Sunday, November 19, 2006

Best Stainless Steel Canister For Flour

7. (4.12.2006) Beziehungen zwischen den Organismen

(living together of organisms of different species, which is useful for one or more partners)

Proto cooperation (A casual relationship between the Different Species in the draw all participants their benefits but also without would be another viable - Hummel and red clover)

commensalism (A relationship in which only one species has an advantage, but the other has no apparent disadvantage - scavengers -)

mutualism (. coexistence for the benefit of both species - the sea anemone that lives in the cochlea of \u200b\u200bthe hermit crab Cancer is protected, sea anemone prof benefits from the food residue -)

Eusymbiose (Partner alone are no longer viable - leaf-cutting ants and fungi, food and propagation -)

Parasitismus (Zusammenleben bei dem der Parasit einen Vorteil gegenüber dem Wirt genießt bzw. dieser sogar geschädigt wird. Es gibt 3 Arten des Parasitismus: Wirt lebt während er Symbiose, Wirt stibt relativ schnell, Wirt wird vorher schon abgetötet)
Sybiosen können aber auch über den Raum definiert werden:
Ektosymbiose (Partner sind körperlich separately - flowers and pollinators, clown fish and sea anemone -)
endosymbiosis (One of the partners is taken into the body of the other - intestinal bacteria -)

The various reasons are to Synbiosen respond:
- food symbiosis (leaf-cutting ants and fungi)
- reproductive symbiosis (bees and flowering plants)
- symbiosis with protection from predators (ants to aphids)
- Ektosymbiose (hermit crab and parasite Rose)
- endosymbiosis (fungi and algae)
- commensalism (coastal and shark sucker)
... theme for me was very clear where perhaps do a little more explanation would be good: to take various reasons Synbiosen.


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