Thursday, November 11, 2010

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aerobics TaeBo in Vienna Cumberland

TaeBo with Maryna
Every Thursday 17:30

TaeBo you know?
TaeBo is an aerobic kickboxing workout group. Billy Blanks / USA has called this form of training over 25 years ago and together with his daughter Shellie constantly evolving. In 2000, swept the first major TAE BO ® wave to Europe and now are TaeBo also in Europe - established - especially in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

How we came to TaeBo
Since 2000, we drew the aerobic kick boxing group training in its spell. In 2002, we have for the first time Billy and Shellie Blanks - seen live in Germany - the inventor and developer of TaeBo. Immediately took root, the desire to be able to teach original TaeBo, in our minds.
TaeBo is more than sport - TaeBo is a way of life and a new challenge every day! Be part of it!

TaeBo What?
TaeBo is a combination of punches and kicks, music moves, strength and body control, stabilization, speed and agility.
TaeBo is a unique full-body workout, which is practiced as a sport in itself or in addition to any other sports. TAE BO is extremely fast, hard and intense, but has a very high fun factor!

For whom?
TaeBo is suitable for all healthy people - Man / woman, thick / thin, young / old, trained / untrained!

Everyone does his training. Everyone works so hard on himself as he can.
You learn to feel his body and to listen to your body.

Because it's fun!
Because you are in the group moves to music, sweat and learn it themselves "durchzubeissen.
Because the entire torso, leg and arm muscles are strengthened, the Ausdauerleistung verbessert und das Herz-Kreislaufsystem gestärkt wird!

Was wird trainiert?
TAEBO ist das absolut vielseitigste Training, das man sich vorstellen kann! Es werden Kraft, Ausdauer, Koordination, Beweglichkeit, Stabilität, Schnelligkeit und die Willenskraft trainiert.
Die Schwerpunkte können in jedem Training individuell gesetzt werden, so dass das Training sehr abwechslungsreich und für jeden immer eine neue Herausforderung ist.
Regelmäßiges TAEBO Training fördert das Durchhaltevermögen and also increases self-confidence.
TaeBo and martial arts / self defense and TaeBo
TaeBo comes from the martial arts and will include this aspect in any training.
self-defense is in our time over again, or still more an issue.
TaeBo can not and should not be promoted as self-defense! To learn self-defense techniques, it is necessary "with opponents" to train.
shadow boxing feels different than hitting against resistance!

TaeBo philosophy
"You are the boss!" - You yourself are the controller of your body and your movements!

"Be the best that you can be, on your own level!"

"Walk by faith not by sight!"

"When people talk about fitness, you usually think only to your body.
But it is much more ... it takes the will!
If his will not train,
can not change your body permanently and improve! "
Posted by Shellie Blanks

Total commitment to whatever you do.
Awareness of yourself and the world.
Excellence as the truest goal in anything you do.
Body as a force for change totally.
obedience to your will and true desire to change.


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