Saturday, February 24, 2007

How To Make Anarkali Suit?

19th +20. (12.3.) Structure / function of DNA and chromosomes

Wiederholung von 3. (6.11.2006) Zellteilung - Mitose

Das Chromosom (Bilder und Inhalte von

  1. chromatid (chromatid). One of two identical parts of the chromosome.
  2. centromere (point where the two chromatids)
  3. Short arm
  4. Long Arm

chromatid Both contain exactly the same DNA. The chromosome after the separation is only of a Tochterchromatid. Vor einer erneuten Trennung muss es sich also verdoppeln.

Der Mensch hat 46 Chromosome, wovon 2 die Geschlechtshormone ausmachen (XX bei Frauen, XY bei Männern).

Die Chromosome bestehen aus langen Chromosomenfäden (siehe Abbildung) die sich mehrmals "aufzwirbeln". Die geschied Zwecks Zeilteilung.

depression after

The figure shows 46 human chromosomes as they are in the to see cell (Here are the chromosomes, however, ordered). The chromosomes (twirled DNA) can visible only during cell division.

organisms have different genetic information and therefore also different chromosomes, that is a different number.

bacterium -> chromosome 1 (+ small THEN rings)

rice -> 24 chromosomes

mouse -> Chromosome 40

man -> 46 chromosomes

chimpanzee -> 48 chromosomes

beef -> Chromosome 60

horse -> 66 chromosomes

dog -> 78 Chromosome

Die DNA Bausteine nennt man Nukleotide ( Bausteine der Nukleinsäuren

Nukleotide haben drei Bestandteile

- organischen Base

- Monosaccharid

- phosphoric

The two strands are in opposite directions. The four different bases contained in DNA (adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine) always form pairs (adenine with thymine and cytosine with guanine) DNA from each base contains the same amount ( aperiodic) .

The backbone of the strand is a chain of phosphate sugar and the ever repeated.

The two strands twisted around each other (helix), so called the DNA double helix . This property is called plektonemisch (In order to separate the DNA may have to wrest it first).

The chromosome gets more stability through the so-called stacking effect (The base pairs are stacked - if you look at the cross section of the chromosome) and the hydrogen .


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