Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Example Letter Of Community Ser

7. (4.12.) Das Ökosystem

Def: The ecosystem designate the system in the living organisms and their environment (habitat) interact are, in other words it is the linkages between communities described in a certain habitat.
= ecosystem habitat (habitat) + biological communities (all the living beings)
ecosystems ...
... open : (exchange both energy and matter with its surroundings = living system) open systems
... dynamic : means that the system created by internal and external influences
... complex : they have different elements and structures which are connected by an ecological effects and interactions are .
... be described.
The abiotic and bibiotischen factors influence each other and change.

operating principles
The creatures of the biological community (community of organisms of different species) will affect the material cycle and affects the living organisms (abiotic factors).
types of organisms :
- primary producers (which form from inorganic substances and organic substances ... most energy plants and autotrophic bacteria)
- (feed on producers or other consumers admit, taking off more or less nutritious / energy substances) Consumer
- decomposers build (producers and consumers from including their faeces, mineralize them again to abiotic factors to them. .. bacteria, fungi ,...)
In an ecosystem, the river / course of substances trackable and quantifiable.
you influence each other. The limits are set there try out the two-way transition at the minimum.
Entwicklung von Ökosystemen
Ökosysteme sind dynamisch. Bei stabilen äußeren Einflüssen würden sie sich zu einem Klimaxstadium (höchste Entwicklungsstufe/ Endstadium) entwickeln. Dieser Verlauf passiert über verschiedene Stadien. Wenn dieses Klimaxstadium ungestört bleiben würde, würden sich dessen Bestandteile so beeinflussen, dass ein Gleichgewicht entstehen würde. Sprich eine Änderung würde erst wieder durch äußere Änderungen passieren können.
mosaic-cycle concept
occur in nature in an ecosystem mostly different stages next to each other. If lightning strikes in a forest, and suddenly overgrown field arises. By dynamism and pioneers of this part is repopulated.
Furthermore, some parts of ecosystems or species not durable climax. Say they are changing, even without environmental effects.
classification of ecosystems
Classification is performed by structure (residence or location sizes, space requirements, food levels) and dynamic (energy flow, biogeochemical cycles, succession).
further divided ecosystems in terms of their geographical distribution (= ecotope is the spatial extent and the non-living components).
overview of the ecosystems (ecotopes)

terrestrial ecosystems
- all
climates : Moore swamp
- Arctic Climate: Antarctic land ice , tundra, taiga boreal coniferous forest
- temperate oceanic zone : deciduous hardwood forest mixed deciduous forest mixed mountain forest
- gemäßigt-kontinentale Zone : Waldsteppe,
Steppe, Pampa
- alpine Zone : subalpiner Nadelwald, alpine Stufe, nivale Stufe
- mediterrane Zone : Hartlaubformationen
- Tropen : Wüsten ( Nebelwüste, Salzwüste), Savanne, tropischer Trockenwald ( trockener Monsunwald, Savannenwald, Dornwald), tropische Hochgebirge, quatoriale Zone (Tropen), tropischer Regenwald
aquatische Ökosyteme
- limnische Ökosyteme : stehende
Gewässer, Fließgewässer
- marine Ökosyteme : Flach M eer, Hochsee, Tiefsee, Eismeer, Felsenküste Felswatt, Korallenriffe, Salzwiesen, Watten, Mangrovenwald Mangrovenwald
description of an ecosystem - deep
= light-contact parts of the ocean below 1000 meters. This description applies to 70% of the sea surface.
There are extreme conditions. No Primärprduktion by plants (no production of biomass) as due to lack of light exestieren no plants. Primary production occurs only Duch hydrothermal vents (water accumulation in rock strata that is liquid. It often contains large amounts of dissolved volcanic Gases and minerals. Upon cooling, the deposition of minerals) is also called "black smokers." -> See picture.
Although the conditions are very hostile to life here is a variety of wildlife.
food chain: predators - scavengers or bacteria
Temperature: -1 ° C to 4 ° C
No strong currents
fall decay products by exposed from the surface are the most important food source .
The surface of the deep sea (1000m measured depth) accounts for 62% of the earth's surface.
In the deep sea are important areas:
mid-ocean ridges - mountain system of the ocean
ocean basins - in all parts of the ocean present extensive and deep pools
deep-sea trenches - trenches (Witjastiefe 1 "11 034 m deep deepest position leather deep )
two major areas:
The pelagic = habitat of the free water
- euphotic zone up to 200 m, well photographed
- Disphotische Zone thinned by 200 m to 1000 m, poorly Zone
- bathypelagic zone of 1000 m to 4000 m, lightless zone
- abyssopelagische zone of 4000 m to 6000 m
- zone of deep-sea trenches of 6000 m and deeper
the seafloor = Area of seabed
- bathyal of 200 m to 2000 / 3000 m continental slope of the continental shelf to deep sea level
- abyssal region from 2000/3000 m to 6000 m deep basin
- Hadalzone of 6000 m to approximately 10,000 m deep trenches

deep-sea fish = fish adapted to a life of less than 500m
The greatest depth in a fish sighted WAS was 10900m. With the time displayed by natural selection to adapt to this extreme environment instead.
As many deep-sea fish between the zones swim back and forth, the pressure differences are in balance. This occurs, for example, by a swim bladder which can be adjusted by inflating and deflating the pressure.
The fish in the low-light areas usually have large eyes in order to optimize the Lichtausbeiute. Do they live in total darkness, the eyes no longer function and regress over time. Many of them have additional light organs (by chemical reaction with the aid of symbiotic bacteria, light is generated). They meet Functions such as lighting of the environment, attracting prey and mating. For example, the deep-sea fishing (see picture above): its extension to the light organ, fish are attracted and swim dirket from its mouth.
reproduction is a difficult issue in the deep sea. Since the probability of a meeting of males and females of the same species is so small it does sometimes mean that the parasitic dwarf male with the female grows together, nourished by the blood stream and is limited to the role of sperm formation.


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