Sunday, May 30, 2010

How Much Are Costco Sheet Cakes

think away appetite, insatiable desire

Heißhunger kontrollieren – ein wissenschaftlicher Behandlungsansatz

Heißhunger, der unstillbare Appetit nach z.B. Schokolade hat etwas mit Bildern im Kopf zu tun, mit der geistigen Vorstellung der Dinge, die man essen möchte. Ein interessanter Behandlungsansatz ist es, in den Momenten, in denen man sich dem Verlangen hingeben möchte, sich andere Dinge bildlich vorzustellen. Sozusagen eine visuelle Konkurrenz schaffen. 

Dass dieser Behandlungsversuch wirksam ist, konnte kürzlich eine australische Arbeitsgruppe belegen (Kemps, Tiggermann 2010). Es gibt demnach einen deutlichen Relation between eye and intellectual cravings. The more intensely you imagine, for example, chocolate, the greater the desire.

In this study confirms what many know from personal experience: while the images of chocolate on your mind while developing this insatiable appetite, it is difficult to concentrate on work. The subjects in the study were able to remember bad words and tasks were solved only slowly

apple -. Jonagold

order to not succumb to the temptation, is a visual distraction is necessary. The performances of beautiful landscapes, or even of intense smells like floral scent may help. In the cited Australian study, but another, seemingly much simpler was approach successful: While the appetite stopped, the desire was kindled slowly, the candidates did on a screen in a tangled mess followed by bright points, like a screen saver and the irregular any light spots can appear. The result could think away the appetite, the desire of sweetener was less, the insatiable desire for chocolate was again kontrollierbar. 

Dass ein solches Vorgehen durchaus praktikabel sein könnte, wird daran deutlich, dass solche Programm, die für visuelle Ablenkung sorgen, auf jedem Laptop, Netbook oder sogar auf manchem Handy laufen könnten.

Link: Gibt es besonders sättigende Lebensmittel?

Kemps E, Tiggermann M. A Cognitive Experimental Approach to Understanding  and Reducing Food Cravings. Current Directions in Psychological Science 2010;19(2):86-90


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Suchbegriffe: Appetit, begehren, Begierde, Behandlung, Besessenheit, gefräßig, Gelüste, Gier, Heißhunger, Lust, Schokolade, Süßes, unersättlich, unmäßig, unstillbarer Appetit, Versuchung erliegen, Sättigungsgefühl, gesättigt

Friday, May 14, 2010

Noncut Minature Schnauzer

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Web 3.0 from Kate Ray on Vimeo.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Does The T Or F On Most Receipts Mean

influence resist the energy density on the saturation

What effect does a reduced energy density of consumed food on satiety?

energy density is defined as the amount of energy per unit weight of a food. It is expressed in calories per gram of food (kcal / g). The energy density (nutrient density) is significantly influenced by the content of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat) or to each other by the ratio of macro nutrients. With fat at 9 kcal per gram having the highest energy content, while carbohydrates and protein calories with 4 grams per lie well below.
The energy density (nutrient density) of food is also influenced by their water content. The report concludes that foods with a high water content rather low energy density (fruit), whereas a high fat content (peanuts) are usually a high energy density in its wake.

Recent findings suggest that the reduction may lead to the energy density of foods consumed at a constant feeling of fullness to a reduction in energy intake.
This can be illustrated with an example: The average daily amount of food an adult may, for example at 1200 g with an energy density of 1.8 kcal / g.. This results in a daily energy intake of calories is 2160th Would reduce the duration of the energy density of foods consumed only 0.1 kcal / g, with a constant flow of 1200 g per day, so results from a decrease in energy intake by 120 kcal kcal per day to a total of 2040.

The decrease in energy intake as a result of eating foods with lower energy density results in a short time not increase the sense of hunger. As most people in the choice of serving size of a meal to the crowd, ie the weight and volume are based, meals produce a lower energy density of an equal sense of satiety.

However, it is a difference between the energy density of a meal is reduced in that the consumed foods have a higher water content (eg a soup) or whether the water is consumed in addition to the meal. Saturation is significantly more by a high water content of the food affected as if accompanying the same amount of water is consumed as a beverage (Rolls et al. 1998) .

The so-called preload concept before the actual meal in an interval of at least 30 minutes and ate an appetizer at the end to assess whether this preload has an impact on total energy intake or the timing of saturation. If for example a soup eaten with low energy density before the actual meal, this will lead to a significant decrease in energy intake of the main meal. It is therefore possible, by a low-calorie Vorsuppe the Gesamtenergieaufnahme im Vergleich zu der Mahlzeit ohne Vorsuppe zu senken. Es gilt jedoch darauf zu achten, dass die Vorspeise (Preload) vom Körper noch als Speise und nicht als Getränk wahrgenommen wird. Ein weiteres Beispiel soll dies verdeutlichen. Werden als Preload entweder ganze Apfelstücke, Apfelmuss oder Apfelsaft mit identischem Energiegehalt angeboten, dann sind es insbesondere die Apfelstücke, die zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Gesamtenergieaufnahme (- 15 %) bei der nachfolgenden Mahlzeit führen (Flood-Obbagy et al. 2009)
. Die feste Zubereitung scheint einen günstigeren Effekt auf die Sättigung zu haben als die halbfeste Form Apfelmus bzw. die flüssige Form Apfelsaft. Damit z.B. ein Salat als Preload wirklich zu einer geringeren Gesamtenergieaufnahme führt, scheint es notwendig, dass der Salat eine niedrige Energiedichte aufweist. Wird die Energiedichte durch Zugabe von Öl, Käse oder Fleisch erhöht, so kehrt sich der Effekt ins Gegenteil um: Die Gesamtenergieaufnahme aus Preload und Standardmahlzeit liegt höher als beim alleinigen Verzehr der Standardmahlzeit. Überraschend war auch die Beobachtung, dass je größer die Menge des vorab verzehrten Salates mit niedriger Energiedichte, desto ausgeprägter war die Abnahme der Gesamtenergiezufuhr (aus Preload + Mahlzeit). Verschiedene Untersuchungen bestätigen, dass der Austausch von Nahrungsmitteln mit hoher Energiedichte gegen solche mit niedriger Energiedichte zu may cause a decrease in daily energy consumption by up to 30%. Wherein in the current investigation confirmed that the feeling of hunger and satiety by this procedure were not significantly altered. This can be interpreted as a further indication that the decision of one man over the selected portion size is essentially the weight of the food-oriented, which may be the result of a learned saturation, that is flowing past experience about the satiating effect of food in the decision on the portion size with a.

It would therefore be expected that long-term Preference for foods with low energy density to a compensation of increased portion size and leads to the positive effect would be lost to the energy intake. However, only observations are over a period of several days to two weeks, however, consistently documenting a decrease in energy consumption without compensation.

The preference for meals with low energy density even for short periods, for example, only a few days in the week or only limited to individual meals a day, could be a useful strategy to phase with a positive energy balance always compensate for the long term to stabilize des Körpergewichts beizutragen.

Welche Bedeutung der Energiedichte für die Entwicklung eines Übergewichts zukommt, macht die folgende Beobachtung deutlich: Wenn die Energiedichte der angebotenen Mahlzeiten für ältere Patienten in einem Krankenhaus über 15 Wochen erhöht wird, dann führt dies zu einer durchgängigen Erhöhung der Energieaufnahme.

Es liegen Hinweise vor, dass insbesondere Kleinkinder sehr wohl in der Lage sind, eine erhöhte Energiezufuhr (z.B. aus einer Zwischenmahlzeit) durch einen geringeren Verzehr bei der nächsten Hauptmahlzeiten zu kompensieren. Diese Fähigkeit scheint mit zunehmendem Alter vielen Menschen verloren zu gehen. Other studies come to the conclusion, however, that even school children take less energy as well as adults, when the meals have a reduced energy density. Compensation was not observed over short periods of time. A lower energy density of a meal may also be achieved according to these studies by increasing the proportion of vegetables.

epidemiological studies may also be used to check the validity of the concept. In a study of children aged 5 to 9 years were followed for 2 to 4 years, which had access to unlimited food with different energy density. The results showed, that children preferred to eat the foods with high energy density, high-fat and low fiber content, a significantly higher body fat percentage at the end of the observation period had as those who preferred foods with low energy density. These data were confirmed by a study in 6 - to 8-year-old children who were observed to enter into puberty. Here, too, could be shown that could be predicted by the energy density of the diet at baseline, the development of total body fat years later. Further epidemiological studies confirm that normal-weight compared to overweight people with lower food Energy density preferred.

people who have successfully completed a dietetic weight reduction are achieved without fundamental change in their eating habits at risk getting hit. In a study has now shown that the persons who had succeeded in reaching the body weight in the following year to maintain constant food with much lower energy density than those who preferred that more than 5% weight had increased.

This might interest you:

saturation index - particularly sättigende Lebensmittel

was _gaq _gaq = Flood-Obbagy JE, Rolls BJ. The effect of fruit in different forms on energy intake and satiety at a meal. Appetite. 2009 Apr;52(2):416-22. Rolls BJ, Castellanos VH, Halford JC, Kilara A, Panyam D, Pelkman CL, Smith GP, Thorwart ML. Volume of food consumed affects satiety in men. Am J Clin Nutr. 1998 Jun;67(6):1170-7.
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Suchbegriffe: besonders sättigend, Energiedichte, saturated, high water content, high water content, calories per gram of food, kcal / g, nutrient density, be enough, enough to be low protective energy density