Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Ask Because I'm Really Curious

... just start today!

It's never too late to start with sports.

There are many good reasons to carry an aerobic workout ..

The training in the group motivated people the first step toward improved fitness and well-being to make.

Continuous training improves the oxygen uptake of muscle and tissue, relieves the heart and improves the cardiac output.
High blood pressure is lowered, deepening the breath and so increase the oxygen absorption.
Regelmäßige Bewegung senkt außerdem den LDH-Cholesterinspiegel, das so genannte schlechte Cholesterin, gleichzeitig kommt es zu einem Anstieg des guten HDL-Cholesterins. So kann sowohl der Entstehung als auch dem Fortschreiten einer Arteriosklerose vorgebeugt werden.

Regelmäßige körperliche Betätigung hilft außerdem, überflüssige Pfunde zu verlieren. Übergewicht ist ein weiterer Faktor für die Entstehung der Arteriosklerose.
Außerdem wird durch Sport das Immunsystem gestärkt und negativer Stress abgebaut.

positive side effect of sports activities:
the connective tissue and skin to be tighter
increases bone density, which decreases the risk of osteoporosis.
also makes sport mentally fit and ensures distribution of the so-called endorphins good mood.
The motivating and stimulating effect of music is already occupied by many studies. The experience of a harmonious combination of music and movement affects the human psyche ...
music enhances the attention and the joy of motion and promotes physical motivation.
improvements in everyday life are felt by:

more stamina for everyday wear
Increased power of managing everyday burdens
attitude improvements
Regular exercise promotes fat metabolism and prevent metabolic disorders.

the natural aging process can be countered through aerobic exercise not only, but it can also be achieved an improvement over the previous level out. This goes hand in hand to optimize the quality of life.

The coordination ability is trained by the combined use of arm and leg movements and the sense of balance is optimized. (Supporting prevention in the elderly).


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