Monday, January 16, 2006

Ct 4780 Audio Drivers Win7 64bit

Soziale Interaktion

Social InteraktionDas most serious problem for people with AS is that of the impaired social interaction behavior. Affected are two areas, firstly the ability to casual relationships with other people produce, and other non-verbal communication.
children and young people usually lack the desire to establish relationships with peers. This request is normally only in adolescence, but usually lacks the ability to.
The impediments in the area of \u200b\u200bnon-verbal communication will concern the understanding of non-verbal messages of other people and sending out their own non-verbal signals.
prove to be particularly problematic, the difficulties in social interaction behavior, because people with Asperger syndrome have no obvious outward signs of disability. So even people who are otherwise disabled by tolerance towards other people excel, the difficulties of people with Asperger's syndrome as a deliberate provocation feel. If such an interested party responds to a question put to him only with silence, this is often interpreted as stubbornness and rudeness.
make in everyday life, the difficulties in social interaction behavior apparent in many ways. People with AS can be difficult to keep eye contact with other people or record. Avoid body contact such as shaking hands. If you are unsure when it comes to lead discussions with others, especially if it is a rather trivial small talk. Social rules, the other master intuitively understand people with AS are not intuitive, but they must acquire only with difficulty. Therefore, people with AS often have no or hardly any friends. In school, such as they are during the breaks better for themselves because they can start with the usual handling of other students with each other only slightly. In class, they are usually much better in writing than in the oral area. In the training and professional expertise makes them the region usually no problem, just the small talk with colleagues or with customers. Also the telephone may be difficult. In the study, oral examinations or presentations constitute major constraints. Since the labor market well in all areas of contact and team skills as much as one of professional competence, people with AS have problems finding a suitable place at all. Many are self-employed, but they can prevail in case of problems with customers barely, as if a customer pays. A workshop for people with disabilities, however, they would be in his head. Most people with AS can be high drama to the outside world a facade maintained, so that their problems at first glance are not directly visible, but for personal Contact shine through, for example in an interview. People with AS are shy on the outside but as extreme, but this is not the real problem. Shy people understand the social rules, but do not dare to apply it. People with AS would they dare to apply, but they do not understand and can apply it not so. The empathy is limited in people with AS. People with AS can place himself badly in other people and see their moods or feelings to outward signs. In general, it prepares them difficult to read between the lines and understand non-literal meanings of words or phrases. This allows them to offend in social intercourse, as they do not understand other people obvious non-verbal signals. They can also get into dangerous situations because they external signs that indicate an imminent danger such as by violent criminals, can not interpret correctly.
stereotyped patterns of behavior and SonderinteressenRepetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior show people with AS in their lifestyles and in their interests. The lives of people with AS is determined by distinct routines. If they are disturbed in these can result in serious adverse effects. People with AS are usually not very flexible and fall off track when they are disturbed in their routines be. Whose interests people with AS are sometimes confined to one area on which they usually have a wealth of knowledge. Unusual is the extent to which they devote themselves to their area of \u200b\u200binterest, for other areas as their own, they are usually difficult to excite. Since most people with AS may well think logically, their interests are often in mathematics, natural sciences, but other areas are possible.
repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior and strong special interests can both advantages and disadvantages bring. A well-organized daily routine provides stability, but routines are lived for its own sake, this can be a problem. Pronounced Special interests can form the basis for a career, but can also lead to a narrowed thinking.
Comorbid symptoms with autism may experience a range of comorbid symptoms. People with autism tend to usually strong visual thinking. Synesthesia is not uncommon for them such that they associate certain colors perceptions. People with autism are sensitive to external stimuli such as touch, on the other hand, they usually have a decreased sensitivity to pain. During adolescence or early adulthood occur in people with autism sometimes psychotic episodes. With Asperger's Syndrome motor Abnormalities occur. Positive effects of autism such as a special creativity, inclination for honesty and great stamina.
In people with autism, the intelligence is in contrast to neurologically typical people are not uniformly strong. As they accumulate in the area of their special interest, often a wealth of knowledge and good logical and systematic thinking to develop their skills in the social and emotional areas are underdeveloped. This uneven distribution of intelligence explains why some otherwise mentally disabled people to develop a narrowly circumscribed area outstanding abilities.


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