Monday, January 16, 2006

Best Cat Food Urinary

Frühkindlicher Autismus

early childhood AutismusDie two internationally used classification systems for diseases, ICD-10 and DSM-IV, mention four diagnostic criteria for early childhood Autism
Qualitative impairment in social interaction, qualitative impairment of communication, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior and onset before 3 Of age. Furthermore, called ICD-10 or nonspecific problems such as fears, phobias, sleep disorders, eating disorders, temper tantrums, aggression and self-injurious behavior (self-mutilation).
is usually associated with infantile autism, mental retardation. However, there are also cases in which there is no mental retardation. This variant of infantile autism is described as high-function autism (high functioning autism engl.). It is very similar to Asperger's syndrome. A distinction can be made only by the development in early childhood, notably through the beginning of language development. Some of the concepts of high-function autism and Asperger's syndrome are also used interchangeably. This reflects the fact that both disorders are similar in their appearance, however, ignores that in the end it are two different disorders.
Social interaction a qualitative impairment in social interaction seen as an extreme contact disorder that manifests itself in the first months of life by a lack of communication with parents, especially the mother. Children with autism stretch of the mother's arms does not preclude to be lifted. You do not smile back when smiled at and comment on the parents do not provide adequate eye contact. This contrasts with a strong object-centeredness, which is often limited to a particular type of goods. Their attention on a few things, such as taps, door handles, joints between slabs or directed graph paper, they attract magical, so anything past them going. They often refer to objects an other foreign purpose, such as the parts of a toy train by size and color, or their only interest in a toy car is to turn the wheels constantly.
KommunikationBei people with autism is missing in about half of patients present with language altogether. The other half of the patients experience a delay in language development. Initially lacking the communicative function of language. Words or sentences are simply repeated (echolalia). In childhood, patients often change the pronouns (pronominal reversal). They talk about other than I and of themselves than you or the third person. This characteristic improves, usually employed in the course of development. New words (neologisms) are common. People with autism-like in certain formulations (perseveration). In communication with other Menschen haben sie Schwierigkeiten, Gesagtes über die genaue Wortbedeutung hinaus zu verstehen, zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen. Ihre Stimme klingt eintönig (fehlende Prosodie).
Die Probleme in der Kommunikation äußern sich außerdem in Schwierigkeiten in der Kontaktaufnahme zur Außenwelt und zu anderen Menschen. Manche Autisten scheinen die Außenwelt kaum wahrzunehmen und teilen sich ihrer Umwelt auf ihre ganz individuelle Art mit. Deshalb wurden autistische Kinder früher auch Muschelkinder oder Igelkinder genannt. Die Wahrnehmungen im visuellen und auditiven Bereich sind oft deutlich intensiver als bei neurologisch typischen Menschen, daher scheint eine Abschaltfunktion im Gehirn die Reizüberflutung als Selbstschutz auszublenden. Autistic people have a strong need for individual differences in body contact. On the one hand, take some with complete strangers direct contact and sometimes inappropriate, on the other hand, can not touch for them to be uncomfortable because of the sensitivity of their sense of touch.
Against this background, a design-understand communication with an autistic people is difficult. Emotions are often misinterpreted or not even understood. These potential problems must be taken into account in making contacts and require a tremendous amount of empathy.


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