • luxemburgisch however their Dech gar

  • marokkanisch: Kanbhik

  • englisch: I love you

  • Polnisch: kocham cie

  • portugiesisch: eu te amo

  • Rumänisch: Te iubesc

  • russian yes Ljublju Teba

  • Swedish: Jag älskar dig

  • Swiss German: With pleasure ch'ha Tues

  • Serbian: Volim te

  • Slovak: Lubim ta

  • English: tea amo

  • Czech: Miluji te

  • Turkish: Seni seviyorum

  • Tunisian: ha eh bak

  • Hungarian: szeretlek

  • yiddisch: ikh raised dikh lib

  • Friday, February 11, 2011

    Are G Strings Ok During Pregnancy

    Hydroxycitrate prolonged satiety

    Der Wirkstoff heißt Hydroxycitrat und ist natürlicher Bestandteil der in Indien beheimateten Pflanze Garcinia cambogia.

    Es liegen überzeugende Studiendaten vor, dass die Einnahme von Hydroxycitrat (Hydroxycitronensäure, HCA) zu einem verlängerten Sättigungsgefühl nach einer Mahlzeit führt (Gatta et al. 2009). Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie, die kürzlich im British Journal of Nutrition veröffentlicht wurden, bestätigen ältere Befunde (Westerterp-Plantenga et al. 2002), in denen eine reduziert Energieaufnahme unter der täglichen Einnahme von 900 mg Hydroxycitrat dokumentiert wurde.

    Mit der aktuellen Untersuchung an gesunden, nicht übergewichtigen Probanden gelang der Nachweis, dass die Einnahme von insgesamt 2 g HCA verteilt auf drei Mahlzeiten, den Beginn der jeweils nächsten Mahlzeit hinauszögerte. Die Probanden waren dabei von äußeren Zeitgebern abgeschirmt, sodass sie allein aufgrund des inneren Antriebes „Hunger“ den Zeitpunkt der nächsten Mahlzeit wählten. Welcher Wirkmechanismus zu der verlängerten Sättigung durch die Einnahme von HCA führt, ist noch nicht vollständig geklärt und Gegenstand weiterer Untersuchungen. Die derzeit favorisierte Hypothesis is that the oxidation of free fatty acids is improved by HCA ingestion. A high proportion of free fatty acids on the energy supply appears to be a key factor for a persistent feeling of fullness to be.

    Searches: hydroxycitrate, saturation, long enough to stay, natural agent, filling agent, less hunger, less appetite, strawberry, effect, hydroxycitrate effect, a feeling of saturated

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    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    Alloderm Graft Cost Dental

    whole apples are more satisfying than applesauce or apple juice

    An apple before the main meal, reduces the total energy intake of the subsequent meal. Whole apples are more satisfying than applesauce or apple juice with the same energy content. This study provides further evidence that liquid foods are less satiating than solid despite the same calorie content.
    This study confirms the "Preload" concept, under which it is possible through a small Vormahlzeit the total calorie intake to reduce the subsequent main meal.

    Literature: flood Obbagy JE, Rolls BJ. The effect of fruit in different forms on energy intake and satiety at a meal. Appetite. . 2009 Apr; 52 (2) :416-22

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