Saturday, February 24, 2007

What Kind Of Chain Should I Buy

18 (26.2.2007) The female cycle

the female cycle and its hormonal control


- Hypophyse schüttet während der Menstruat ion FSH aus

- FSH bewirkt die Follikelheranreifung (Eibläschen und Nährstoffe) in einem der beiden Eierstöcken

- follicles produced estrogen

- estrogen effect structure of the endometrium and the influence of the hormone production of the hypophysis à FSH and LH production is inhibited production sep tartet

- On reaching the special concentration ratio of FSH and LH à Eisprung / Ovulation (Eizelle wandert im Eileiter Richtung Gebärmutter à kann befruchtet werden! Der Follikelrest bleibt im Eierstock zurück = Gelbkörper

- Gelbkörper schüttet nun Progesteron aus: 1. Aufbau der Gebärmutterschhleimhaut (Vorbereitung für die Einnistung eines befruchteten Eies) 2. Hemmung der FSH- und LH- Produktion der Hypophyse (es kann kein neuer Follikel entstehen) 3. Basaltemperatur (nach dem Measured temperature rise up) 2 days after ovulation rise by 0.5 degrees

- After jumping, the progesterone takes over holding the function of estrogen

egg is not fertilized:

- endometrium produces gonadotropin (the hormone also enters the urine à pregnancy tests)

- luteal not stunted, progesterone continues to be produced

- luteum is maintained for 2 months

- placenta takes over progesterone production

egg is not fertilized:

- luteal stunted

- Es wird kein Progesteron mehr erzeugt

- Ablösung der Gebärmutterschleimhaut

Der weibliche Zyklus:

Erste Anzeichen für das Eintreten der Menstruation:

- leucorrhœa (discharge from the vagina à functioning of sex organs)

- feminine figure

- growth spurt

The change 1st Menstrual period is between 10 and 15 Age (triggers are hormones). Closed real bodies and the cycle are controlled by hormones. If enough sex hormones are produced ripens about every 4 weeks approaching an egg.


- ~ every 4 weeks maturing an egg in the ovaries

- The egg leaves the ovary and travels through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. This process takes about 3-4 days.

- During this period, the endometrium is thicker and collect it in the nutrients to à preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

- If the egg is not fertilized, the egg dissolves on à Eibett (endometrium) is therefore unnecessary.

- About two weeks after ovulation will dissolve the top layer of the endometrium from and menstruation begins.

The cycle can take a long time differently. He begins with the first day of menstruation and ends before the start of the next menstrual period. The menstrual period lasts between 3 and 7 days (65 - 80 ml of menstrual fluid). The first three days of menstruation are strongest, it loses about two thirds of the control fluid.


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