Thursday, April 22, 2010

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Resistant starch has a pronounced effect of saturation

Clinical studies show that resistant starch has an influence on the saturation. It seems that the immediate effect, ie, the saturation effect in the first hours after the meal was less pronounced than at later times.

striking, however, the delayed effect of resistant starch on the saturation is 8 to 12 hours later, here is a far less pronounced hunger and earlier saturation. This so-called Second-Meal-Effect is more of a Third-Meal-Effect, as it for inclusion in the RS Breakfast earlier in the evening to take effect.

Compared to other fiber is found for resistant starch is a striking advantage in terms of the length of the saturating effect. A sufficiently effective dosage is in the range of> 8 g \u200b\u200bresistant starch per day. Resistant starch appears to be an additive effect to the already known beneficial effects of other soluble and insoluble fiber have. In terms of blood sugar regulation was shown in a study of various cereals, for example, that the high content of RS in barley and rye crops are positive on the blood sugar levels and thus the glucose tolerance subsequent meals effect (Nilsson et al. 2008).

The bacterial fermentation in the hindgut provides a significant contribution to the sustained saturating effect of the RS. This explains why even 10 hours after admission may have an effect can be observed.

first Willis HJ, Eldridge AL, Beiseigel J, Thomas W, Slavin JL. Greater satiety response with resistant starch and corn bran in human subjects. Nutr Res 2009 Feb; 29 (2) :100-5.
second Nilsson AC, Ostman EM, Granfeldt Y, Björck IM. Effect of cereal test breakfasts differing in glycemic index and content of indigestible carbohydrates on daylong glucose tolerance in healthy subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar, 87 (3) :645-54.

Further Links about resistant starch

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Searches: fiber, very filling, blood sugar regulation, expected saturation, barley, glucose tolerance, resistant starch, resistant starch, do enough, enough to be , Second Meal Effect

, satiety



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