Saturday, April 10, 2010

Episode 801 South Park Fr

saturation effect of liquid and solid foods - influence of the viscosity

The energy intake from beverages appears to reduce the appetite less than a comparable amount of energy absorbed from solid food (Mourao et al. 2006). If a substantial portion of the calories consumed by beverage, so often a positive energy balance is observed with weight gain, because this additional supply of energy from beverages is not compensated by a lower food intake.
The comparison of solid and liquid food with the same energy content and taste reveals a significantly höheren Sättigungseffekt von Nahrungsmitteln in fester Form. Beim Vergleich der Energieaufnahme bis zum Eintritt des Sättigungsgefühls von einer flüssigen im Vergleich zu einer halb-festen (Creme) Speise zeigte sich eine um 47 Prozent höhere Energieaufnahme aus der Getränkezubereitung (de Wijk et al. 2008). Auffällig war die geringere Menge, die von den Probanden pro „Bissen“ der Creme im Vergleich zur Aufnahme pro Schluck des Getränkes konsumiert wurde. Sobald der Aufwand des „Verarbeitens“ bzw. des Schluckens der Creme im Mund entfällt, nähren sich die für eine Sättigung konsumierten Mengen von flüssiger und halb-fester Nahrung wieder an. Eine Further testing of Zijlstra et al. 2008, confirm these results. They documented a difference of 30 percent at the opening of a liquid or semi-solid foods with the same energy content up to the onset of saturation. It is remarkable that the inclusion in semi-liquid form (as Shake) right between the liquid and semi-solid dosage form was (+14 percent). If the uptake rate, (ie the time that is needed for each sip or bite) aligned, the higher energy consumption is reduced from the drink compared to the semi-solid formulation of 30 to 12 percent. The authors conclude that a higher viscosity leads to a reduced total intake and this lower intake mainly due to the lower absorption rate (Zijlstra et al. 2008).

The longer retention of a highly viscous composition in the mouth, there is a prolonged oro-sensory stimulation, which according to studies of Mars et al. 2009 a major building block for the trained saturation (learnd satiation) is. This learning process is important for selecting the "correct" portion size when repeatedly eating the same food.

Another working group dealt with the question of whether the viscosity of the food offered is also on the longer-term Saturation until the next meal effect. While the above-cited studies on the acute satiety (satiation), leading to the cessation of food intake, relative, has been reviewed by solah and colleagues, 2010, whether the recurrence affects the sense of hunger up to 4 hours after ingestion (Satiety) on the viscosity is.

The result was clear: preparations with high compared to low viscosity reduces more with the same energy content of the feeling of hunger. An interesting finding that hunger is more influenced by the viscosity was as by the protein content (solah et al. 2010). It should be noted remains that the greater satiating effect of high compared to a low protein content of the food can be regarded as assured.

Conclusion: The saturation admission after taking liquid food or calorie-containing beverages is delayed. The degree of saturation is not consistent to the energy content of a comparable food preparation in solid form. A high viscosity increases the saturation effect of liquid food. By a slow or delayed supply intake can lower the saturation effect of liquid food to partially offset

link. Are there particular sättigende Lebensmittel?


1. RA de Wijk, N Zijlstra, M Mars, C de Graaf, Prinz JF.The effects of food viscosity on bite size, bite effort and food intake. Physiol Behav. 2008 Oct 20, 95 (3) :527-32. Epub 2008 Aug 5.

2. N Zijlstra, M Mars, de Wijk RA, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Earl C. The effect of viscosity on ad libitum food intake. Int J Obese (Lond). April 2008, 32 (4) :676-83.
3. Mars M, PS Hogenkamp, Gosses AM, Stafleu A, Earl C. Effect of viscosity on learned satiation. Physiol Behav. 4 August 2009, 98 (1-2) :60-6.
4. Mourao DM, Bressan J, Campbell WW, Mattes RD. Effects of food form on appetite and energy intake in lean and obese young adults. Int J Obes (Lond). 2007 Nov; 31 (11) :1688-95. Epub 2007 Jun 19th
5th Solah VA, Kerr DA, Adikara CD, Meng X, Binns CW, Zhu K, Devine A, Prince RL. Differences in satiety effects of alginate-and whey protein-based foods. Appetite. 2010 Feb 6th [Epub ahead of print]

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Suchbegriffe: Sättigungswirkung, Getränke, Suppen, Saft, Sättigung von Flüssignahrung, fest oder flüssig, bessere Saturation effect is saturated, solid food than liquid, high viscosity, remain tired, persistent enough, a feeling of saturated


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