Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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stress and food intake - high levels of leptin reduces energy intake


Bisherige Untersuchungen weisen darauf hin, dass Stresssituationen mit einer erhöhten Nahrungsaufnahme einhergehen. Es zeigte sich z.B., dass unter Stress die Versuchspersonen vermehrt zu Snacks as a snack attack and thus increased the total energy intake. Surprisingly, however, was the observation that obese people rarely meet the expectations of stress took up snacks. A further investigation is now concluded that high leptin levels, which are common in overweight people that mitigate usual increased food intake under stress conditions. High leptin levels seem less susceptible to the victims of stress-induced appetite to make.

Appelhans BM, Eat Behav. 2010 Aug; 11 (3) :152-5.
Appelhans BM, Pagoto SL, Appetite 2010 Feb; 54 (1) :217-20.

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Suchbegriffe: Leptin,  hohe Leptinspiegel, Esslust, Stress, stressinduziert, Nahrungsaufnahme,  Zwischenmahlzeit
Sättigungsgefühl, gesättigt


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