Saturday, January 20, 2007

How To Write An Alpha Kappa Alpha Interest Letter

13th (01/22/2007) Structure of the nervous system: brain, spinal cord, somatic / vegetative nervous system

movement is coordinated by the messaging system, ie the functions are coordinated. This messaging system called the nervous system.

It is an anatomical separation in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and in the peripheral nervous system (the brain and spinal cord nerves springing + sequel in single nerve).

Central Nervous System -> brain (cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem) + spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System -> brain nerve + peripheral nerves -> Arbitrary Nervous system (somatic nervous system) + involuntary nervous system (autonomic nervous system)

the peripheral nervous system is divided more times in the involuntary and voluntary nervous system. Arbitrary nervous system (motor nervous system) controls all voluntary muscle movement. The involuntary nervous system (autonomic nervous system) controls without the conscious participation of the various processes of our body (such as digestion, heartbeat, breathing ,...) given it requires two different systems, the sympathetic (stimulating and mobilizing functions) and the parasympathetic (calming and braking functions ).

end : brain (central nervous system) sends impulses to the muscles (peripheral nervous system) which controls the functions of the body, not the free will subject (autonomic nervous system).

reflexes: the movements are man considered to be controlled by the voluntary nervous system (somatic nervous system), for example. I would like on a chair -> brain the appropriate commands to the appropriate nerve Next -> activation of the muscles needed to sit down.
reflex movements off the will, because voluntary movements may be too slow, for example. run in pain, the conservation movement very quickly.
pain stimuli are transmitted from the receptors (sensors) of the skin to the nerve and the nerve to the spinal cord. Now is the abbreviation, which is exactly where the stimulus is not transmitted to the brain, as usual, but reverted in the spinal cord to the motor nerves -> Hand immediately receives the appropriate signal. This is called reflex arc.

brain :
a. cerebrum
b. Diencephalon
c. Bar
d. thalamus, hypothalamus (hormones)
e. midbrain
f. pituitary (hormones)
g. cerebellum
h. bridge (Pons)
i. Extended Mark (medulla oblongata)
j. 4. Third ventricle
l. ventricle aqueduct

areas of the brain: the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and bridge. The bar (corpus callosum) separates the right and left brain (hemispheres). Close insemination WITHIN COMPETENCE nerves.
Through various centers in the brain to control different abilities (eg speech, Feeling, memory, vision,). When a brain injury is able to be affected by different nerves that can cause various failures.
The brain is protected by the bony skull. Furthermore forked column three very fine membranes (solid mater, arachnoid membrane, pia mater), the brain from direct contact with the skull bone. Provides extra protection in the brain and spinal fluid (CSF) since.

spinal :
The spinal cord is responsible for signal transmission in the central nervous system.
It consists of Nerve cells forming a tissue strand that goes from the base of the brain into the area of the second or third lumbar vertebra.

In Mark lost sensory and motor nerve cells from the brain to the peripheral system and back. It has the function of the line. Only about 25 grams majority in the spinal cord is inside, this reduces the risk of injury. For violations of the cord can cause cognitive impairment or paralytic.
addition, it is responsible for the quick responses -> see reflections.



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