Monday, January 16, 2006



autism (from Gr: self) is a pervasive developmental disorder.
forms of autism in early childhood autism (including the variant highly functional autism) are atypical autism and Asperger syndrome, which make up the autism spectrum. To the fact that it is autism is a continuum of different forms, just to be conceptually, is spoken by autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
was coined the term "autism" in 1911 by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler. He called autism a fundamental symptom of schizophrenia, which affected the retirement in the inner world of thought in people with schizophrenia said.
Leo Kanner (ref: Kanner 1943) and Hans Asperger (ref: Asperger 1944) took this concept to and thus named a special kind of disorder, unlike people with schizophrenia who are retiring active in their affairs described Kanner and Asperger people living from birth in a state of inner solitude. This was subject to the term "autism" to a change of meaning. Today the term "autism" used to describe the Asperger and Kanner described disorder.
Kanner's research, the term "autism" narrow sense and essentially described today's so-called early infantile autism, gained international recognition and became the basis for further autism research. The publications Aspergers However, the term "autism" a wider sense and even mild cases were included, first recited little, partly because of the Second World War and partly because Asperger published in German. Only in the 1990s, Asperger's international research reputation acquired in the art. The English psychologist Lorna Wing (Ref: Wing 1981) led in the 1980s continued the research and defined the Asperger described by Asperger milder cases of autism and Asperger syndrome.
There are three types of autism:
Atypical Autism, Infantile Autism (including infantile autism, autistic disorder, Kanner's syndrome or Kanner's autism called), including the variant of the highly functional autism (high-functioning autism engl.) and Asperger syndrome. These three types make up the autism spectrum (autism spectrum engl.). On one side of this spectrum is the atypical autism, who usually performs with severe mental disabilities. On the other side of this spectrum, Asperger's syndrome is established, which usually occurs with normal to above-average intelligence. Both the transitions within the spectrum and the transition from Asperger syndrome to "normalcy" is fluid. All conditions within this spectrum are the characteristics of limited social interaction, impaired communication and repetitive behavior patterns in common. Depending on the intensity of the expression of patients are classified within this range.
Atypical autism differs from childhood autism in that children diagnosed after the age of three (atypical age of onset) and / or do not have all the symptoms (atypical symptoms and atypical age of onset / atypical symptoms).
Autistic children with atypical age of onset of symptoms show regarding the full picture of infantile autism, which manifests itself in them but only after the age of three.
Autistic children with atypical symptoms create abnormalities in the day, for early childhood autism typisch sind, jedoch die Diagnosekriterien des frühkindlichen Autismus nicht vollständig erfüllen. Dabei können sich die Symptome sowohl vor als auch nach dem dritten Lebensjahr manifestieren. Diese Form des atypischen Autismus tritt oft mit erheblicher Intelligenzminderung auf, weshalb auch von „Intelligenzminderung mit autistischen Zügen“ gesprochen wird.


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