Sunday, November 19, 2006

Best Stainless Steel Canister For Flour

7. (4.12.2006) Beziehungen zwischen den Organismen

(living together of organisms of different species, which is useful for one or more partners)

Proto cooperation (A casual relationship between the Different Species in the draw all participants their benefits but also without would be another viable - Hummel and red clover)

commensalism (A relationship in which only one species has an advantage, but the other has no apparent disadvantage - scavengers -)

mutualism (. coexistence for the benefit of both species - the sea anemone that lives in the cochlea of \u200b\u200bthe hermit crab Cancer is protected, sea anemone prof benefits from the food residue -)

Eusymbiose (Partner alone are no longer viable - leaf-cutting ants and fungi, food and propagation -)

Parasitismus (Zusammenleben bei dem der Parasit einen Vorteil gegenüber dem Wirt genießt bzw. dieser sogar geschädigt wird. Es gibt 3 Arten des Parasitismus: Wirt lebt während er Symbiose, Wirt stibt relativ schnell, Wirt wird vorher schon abgetötet)
Sybiosen können aber auch über den Raum definiert werden:
Ektosymbiose (Partner sind körperlich separately - flowers and pollinators, clown fish and sea anemone -)
endosymbiosis (One of the partners is taken into the body of the other - intestinal bacteria -)

The various reasons are to Synbiosen respond:
- food symbiosis (leaf-cutting ants and fungi)
- reproductive symbiosis (bees and flowering plants)
- symbiosis with protection from predators (ants to aphids)
- Ektosymbiose (hermit crab and parasite Rose)
- endosymbiosis (fungi and algae)
- commensalism (coastal and shark sucker)
... theme for me was very clear where perhaps do a little more explanation would be good: to take various reasons Synbiosen.

6 Month Old Baby Lots Of Phlegm On The Chest

6. (27.11.2006) Abiotische/ Biotische Faktoren

Abiotic factors :
the abiotic factors that affect an organism. For example: Light, temerature, water, nutrients, wind, ...

Biotic factors :
If the influences of the living environment. For example, parasites, pollination, seed dispersal, feeding relationships, ...

Furthermore, a distinction is inter-and intra-specific factors (competition), depending on whether the influence of individuals of their own species or other type starts.

Carolina Ap Bio Lab Report Answers

6. (27.11.2006) Fortpflanzung der Samenpflanzen

reproduction of flowering plants
are in bloom, the so-called reproductive organs. The stamens are the Pollen sacs where the pollen grains in turn generates
be formed in the carpels, the embryo sac. The male part grows out in the form of the pollen tube from the pollen grain. It grows through the style to the embryo sac and fertilize the egg there.
The embryo sac is the female part in which the egg is. Both male and female part of the flower have a half set of chromosomes (habloid).
arrives at the gymnosperms the pollen directly on the ovules. In the angiosperms he first arrived on the stigma, that is un-pollination between fertilization a longer time interval than is the Nacksamern. merge
When sexual reproduction (simple reproduction) two sex cells together. Fertilization happens via external fertilization (sex cells of different plants) or self-fertilization (sex cells of the same plant).
In asexual reproduction means the reproduction in which only the genes of one parent are included. Say it is an identical copy.
The pollination can in turn break down into two categories: self-pollination (pollination by pollen from the same plant) and cross-pollination (Bestäubung durch Pollen einer anderen Pflanze).

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Cubefield The Original

5. (20.11.2006) Aufbau/ Funktion: Blätter

Blatt/ Blätter

Zusammengestezte Blätter und ihre verschiedenen Formen der Blattspreiten (= durch tiefe Einschnitte in getrennte Teilblättchen zerlegt):

Blätter haben die Funktion des Gasaustausches inne, sprich sie geben den Wasserdampf ab, erzeugen somit einen Unterdruck im Blatt und dieser zieht neue Flüssigkeit aus den Wurzeln bzw. dem Stamm. Weiters ist es für die Fotosyntese zuständig. Für diese Funktionen sind verschiedene Gewebe zuständig:

- Kutikula (Schutz gegen Wasser)
- Palisadengewebe (Fotosyntese)
- Schwammgewebe (Fotosyntese, Transport of water vapor)
- intercellular spaces (airing)
- stomatal (release of water vapor, gas exchange)
- lower epidermis (Protection)
- vascular bundles (water and oxygen transport, consolidation)
- Upper Epidermis (Protection)

The leaves have adapted by different transformations to their environment:

- leaf tendrils (there have threadlike, unbranched or branched organs formed the plant to serve Klatten Eg. pea, Pumpkin)

- Journal thorns (parts of the leaf have transformed themselves through lignification or strengthening tissue in rigid bodies to protect the health and adaptation to dry conditions Eg cacti.. Thistle)

- memory leaves (leaves form in fleshy, shell-like onion leaves to seat in the folded stem axis serves the water and mass storage example: onions, snowdrop, tulip)...

- Blattsukkulente Pflanzen (Blätter wandeln sich zu fleischig verdickten Wasserspeichern um, dies dient der Anpassung an trockene Bedingungen Z.B.: Mauerpfeffer, Hauswurz, ...)

Cubefield Last Level Game

5. (20.11.2006) Aufbau/ Funktion: Stamm


Die Sprossachse oder Stamm unterteilt sich in Knoten und blattlose Zweischenknotenstücke. Die Knoten bilden die Blätter und Blüten, welche dann von der Sprossachse getragen werden.
Sie besteht aus verschiedenen Bestandteilen die alle unterschiedliche Funtionen erfüllen.

- central cylinder (storage, water and fuel line )

- Mark (storage): Located right in the middle

- Education tissue (formation of new cells): "Age Rings," they cross the central cylinder

- epidermis (protection): the bark

Surrounds - bark (assimilation, storage, consolidation)

- vascular bundles (Water and fuel lines, consolidation): the central cylinder contained lines. If they increased again you get to see their smaller components, which consist of sieve cells, blood vessels, tissues and strengthening education tissue.

The above-described cross-section refers to the plants, dicotyledons:

einkeimblättrigenPflanzen The kopöette is the stem is infused with the vascular bundles. Say no central cylinder, no tissue formation, etc.

How To Return Magnavox Tv To Factory Settings

5. (20.11.2006) Aufbau/ Funktion: Wurzel

root - root - leaf
All seed plants are geliedert into three main parts: root and shoot, and this can be divided again into the trunk (stem axis in non-woody plants) and in the leaves.
It is usually located below ground and has no leaves. The root system can be designed differently. You can have one main root that penetrates deep into the soil (deep roots) or the Seitenwuzeln grow rather flat out to all sides (Shallow). If the root of the lower Part of the shoot axis is growing this is called sprossbürtige roots.
deep roots (eg oak, dandelion, pine, fir, rape, ...)
shallow roots (such as spruce, poplar, potato, grass, ...)
Sprossbürtige Wuzelsysteme (eg cereals, ferns, onion, lily of the valley, ...)
The root has three main tasks:
- anchor the plant in the soil
- uptake of nutrients and water and transmission to the offspring
- reserve materials store
The different components have different Funktuionen:
- root hairs -> water and nutrient uptake
- rhizodermis -> Protection
- central cylinder -> stock and water management
- bark -> hydrogen storage and ventilation
- vascular bundles with vessels and sieve-tubes -> stock and water management
- Wurzelhaare -> Wasser- und Nährstoffaufnahme
- Rhizodermis -> Schutz
- Rinde -> Stoffspeicherung und Durchlüftung
- Zentralzylinder -> Stoff- und Wasserleitung
- Bildungsgewebe -> Bildung neuer Zellen
- Wurzelhaube -> Schutz
by metamorphosis of the roots are "functional" roots were participating in certain environmental conditions have adapted. storage roots : Beet (thickened main root, eg: carrot and beet), tubers (thickened sprossbürtige roots, such as: lesser celandine and orchids); detention and climbing roots (attachment to solid surface, ie: Ivy and Liane)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Pancakes From Belgian Waffle Mix Recipe

Kommentare zu Thema 4

was by and large ok for me, that is not too difficult.
was more problematic that I could use the bio-book is not really (topic is dealt with not really) and so I had to rely 100% on the Internet. There is either explained very little or very much ... so you have to look for his balance sometimes.
I still hope for a more detailed explanation of the "Einfurchenpollen / three furrows pollen" is not quite clear to me whether I have it right or enough understood.

Coyote Snares How To Make

4. (13.11.2006) Unterschied Einkeimblättrige-/ Zweikeimblättrige Pflanzen

Monocots / Dicotyledons

seed plants:

  • gymnosperms (conifers) this is the seed open to, for example in a journal
  • angiosperms ( flowering plants), the seed grows in the ovary of the flower
  • monocotyledons (a shoot growing from a seed with one cotyledon)
  • dicotyledonous Plant (from a seed a shoot grows with two cotyledons)

Eikeimblättrige plants :

seed is only one cotyledon created. The stunted radicle very rapidly and tired of this, it leads to the formation of seitlichangelegten your roots (not the main root). The stem contains vascular bundles. The stems are usually unbranched. Say seedlings with cotyledon and parallel venation leaves. (Such as all grasses, tulips)

Dicots Plant :

If plants whose seeds have two cotyledons and seedlings have network nerv-engine blades.

There are the Einfurchenpollen ( embryo has two cotyledons and pollen grains which is einfurchig) and three furrows pollen (embryo sits between two cotyledons, however, goes from pollen produced with three furrows) infurchenpollen

E :

three furrows pollen


addendum on the basis of comments / questions:

question: work out better, which plants, then, to the 1 - and 2 - keimblättrigen plants belong. What, for example with the beautiful orchids?


monocots plants -> lily plants, bulbs, asparagus plants, banana plants, orchids, grasses

Dicots Plants -> Water Lilies similar, magnolias, laurels, pepper, ranunculus, carnations, roses, ... .

Monday, November 6, 2006

Where To Get Rid Of Old Pop Bottles

4. (13.11.2006) Unterschied Nacktsamer/ Bedecktsamer

seed plants

have seed plants (as the name implies), as seed dissemination organs. In contrast to the Cryptogams (Verbreitungsoragne: spores).
This distinction is then divided into two groups:
- angiosperm, seeds are wrapped entirely of carpels.
- gymnosperms, seeds are wrapped only in part from the carpels.


The carpels are not completely closed. Gymnosperms are the original form, ie the angiosperms evolved from them.

The various flowers are asexual and consist solely of stamens (see illustration) or carpels. Often, several flowers of the same sex in journal summarized.

is the dissemination of pollen by the wind, with the possible pollination by insects. In this case, the seeds fall directly onto the unprotected site conception. In still other plants (Ginkopflanzen, cycads), there are sperm cells from the pollen tube into the cavity of the pollen chamber (filled with liquid) run from where they can swim to the egg. These

At current gymnosperms I eat to woody plants. The two main differences in comparison to the angiosperms are in the pathways (such as the liquid is transported in the plant) and in the fact that the angiosperms are fully enclosed by carpels (seed is spread through the fruit).

angiosperms (flowering plants)

The seeds are encased in an ovary (fruit leaves). He is the ovule in which there are the egg cells. If this develops a fertilized ovule of the ovary of a plant embryo (including the seeds). In the maturation, the ovary often developed for, pulp (eg, cherry).
are in the group of angiosperms there are differences in the flowers, the pathways, the components, den Befruchtungsmechanismen,... . Sie beinhaltet die meisten Arten.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Should I Work If I Have Tonsillitis

Kommentare zu Thema 1-3

Um ehrlich zu sein empfand ich die Themen der Zellteilung nur teilweise interessant.
Aber nach dem ich mich in die Materie eingearbeitet hatten (zu Beginn doch recht verwirrend) bin ich ganz gut voran gekommen.
Ich habe die für mich wichtigesten Punkte herausgearbeitet und fest gehalten.
Verständnisprobleme gab es nur zu Beginn, doch wie schon gesagt, gig es anschließend ganz gut voran.

Erarbeitet habe ich die Themen durch Suche in Internet, durch Besprechen mit Familienmitgliedern und natürlich durch das Biologiebuch.