Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Ask Because I'm Really Curious

... just start today!

It's never too late to start with sports.

There are many good reasons to carry an aerobic workout ..

The training in the group motivated people the first step toward improved fitness and well-being to make.

Continuous training improves the oxygen uptake of muscle and tissue, relieves the heart and improves the cardiac output.
High blood pressure is lowered, deepening the breath and so increase the oxygen absorption.
Regelmäßige Bewegung senkt außerdem den LDH-Cholesterinspiegel, das so genannte schlechte Cholesterin, gleichzeitig kommt es zu einem Anstieg des guten HDL-Cholesterins. So kann sowohl der Entstehung als auch dem Fortschreiten einer Arteriosklerose vorgebeugt werden.

Regelmäßige körperliche Betätigung hilft außerdem, überflüssige Pfunde zu verlieren. Übergewicht ist ein weiterer Faktor für die Entstehung der Arteriosklerose.
Außerdem wird durch Sport das Immunsystem gestärkt und negativer Stress abgebaut.

positive side effect of sports activities:
the connective tissue and skin to be tighter
increases bone density, which decreases the risk of osteoporosis.
also makes sport mentally fit and ensures distribution of the so-called endorphins good mood.
The motivating and stimulating effect of music is already occupied by many studies. The experience of a harmonious combination of music and movement affects the human psyche ...
music enhances the attention and the joy of motion and promotes physical motivation.
improvements in everyday life are felt by:

more stamina for everyday wear
Increased power of managing everyday burdens
attitude improvements
Regular exercise promotes fat metabolism and prevent metabolic disorders.

the natural aging process can be countered through aerobic exercise not only, but it can also be achieved an improvement over the previous level out. This goes hand in hand to optimize the quality of life.

The coordination ability is trained by the combined use of arm and leg movements and the sense of balance is optimized. (Supporting prevention in the elderly).

Syphilis And Ingrown Hair

The cholesterol-a fat-like module

cholesterol synthesis in liver

The cholesterol (including cholesterol), a fat-like module has to perform vital functions in our body, it is an essential lipid. The cholesterol content of the human body is about 140 g. In humans, the liver and intestinal mucosa, the main sites of cholesterol synthesis. Except in the liver and intestinal cholesterol biosynthesis can proceed with few exceptions, almost all cells of the body. The brain synthesizes cholesterol even required of him, not because of the blood-brain barrier can happen.
organs with high cholesterol needs are the brain and the steroid hormone-producing organs - adrenals, ovaries and testes. About a quarter of total cholesterol is included in the brain where it occurs mainly in the lipid-rich myelin sheaths of axons.

cholesterol is responsible for the construction of stable cell walls, but also in the formation of bile acid in the cells of the liver is required. are cholesterol and other fats, after which they were absorbed in the small intestine, in a protein coat (chylomicrons) packed. Thus, the cholesterol gets "packaged" in chylomicrons via the lymph into the blood. Most of the chylomicron is composed of triglycerides. Excess cholesterol is absorbed in the liver because the liver is the place where the cholesterol mix from the diet and cholesterol from their own synthesis in several chemical steps. The liver is the largest cholesterol stores of the human organism. The memory is only small, if cholesterol is needed for the production of bile acid.
The level of cholesterol depends above all on the body's own production, and only secondarily on the supply of food. There are a variety of genetic hypercholesterolemia. Also as a consequence of other diseases can be elevated cholesterol levels, eg hypothyroidism, renal or metabolic syndrome. In age, the total cholesterol levels significantly.

Schema des Cholesterinkreislaufs mit Hilfe der Leber und HDL- und LDL-Cholesterin

In der Regel ist der Cholesterinspiegel bei jungen Frauen etwas niedriger als bei jungen Männern. Mit zunehmendem Alter gleicht sich dieser Unterschied jedoch aus, ältere Frauen haben schließlich im Mittel einen höheren Cholesterinspiegel als ältere Männer. Einen Sonderfall stellt die Schwangerschaft dar, in ihr ist der Gesamtcholesterinspiegel im Normalfall deutlich erhöht.

Da Cholesterin in Wasser unlöslich ist, erfolgt der Transport im Blutplasma zusammen mit anderen lipophilen Substanzen wie Phospholipiden,
Triglyceriden oder Fettsäuren, mit Hilfe von Lipoproteinen. Das über die Nahrung zugeführte Cholesterin sowie Triglyceride werden nach der Resorption aus dem Darm von den Chylomikronen aufgenommen und von dort in die Gewebe transportiert. Lipoproteine verschiedener Dichte (VLDL, IDL und LDL transport) self produced and recorded cholesterol from the liver to the tissues. HDL absorb cholesterol from the tissues and return it to the liver.

chylomicrons (CM), also Lipomikronen are low-density lipoprotein. synthesized in the intestinal mucosa, they go through the lymphatic system into the blood - transport of fat-containing dietary triglycerides - and by lipoprotein lipase to Chylomikronresten (Remnants) degraded in the liver which are the precursors of VLDL and HDL.

cholesterol in the blood mainly in two different forms of transport: the "good" HDL (high density lipoprotein) transports cholesterol from the blood vessels to the liver. So that it protects the blood vessels and can prevent atherosclerosis. The "bad" LDL (low density lipoprotein) transports cholesterol from the periphery to the cells. When a surplus, the LDL cholesterol release, which is deposited on the vessel walls and can lead to atherosclerosis.
of: www.anatomie-physiologie.de

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Indian Boobs Showing For Sweepers

anniversary project

Aerobics in Vienna CUMBIROBIC Cumberland

She;f Life Of Meclizine

TaeKwonDo in Vienna Cumberland

TaeKwonDo in Wien Cumberland

ist eine waffenlos ausgeführte Kampfkunst aus Korea, bei der Hände und Füße zu Abwehr- und Angriffstechniken eingesetzt werden.

Ein regelmäßiges Training verbessert das Allgemeinbefinden und verschafft ein gesundes seelisch-körperliches Gleichgewicht.

Only fair to others and has a strengthened self-confidence is treading his path to success personally and professionally.

sports helps you learn,

allows the physical capabilities expand,

increases the concentration and

improved self-confidence and self-confidence

Wo-fi Wpa2 Pokemon Platinum

aerobics TaeBo in Vienna Cumberland

TaeBo with Maryna
Every Thursday 17:30

TaeBo you know?
TaeBo is an aerobic kickboxing workout group. Billy Blanks / USA has called this form of training over 25 years ago and together with his daughter Shellie constantly evolving. In 2000, swept the first major TAE BO ® wave to Europe and now are TaeBo also in Europe - established - especially in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

How we came to TaeBo
Since 2000, we drew the aerobic kick boxing group training in its spell. In 2002, we have for the first time Billy and Shellie Blanks - seen live in Germany - the inventor and developer of TaeBo. Immediately took root, the desire to be able to teach original TaeBo, in our minds.
TaeBo is more than sport - TaeBo is a way of life and a new challenge every day! Be part of it!

TaeBo What?
TaeBo is a combination of punches and kicks, music moves, strength and body control, stabilization, speed and agility.
TaeBo is a unique full-body workout, which is practiced as a sport in itself or in addition to any other sports. TAE BO is extremely fast, hard and intense, but has a very high fun factor!

For whom?
TaeBo is suitable for all healthy people - Man / woman, thick / thin, young / old, trained / untrained!

Everyone does his training. Everyone works so hard on himself as he can.
You learn to feel his body and to listen to your body.

Because it's fun!
Because you are in the group moves to music, sweat and learn it themselves "durchzubeissen.
Because the entire torso, leg and arm muscles are strengthened, the Ausdauerleistung verbessert und das Herz-Kreislaufsystem gestärkt wird!

Was wird trainiert?
TAEBO ist das absolut vielseitigste Training, das man sich vorstellen kann! Es werden Kraft, Ausdauer, Koordination, Beweglichkeit, Stabilität, Schnelligkeit und die Willenskraft trainiert.
Die Schwerpunkte können in jedem Training individuell gesetzt werden, so dass das Training sehr abwechslungsreich und für jeden immer eine neue Herausforderung ist.
Regelmäßiges TAEBO Training fördert das Durchhaltevermögen and also increases self-confidence.
TaeBo and martial arts / self defense and TaeBo
TaeBo comes from the martial arts and will include this aspect in any training.
self-defense is in our time over again, or still more an issue.
TaeBo can not and should not be promoted as self-defense! To learn self-defense techniques, it is necessary "with opponents" to train.
shadow boxing feels different than hitting against resistance!

TaeBo philosophy
"You are the boss!" - You yourself are the controller of your body and your movements!

"Be the best that you can be, on your own level!"

"Walk by faith not by sight!"

"When people talk about fitness, you usually think only to your body.
But it is much more ... it takes the will!
If his will not train,
can not change your body permanently and improve! "
Posted by Shellie Blanks

Total commitment to whatever you do.
Awareness of yourself and the world.
Excellence as the truest goal in anything you do.
Body as a force for change totally.
obedience to your will and true desire to change.

Hank Aaron'sdeath Time

paper weight - How heavy is a piece of paper?

 Wie schwer ist ein Blatt Papier?
 Diese Frage stellt sich ganz besonders beim Postversand.
 Hier finden Sie das  Papiergewicht  vom  A0 bis A6 Format . Und... neben den Papierseiten sollten Sie zum Papiergewicht immer noch ein paar Gramm für den Briefumschlag berücksichtigen.
Paper Weight
Paper Weight A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
30 g/qm 30,0 g 15,0 g 12,5 g 6,3 g 3,2 g 1,6 g 0,8 g
60 g/qm 60,0 g 30,0 g 15,0 g 7,5 g 3,8 g 1,9 g 1,0 g
70 g/qm 70,0 g 35,0 g 17,5 g 8,8 g 4,4 g 2,2 g 1,1 g
80 g/qm 80,0 g 40,0 g 20,0 g 10,0 g 5,0 g 2,5 g 1,3 g
90 g/qm 90,0 g 45,0 g 22,5 g 11,3 g 5,7 g 2,9 g 1,5 g
100 g/qm 100,0 g 50,0 g 25,0 g 12,5 g 6,3 g 3,2 g 1,6 g
110 g/qm 110,0 g 55,0 g 27,5 g 13,8 g 6,9 g 3,4 g 1,7 g
115 g/qm 115,0 g 57,5 g 28,8 g 14,4 g 7,2 g 3,6 g 1,8 g
135 g/qm 135,0 g 67,5 g 33,8 g 16,9 g 8,5 g 4,3 g 2,2 g
150 g/qm 150,0 g 75,0 g 37,5 g 18,8 g 9,4 g 4,7 g 2,4 g
170 g/qm 170,0 g 85,0 g 42,5 g 21,3 g 10,7 g 5,4 g 2,7 g
220 g/qm 220,0 g 110,0 g 55,0 g 27,5 g 13,8 g 6,9 g 3,5 g
250 g/qm 250,0 g 125,0 g 62,5 g 31,3 g 15,7 g 7,9 g 4,0 g
280 g/qm 280,0 g 140,0 g 70,0 g 35,0 g 17,5 g 8,8 g 4,4 g
300 g/qm 300,0 g 150,0 g 75,0 g 37,5 g 18,8 g 9,4 g 4,7 g
350 g/qm 350,0 g 175,0 g 87,5 g 43,8 g 21,9 g 11,0 g 5,5 g
500 g/qm 500,0 g 250,0 g 125,0 g 62,5 g 31,3 g 15,7 g 7,9 g

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Produceing Too Much Blood

Aerobics in Vienna with Marina

Ab 10.11.2010

Mittwochvormittag Pilates und BBPo

Donnerstagnachmittag TaeBo und Easy Dance
Welcome to the TEAM

Lorna Morgan In Pasture


TaeKwonDo in Cumberland
for children and young people zw.4-18 years from November 15

Monday, November 1, 2010

Wedding Letters To Guests With Save A Date

1 years anniversary

Diagram Of Phatophysiology On Thoraxic Cavity

registration on or cumbirobic@hotmail.com
Tel: +43 699 11,899,755

Freie Formen, fließende Linien, die Farben eines Regenbogens...“ Im Rogner-Bad Blumau finden Mensch, Natur und Architektur auf harmonische Weise zueinander. Das einzigartige Gesamtkunstwerk, gestaltet von Friedensreich Hundertwasser, lädt ein zu außergewöhnlichen Freizeiterlebnissen fernab von Stress und Alltag. Tauchen Sie ein in die hunderttausend Jahr alten Thermalquellen und genießen Sie die vielfältigen
Erholungs- und Entspannungsmöglichkeiten.

Das ganzheitliche Gesundheitszentrum "FindeDich" verwöhnt und entspannt mit traditionellen und fernöstlichen Such as Ayurveda Massage, Tuina, Lomi Lomi Nui and aromatic body wrap.

Professional sports, fitness and recreational activities Masai walking, water running, personal training, yoga, QiGong, Tai Chi, belly dancing Styrian and include much more. Five attractive golf courses and riding stables are located in the vicinity.

Bad Blumau 100, A (Show map and directions) Plan-8283 Bad Blumau

The price includes the following services:
2 nights / half board (breakfast buffet and evening meal)
Free entrance to the hotel's own Bath und Saunalandschaft ,

inkl. tägliches Aerobic-Dance Programm mit Daniel Bata.

Preis: pro Person im Doppel- Bett Zimmer € 360,-
Einzelbettzuschlag: € 100,-

Freitag Nachmittag Eigenanreise. Das Hotelzimmer ist ab 16:00 beziehbar.

Freitag Abend um 18:00-19:00 Dance Express
Samstag Vormittag 09:45 Step Dance
Samstag Nachmittag 17.00 Special 2 Step Dance 18.00 Latino Fiesta
Sonntag Vormittag 12:00 4 Step, 13:00 Stretching (30 Min.)

Achtung begrenzte Teilnehmeranzahl von 15 Personen wegen der Saalgröße!!!

X Ray Of Cheekboen And Teeth

Halloween in Vienna

31. Oktober
Halloween is a celebration that took place in recent years more and more popular. Halloween on the eve of All Saints (November 1), was 31 October. It comes from Ireland and came to America to us. It is of Celtic origin, and proceeds from the festival for Samhain, the death of princes, out. He replaced on this day the goddess of life in the rule for half a year. They made a feast to the dead to be able to connect in contact with them.

All hallows eve
The word 'Halloween' is a shortening of All Hallows Eve ', that is the eve of All Saints. It is the Christianized Takeover of the old Celtic customs. In today's Halloween party but rather the 'profane', the ghosts, witches and wizards, as a guest. The somber and terrifying panel also discusses the Celtic time back because it was believed that the dead can return back also, but needed a living body. By the panel could mimic the dead, that they also would be a dead man and has been spared from the dead. A symbol - the bat - also points to the uncanny and stands for the vampires, the undead. It also shows that we have in our present time in everyday life safe, fun and creepy also like dressing up.

The pumpkin
Another symbol of Halloween - the pumpkin - as the same time on the season, namely the end of harvest. He mentions the story of the Irishman Jack O'Lantern back, who was very evil and haute even the devil a ride. When he died, he was either in heaven or hell in the recording. The devil gave him a piece of glowing coal, that Jack was then carved out a Ruebe to the path between the worlds illuminate. When the custom came to America, there were plenty of pumpkins, so that it replaced the head. Because of its size it could purely be carving has a terrible grimaces to deter evil spirits.