Monday, January 16, 2006

Crossdresser In Girdles

Genetische Faktoren

FaktorenBei genetic family studies reveal that there is a family history of autism. Genetic factors are therefore a cause for autism is very likely. Twin studies from Europe and the USA show that an identical twin autistic child are far more likely (about 95.7%) has an autistic twins, dizygotic twins as a child. It could be initially concluded that the cause is genetic type. But since not all monozygotic autistic twins an autistic twin who can find no single explanation for a genetic basis. But according to recent findings from these families and twin studies geht hervor, dass die Entstehung der Erkrankung durch eine Kombination verschiedener spezifischer Gene (sicher mehr als zwei), die wahrscheinlich insbesondere während der Gehirn-Entwicklung aktiv sind, bedingt ist.
HirnschädigungenVerschiedene Studien haben ergeben, dass Hirnschädigungen Ursache für Autismus sein können. Festgestellt wurden insbesondere eine Funktionsstörung der linken Gehirnhälfte, abnorme Veränderungen des Stammhirns in Kombination mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit sowie Störungen in der sensorischen Reizverarbeitung. Jedoch besteht in diesem Bereich noch weiterer Forschungsbedarf.
Biochemische BesonderheitenBei Untersuchungen von Menschen mit Autismus wurden Besonderheiten im biochemischen Bereich festgestellt. Some of them have an increased dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine and serotonin. However, the findings are inconsistent in this area and allow no general conclusions.
feeling blindness (mind blindness theory) Leo Kanner himself assumed that children with autism have deficits in affective contact, so their ability to recognize from the body language of other people whose feelings is limited. This is attributed to cognitive deficits (blindness feeling, Eng. Min blindness). People with autism have difficulty understanding that people have different feelings. It was also found that autistic people as opposed to neurologically typical people perceive objects and people in the same brain region. Recent neurobiological observations also lead to an insufficient involvement of mirror neurons in the cognitive processes as (co-) cause of autism.
empathising system Ising theory (ES) British autism researcher Simon Baron-Cohen suspects that autism caused by high levels of testosterone in the womb, have an extremely strong male brain. In a study of 58 pregnant women were recorded children who were exposed in utero to increased testosterone levels, compared with normal children by a smaller but higher quality vocabulary and less frequent eye contact. At the age of four years, these children were less socially developed. Subsequently developed bar


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