Thursday, April 19, 2007

Example Golf Tournament Flyers

26 - 28 (7.5.) Mendelian rules, basic concepts (haploid, diploid, dominant, recessive, allele homozygous, heterozygous)

- Mendelian rules -

Georg Mendel = founder of the history of genetics. Erführte 355 intersections (7 characteristics) and examined the hybrids (hybrids)
In the selection of the examined plants, it was important that they are many and easily distinguishable duck Merkamle have two manifestations have -> GARDEN PEA
- seed shape
- seed color
- Blühtenfrabe
- Pod shape
- Schoten
color - the prime postition
- This pea shoot length

reproduces mainly by self-fertilization (autogamy = inbred). Therefore, Mendel had to remove the immature flowers the stamens targeted perform Investigate busbar systems to be able to speak prevent autogamy.
Furthermore, it was important to use pure-bred plants (= plants have shown several Geration no changes).

first crossed Mendel purple flowering peas together (anther one on ovaries of the other plant) = parents generation = Parental generation P

From the resulting Ebsen grew once purple flowering peas = daughter generation = Final Generation F1

This crossings (intersections with only one feature) is called mono hybrid cross (intersection near a feature taken) is

Then he crossed a purebred yellow pea with a pure green pea:

mono hybrid cross (inheritance)
seed color (characteristic)
yellow / green seeds (races)

The first filial generation F1 -> yellow seeds.
After crossing the Tocherganeration each other, he received the second filial generation F2 -> color ratio 3:1 (majority yellow)

==> KEY inheritance

therefore crossed Mendel the F2 generation to another,

50% yellow F2 seeds were at the crossing with each other => 3:1 (see the two groups of four in the middle)
crossing only green seeds of the F2 Generatin => 100% green seeds (see the foursome on the right)
25% of the yellow seed crossings => 100% yellow seeds (see group of four left)

Episode 3 Final revisions:
  1. The inheritance of characteristics is based on genes. These genes are passed on unchanged to future generations.
  2. Each descendant inherit from his parents, only one unit (feature) The
  3. System need not be visible in the individual to be passed on to other GENRATION.
If one looks at the second conclusion, it means that each pea from each Merkam (heredity) has two versions (diploid chromosome set). In inheritance, but only one feature is passed (haploid set of chromosomes). Say the genetic material is cut in half by meiosis.

The third conclusion does not mean that some genes can overlap, and others. Depending on the combination, they will reappear in later generations.
overlapping genes = dominant, genes can be overlap = recessive .
Say appearance be (phenotype) and the combination of genes (genotype) must be distinguished.

consideration of the above shown test given phenotype and genotype

parental generation P is a purebred = homozygous , say they have two identical genes (in terms of the characteristic)
Man speaks of the green allele and the yellow allele (allele = a feature may appear in different forms, for example: flowers can be red or white). Sprcih the characteristic seed color comes in two variants of the phenotype before (time = yellow and one green seed).
The gene of the dye exists in two alleles.

F1 generation heterozygous = heterozygous
The individuals each have a yellow and one green genetic trait of the parents.

F2 generation plants gelbsamige 25% homozygous, 50% and 25% homozygous heterozygous gelbsamige grünsamige pea plants.

=> phenotypic segregation ratio = 3: 1 led

Menedl through these junctions with respect to all features and always came to the same conclusion:
  • one allele is dominant (eg yellow seeds)
  • one allele is rezenssiv (Eg green seeds)
  • The genotype, despite the yellow phenotype YG, YY be
http:/ /

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Charmglow Natural Gas Conversion Kit

23rd - 25 (16.4.) 21 mitosis / meiosis

mitosis (cell division: Result are two identical cells)

-> Repeat:

third (6.11.2006) cell division - mitosis

mitosis - cell division (asexual reproduction)

The course a typical cell division is the same for plants and animals in most cases. It is a form and structure of the nucleus in each daughter nucleus has the same genetic heritage and all the parent nucleus.

course of the division:

  • working core (normal key) => Ab.b.: A
  • is prophase (the nuclear and chromatin is in a Fadenknäudel, in which the chromosomes become visible as long thin filaments) => Ab.b.: B and C
  • metaphase (chrome Some thicken, then passes through a longitudinal split) => Ab.b.: D and E
  • anaphase (separation of the daughter chromosomes) => Ab.b.: F and G
  • telophase (loosening of chromatin and return to work form) => Ab.b.: H
  • working core (two new nuclei were created) => Ab.b.: IThe chromosome

(images and content of )

first Chromatid (chromatid). One of the two identical Parts of the chromosome.
second Centromere (the point of contact of the two chromatids)
third Short arm
4th Long arm

Both chromatid contain exactly the same DNA. The chromosome after the separation is only of a Tochterchromatid. Prior to re-separation, there must be doubled also.

Humans have 46 chromosomes, 2 of the sex hormones make up (XX in females, XY for males).

tasks of chromosomes / cell division:

  • carriers of DNA
  • cell division
  • basis for the Gene / genotype
  • disease-related variations can cause severe damage to lead
  • growth
  • wound healing
  • asexually plan Zung
  • .....

addendum on the basis of comments / questions:

question: Look at even more closely at how chromosomes are composed.

Answer: The chromosomes are composed of long chromosome threads (see figure), the "aufzwirbeln" several times. The divorced Zeilteilung purpose.

question: What happens when the natural life cycle of a cell (interphase - prophase - metaphase, etc., all these different phases last so long) to get messed up? In the form of what disease this is expressed in humans?

Answer: The chromosomes are not distributed correctly to the two daughter cells - created> cancer cells!

Question: What is the role of colchicine in mitosis? What is that, from which one gets it and for what purpose is it used?

Answer: Colchicine is a mitosis. It prevents the formation of spindle fibers. It will nevertheless go through the different phases and stopped nihct. The absence of the spindle stage may not align the chromosomes. The balance between sister chromatids is omitted -> in a cell division occurs without and one (not the cell nucleus without viable) with core. If the cell is again doubled, stribt from the animal cell, the plant cell is increased. (Plant breeding)


Definition: Unter der Meiose oder Reifeteilung versteht man eine besondere Form der Kern- und Zellteilung, die in zwei Schritten zur Bildung von 4 Keimzellen (Gameten) führt und bei der der Chromosomensatz vom diploiden auf den haploiden Zustand reduziert wird.

Zwecks sexueller Fortpflanzung werden in den männlichen und weiblichen Geschlechtsorganen Geschlechtszellen=Gameten gebildet. Diese Zellen sind haploid (Chromosomensatz einer Zelle ist nur einfach vorhanden). Wenn eine männliche und eine weibliche Gamete bei der BEfruchtung verschlezen entsteht dabei die Zygote (durch Mitose entsteht ein kompletter Organismus).

Bei der Gametenbildung wird nur eine einfache Ausfertigung der Erbanlage weitergegeben (keine doppelte):

  • Körperzellen -> dipoloiden Chromosomensatz -> 2x
  • Gameten/Geschlechtszellen -> haploiden Chromosomensatz -> 1x
Bildung der Gameten bei der sexuellen Fortpflanzung:

  • Pflanzen: männliche Gameten -> Staubbeuteln; weibliche Gameten -> Fruchtknoten
  • Tieren/ Menschen: männliche Gameten -> Hoden; weibliche Gameten -> Eierstöcken
Wenn keine Halbierung des Erbgutes erfolgen würde, hätten die verschmolzenen Zellen die doppelte Menge an Genen. Dies würde zum Platzen der Zelle führen.

Daher wird die Meiose zur Chromosomensatzreduzierung verwendet (Meiose wird daher auch als Reduktiosteilung bezeichnet). NAch Verschmelzung der Geschlechtszelle ist wieder ein diploider Chromosomensatz vorhanden.

  • Mitose -> 2 identische Tochterzellen (zu Beginn haploid, haben allerdings die Fähigkeit die Chromosomen zu verdoppeln -> diploid)
  • Meiose -> 4 nicht identische Gameten (haploid)


two sections:

  • first Meiosis: meiosis I -> pairing of homologous chromosomes / Crossing Over
  • second Meiosis: Meiosis II -> as mitosis

As divisions between the no DNA synthesis takes place (no new cells are formed, ie no duplication of the DNA) occur after the cell divisions four haploid cells.

first Meiosis :

prophase I :
longest phase of meiosis

  • In the cell there is a diploid set of chromosomes, one haploid set of chromosomes from the mother and the father to arise.
  • The two chromatids screws to -> long, thin filaments are visible -> two homologous pairs of chromosomes (sister chromatids).
  • homologous chromosomes lie then another parallel (centromere to centromere) -> 4 parallel chromatids (tetrad)
  • If the non-sister chromatids cross over fragments are exchanged of chromatid -> chiasma (crossover) = Crossing Over . This occurs randomly.
  • Centriolenpaare move away from each other -> the spindle fibers are formed -> nuclear envelope and nucleoli dissolve

metaphase I :

chromosome pairs arranged on both sides in the center of the cell between the spindle apparatus of

  • spindle fibers connect to the nearby centromere

anaphase I :

purpose of separation of homologous chromosome pairs

The sister chromatids are drawn to the poles of the spindle Lappe Council, thereby separating dei is homologous pairs of chromosomes

haploid set of chromosomes at each pole of the spindle Lappe Council

random arrangement and distribution of the maternal and paternal chromosomes

telophase I : reach
Chromosome Pole - Screw> initiation of cell division

chromosomes are

The cytoplasm is divided

chromosome has (! in contrast to mitosis) now its two chromatids -> two different cells

difference male / female cells: male -> separation into two equal-sized cells; female -> only a cell formed complete, another is a smaller cell, with the large Egg related

It is then followed without interphase, prophase II fluently.

2. Meiosis:

prophase II :

Chromosome screw formed on

formation of a new spindle apparatus

chromosomes to the equatorial plane pulled

decay of nuclear membrane and nucleolus

metaphase II :

  • arrangement of chromosomes by means of centromeres to the equatorial plane

anaphase II :

  • The sister chromatids are separated at the centromere and migrate to the cell poles (Note: the sister chromatids are due the 1st meiosis ! Not identical)

telophase II :

  • chromatids are located at the poles
  • nuclei formed
  • created division of the 2 cells 4 cells with haploid chromosome set!
  • male sex cells (spermatocytes) -> four gleich große Zellen (Spermatiden) -> Entwicklung zu Spermien
  • weiblichen Geschlechtszellen (Oocyte) -> eine große/fruchtbare Eizelle + drei kleine/unfruchtbare Richtungskörperchen (haben keine Funktion)
  • Chromosome verschrauben sich

Bedeutung der Meiose:

  • Bildung der haploiden Geschlechtszellen
  • Durchmischung des Erbgutes

Sunday, March 11, 2007

How To Remove Local Stations From Direct Tv

+22. (26.3.) Replication, transcription, translation, genetic code

Genetic Code (Part 1)

information transmission and information storage by means of the four nucleotides (building blocks of nucleic acid). Depending on the arrangement of nucleotides, unzterschiedliche information is stored. Because of the Doppelstragnes any information is duplicated as a mirror image. The two times the body can store the information again and again reproduce.

The genetic information will only be weitergeggeben by using enzymes but since these are outside the nucleus is located, the information must be read within ds nucleus (transcription) brought to the ribosomes, which in turn form the corresponding enzymes / proteins (translation).

The RNA (ribonucleic acid) is the working copy of DNA. While the DNA base pairs adenine - thymine, guanine - contains cytosine, the RNA has no thymine. Speak with the RNA thymine is replaced by uracil: adenine - uracil, guanine - cytosine. Another difference is that the RNA masters only t stranded is. can share

replication (duplication of DNA)

Thus, a cell needs to double
Dna the first (about afterwards again can share), a process known as replication.
Considering the cell cycle, replication happens in the S phase (see figure above).

The split happened in several locations at the DNA. When the DNA is threaded replication bubbles formed (structure of DNA in the reading of a gene or replication). work in these bubbles because
nn two complexes against direction. This replication complex is composed of several elements: enzyme helicase (responsible for the "screwing" of the double helix), gyrase, proteins, Prina and various DNA polymerases (enzyme that is responsible for the production of the new DNA strand) is . The doubling happens in both directions, that is, until the two bubbles GATHERING (see illustration).

process of replication :

first Unwinding DNA and stabilizing the second
Education is a koplementäre
n DNA outside (3'-5 'direction) -> After the split formed new outer sides and there are therefore of a DNA strand two.
third Formation of Okazaki fragments and the binding to the DNA strand in entgegegengesetze direction.

-> After the split can be formed outside new pages (training runs in opposite directions) and there are therefore of a DNA strand two.

In prokaryotes, replication takes
40 minutes (about 4.7 x 10 6 base pairs)

In eukaryotes ( human chromosome ), This process would take several months. But through the "use" of replication bubbles it only lasts an hour. ( 150 x10 six base pairs )


read off by means of the enzyme transcriptase. It scans the string for the needed genetic information and separates the double strand in half by the end of the required information. On one of the now exposed strands of DNA are deposited at RNA nucleotides. If mRNA single carrier and single-stranded DNA into a "new" Double Stang have formed, dissolves from the mRNA strand and the DNA double-old Stang can connect again. By an NPC leaves the DNA copy of the nucleus, releasing it to the ribosomes.


The resulting mRNA (messenger RNA) is then read by the ribosomes and converted to the corresponding proteins: The mRNA passes through the ribosome through. There, the mRNA, from the corresponding position is read and translated to the Arminosäurensequenz of the protein.

order needed and amino acids to obtain the so-called tRNA is formed. The tRNA is a smaller part of the RNA, which is shaped like a clover leaf. It has an amino acid binding site and a site for the anticodon (Komplimentäre bases corresponding to the mRNA).

The tRNA "sits" as on the mRNA and "obsolete" by the adjacent Arminosäure (a Arminosäure equivalent to 3 bases). In the next three bases, the next tRNA is the next appropriate Arminosäre. These acids form a chain. were joined after the Arminosäuren the tRNA detaches from the mRNA and the Arminosäure. If the operation is finished has been created from a finished Arminosäurekette protein that can be released into the plasma.

Genetic Code (Part 2)

How can the entire genetic information of only four Nukletiden be passed. A Nuledit can not possibly encode an amino acid, because there are 20 different amino acids.
So have different constellations of Nukletide weider give the information. If the nucleotide pairs, it would connect to 16 different possibilities (4 ^ 2 = 16), that is enough for 20 amino acids.
why must therefore unite three Nukletide. 4^3=64. Da es nun "zu viele" Möglichkeiten gibt, heißt das also, dass es verschiedene Verbindungsmöglichkeiten gibt um ein und die selbe Aminosäure zu beschreiben.
Alle möglichen Basenkombinatioen können folgender Maßen dargestellt werden:

Diese Codesonne wird von innen nach außen gelesen.
Die Abkürzungen stehen für folgenden Aminosäuren:
Gly - Glycin
Phe - Phenylalanin
Leu - Leucin
Ser - Serin
Tyr - Tyrosin
Cys - Cystein
Trp - Tryptophan
Pro - Prolin
His - Histidin
GlN - Glutamin
Arg - Arginin
Ile - Isoleucine
Met - methionine
Thr - threonine
Asn - asparagine
Lys - lysine
Val - valine
Ala - Alanine
Asp - aspartic acid
Glu - glutamic acid
Gly - glycine

http://www.eduvinet .de/mallig/bio/Repetito/Bmgen3.html

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Read Johnny The Homicidal Maniac 4shared

comments on the subject 16th - 20

Unfortunately, the optics (Sriftgröse, ...) with the last subject a bit durcheinandner. Given that the site is not gone forever, I wrote the themes in Word and wanted sie jetzt übertragen....aber das Programm packt das irgendwie nicht ganz. Deswegen bitte nicht zu genau hinschauen.
Ich hab ein bisschen vorgearbeitet aber eigentlich nur die DNA.
Bis auf den weiblichen Zyklus, waren die Themen recht schwer für mich, aber ich hab versucht mir einen guten Überblick zu verschaffen.

How To Make Anarkali Suit?

19th +20. (12.3.) Structure / function of DNA and chromosomes

Wiederholung von 3. (6.11.2006) Zellteilung - Mitose

Das Chromosom (Bilder und Inhalte von

  1. chromatid (chromatid). One of two identical parts of the chromosome.
  2. centromere (point where the two chromatids)
  3. Short arm
  4. Long Arm

chromatid Both contain exactly the same DNA. The chromosome after the separation is only of a Tochterchromatid. Vor einer erneuten Trennung muss es sich also verdoppeln.

Der Mensch hat 46 Chromosome, wovon 2 die Geschlechtshormone ausmachen (XX bei Frauen, XY bei Männern).

Die Chromosome bestehen aus langen Chromosomenfäden (siehe Abbildung) die sich mehrmals "aufzwirbeln". Die geschied Zwecks Zeilteilung.

depression after

The figure shows 46 human chromosomes as they are in the to see cell (Here are the chromosomes, however, ordered). The chromosomes (twirled DNA) can visible only during cell division.

organisms have different genetic information and therefore also different chromosomes, that is a different number.

bacterium -> chromosome 1 (+ small THEN rings)

rice -> 24 chromosomes

mouse -> Chromosome 40

man -> 46 chromosomes

chimpanzee -> 48 chromosomes

beef -> Chromosome 60

horse -> 66 chromosomes

dog -> 78 Chromosome

Die DNA Bausteine nennt man Nukleotide ( Bausteine der Nukleinsäuren

Nukleotide haben drei Bestandteile

- organischen Base

- Monosaccharid

- phosphoric

The two strands are in opposite directions. The four different bases contained in DNA (adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine) always form pairs (adenine with thymine and cytosine with guanine) DNA from each base contains the same amount ( aperiodic) .

The backbone of the strand is a chain of phosphate sugar and the ever repeated.

The two strands twisted around each other (helix), so called the DNA double helix . This property is called plektonemisch (In order to separate the DNA may have to wrest it first).

The chromosome gets more stability through the so-called stacking effect (The base pairs are stacked - if you look at the cross section of the chromosome) and the hydrogen .

What Kind Of Chain Should I Buy

18 (26.2.2007) The female cycle

the female cycle and its hormonal control


- Hypophyse schüttet während der Menstruat ion FSH aus

- FSH bewirkt die Follikelheranreifung (Eibläschen und Nährstoffe) in einem der beiden Eierstöcken

- follicles produced estrogen

- estrogen effect structure of the endometrium and the influence of the hormone production of the hypophysis à FSH and LH production is inhibited production sep tartet

- On reaching the special concentration ratio of FSH and LH à Eisprung / Ovulation (Eizelle wandert im Eileiter Richtung Gebärmutter à kann befruchtet werden! Der Follikelrest bleibt im Eierstock zurück = Gelbkörper

- Gelbkörper schüttet nun Progesteron aus: 1. Aufbau der Gebärmutterschhleimhaut (Vorbereitung für die Einnistung eines befruchteten Eies) 2. Hemmung der FSH- und LH- Produktion der Hypophyse (es kann kein neuer Follikel entstehen) 3. Basaltemperatur (nach dem Measured temperature rise up) 2 days after ovulation rise by 0.5 degrees

- After jumping, the progesterone takes over holding the function of estrogen

egg is not fertilized:

- endometrium produces gonadotropin (the hormone also enters the urine à pregnancy tests)

- luteal not stunted, progesterone continues to be produced

- luteum is maintained for 2 months

- placenta takes over progesterone production

egg is not fertilized:

- luteal stunted

- Es wird kein Progesteron mehr erzeugt

- Ablösung der Gebärmutterschleimhaut

Der weibliche Zyklus:

Erste Anzeichen für das Eintreten der Menstruation:

- leucorrhœa (discharge from the vagina à functioning of sex organs)

- feminine figure

- growth spurt

The change 1st Menstrual period is between 10 and 15 Age (triggers are hormones). Closed real bodies and the cycle are controlled by hormones. If enough sex hormones are produced ripens about every 4 weeks approaching an egg.


- ~ every 4 weeks maturing an egg in the ovaries

- The egg leaves the ovary and travels through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. This process takes about 3-4 days.

- During this period, the endometrium is thicker and collect it in the nutrients to à preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

- If the egg is not fertilized, the egg dissolves on à Eibett (endometrium) is therefore unnecessary.

- About two weeks after ovulation will dissolve the top layer of the endometrium from and menstruation begins.

The cycle can take a long time differently. He begins with the first day of menstruation and ends before the start of the next menstrual period. The menstrual period lasts between 3 and 7 days (65 - 80 ml of menstrual fluid). The first three days of menstruation are strongest, it loses about two thirds of the control fluid.

Friday, February 9, 2007 Level 19 Solution


Hi Marianne!

This is not a problem with eingentlich Tuesday ... so we can immediately take over for next week so?
A request I would have: Next, the hormones have their turn and I've already investigated a bit and it turned out that I have no idea how much and what content should I work out exactly. Say it would be great if you could tell me exactly what is important or perhaps documents would have for me.
Thanks, I wish him great weekend!

Greetings Katrin

Ps: I can see the page I will open my gaze not exist.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Handy Andy Indgredients

16 + 17 (02/19/2007) hormones, function, sex hormones (= center of gravity!)


Endocrine system = all the hormones and their producing cells, tissues and glands. It is a coordination system, the metabolism, energy metabolism, growth, development, homeostasis and affects our behavior.

Hormones = chemical signals emitted by Bildungsort which the blood or interstitial fluids werden. Sie wirken schon bei minimaler Dosierung.

Je nach dem wo die Hormone gebildet werden unterscheidet man verschiedene Klassen -> Gewebehormone und Drüsenhormone. Man kann sie auch anhand ihres Wirkungsschwerpunkts unterteilen -> lipophile Steroidhormone und hydrophile Hormone.

Hormone binden sich an Moleküle und übermitteln so die gewünschten Signale. Dieser zelluläre Wirkungsmechanismus passiert auf folgenden Hauptwegen:

- Lipophilic Steriodhormone: effect in the nucleus, long-lasting effect

- Hydrophilic hormones: limited

Where are the hormones and what is their impact:

- adenohypophysis (body growth, activity of the endocrine glands, Milk secretion)

- neurohypophysis (salt-water balance, labor, milk secretion)

- thyroid (metabolism, growth, lowers blood calcium)

- hyperparathyroidism (calcium level lowers and raises the blood glucose levels)

- pancreas (raises and lowers the blood glucose level)

- adrenal medulla (raises the glucose level in blood, increased metabolic activity, constricts blood vessels)

- adrenal cortex (raises the glucose in the blood, immune response, reabsorption of sodium and potassium)

- testes (sperm production, development of primary and secondary male sex characteristics) testosterone

- ovaries / ovaries (growth of uterine lining, the development of primary and secondary female sex characteristics, Differentiation of the uterine lining) estrogens

- pineal gland (biological rhythms)

- stimulates the thymus (T-cell

nervous system - hormone system

Beide Systeme koordinieren die Leistung und das Verhalten unseres Organismus. Das Nervensystem bewirkt meist nur kurze Veränderungen, da die Wirkung an den anhaltenden Nervenimpuls gekoppelt ist. Das Hormonsystem ist nicht so lokal begrenzt und bewirkt lang anhaltende Veränderungen.




own pipeline network

distribution via the blood and by diffusion

information transmission

electrical impulses

chemical messengers

propagation speed

fast (up to 120 m / sec)

slow (transmission in blood)



lasting effect

- anatomically close relationship

- endocrine glands consist of nerve tissue or have it developed

- The nervous system uses hormones als Signalmolekühle

- Zusammenwirken von hormonellen und neuronalen Kontrollmechanismen (ich esse -> Nerven -> Essen kommt in den Magen und schicken die Information zum Gehirn -> schickt Information an die Hormone der Magendrüsen -> stomach acid is produced)

=> effector hormones contribute (directly, that is, produce the reaction) and glandotropic hormones ( control the hormone production of the various body glands) which are formed by the anterior pituitary (connection between hormone and nervous system).

But the adenohypophysis is controlled by hormones (stimulating or inhibiting hormones). These hormones are controlled im Hypothalamus gebildet.

Was bewirken die verschiedenen effektorischen und glandotorpe Hormone:

Effektorische Hormone:

- Wachstum der Brustdrüsen

- Milchsekretion

- body growth

- metabolism

Glandotorpe hormones:

- stimulate Folikelreifung woman

- increase sperm production man

- estrogen and progesterone production woman

- synthesis and secretion of testosterone man

- Thyroxinproduktion and release of thyroid

- production and delivery of the hormones of the adrenal cortex

sex hormones

- expression of sexual characteristics

- control of sexual function

is difference between the sexes is that the hormones in different quantities are produced and how the body reacts to them, not on gender hormones.


- Ostrogene, Gestagene

- Hypophyse (Ostradiol, FSH, LH)

- Eierstöcken (Progesteron)

- Gebärmutter (HCG - Schwangerschaftshormon)


- androgen

- testosterone