Sunday, November 19, 2006

Carolina Ap Bio Lab Report Answers

6. (27.11.2006) Fortpflanzung der Samenpflanzen

reproduction of flowering plants
are in bloom, the so-called reproductive organs. The stamens are the Pollen sacs where the pollen grains in turn generates
be formed in the carpels, the embryo sac. The male part grows out in the form of the pollen tube from the pollen grain. It grows through the style to the embryo sac and fertilize the egg there.
The embryo sac is the female part in which the egg is. Both male and female part of the flower have a half set of chromosomes (habloid).
arrives at the gymnosperms the pollen directly on the ovules. In the angiosperms he first arrived on the stigma, that is un-pollination between fertilization a longer time interval than is the Nacksamern. merge
When sexual reproduction (simple reproduction) two sex cells together. Fertilization happens via external fertilization (sex cells of different plants) or self-fertilization (sex cells of the same plant).
In asexual reproduction means the reproduction in which only the genes of one parent are included. Say it is an identical copy.
The pollination can in turn break down into two categories: self-pollination (pollination by pollen from the same plant) and cross-pollination (Bestäubung durch Pollen einer anderen Pflanze).


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