Monday, January 16, 2006

How To Send Sms On New Born

Häufige komorbide Symptome sind:

Frequent comorbid symptoms are:
aggression or autoimmune AD (H) S, Bipolarstörung, depression, epilepsy, eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, especially in girls), migraine, non-verbal learning disorder, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD), prosopagnosia (face blindness), sleep disorders, self-injurious behavior, sensory integration disorders or sensory integrative dysfunction (SID), social phobia, tic disorders (resembling Tourette's syndrome), temper tantrums, central auditory processing disorders and OCD.
distinction of states within the autism spectrum to distinguish between atypical and early-onset autism can usually be done easily, since the atypical autism is defined because of its differences from the early childhood autism. Since atypical autism usually associated with intellectual disability is also a boundary with the Asperger syndrome given. Before Asperger's syndrome was introduced in the 1990s as a separate diagnosis, patients were given that now receive the diagnosis Asperger's syndrome, the diagnosis of atypical autism.
early childhood autism is different from Asperger's syndrome due mainly to the lack of delay in Asperger's Syndrome linguistic and cognitive development. Can be difficult to differentiate between autism and Asperger's syndrome, if the early childhood autism occurs in the form of highly functional autism. In the variant of the highly functional autism is no mental retardation and symptoms similar to those of Asperger's Syndrome very difficult. In research is controversial, whether there is a difference between high functional autism and Asperger syndrome. Therefore, in part, the terms of high-function autism and Asperger syndrome are used interchangeably. A good-understand overview of the similarities and differences between high functional autism and Asperger syndrome, the essay Is There a Difference Between Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism by Tony Attwood.
cause of autism is a neurological disorder and has organic causes.
Because the parties usually look normal, they are uneducated outsiders in the public quickly as experienced rude and provocative. The blame for their inappropriate behavior is usually attributed to the parents. Such accusations and resulting guilt feelings often do not end in withdrawal and social isolation. The theory that autism arises because of the emotional coldness of the mother (former terminus of the so-called "refrigerator mother") by loveless upbringing, lack of care, trauma, etc. is now disproved.
The exact causes however are not yet clear, but there are a number of theories, of which the key will be addressed below. Usually explain the various theories is only one aspect of autism, so that autism is ultimately probably due to interaction of several factors.
can not be ruled also that it is autism is a product of human evolution, not a disability or illness. Autism is perhaps only part of the biological diversity of humanity. This assumption is supported by new research results in which subclinical forms of autism are examined. Moreover, our company is developing more and more in a direction that autism can be striking, because it aims to steadily more social skills. People who were not earlier than autism could be diagnosed today even as people with Asperger syndrome. Here especially, the deviation from the norm plays a role: the question of whether autism is present, this increasingly to the question of how much has autism is a human. It is clear that it is autism to an autistic spectrum (above) is where all the possible intermediate steps between "autism" and appear "normal" (reference: Kennedy 2002; Ratey and Johnson 1999).


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