Monday, January 16, 2006

Watch Women Put On Tights

Repetitive und stereotype Verhaltensmuster

Repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior changes in their environment, such as moved furniture or another school, in people with autism lead to anxiety and uncertainty. Sometimes Affected got into panic when things are not at their usual place or in a specific arrangement. The fact that autistic people have an intense awareness of details and therefore also notice small changes, exacerbated this problem. Licenses run from the problems of irregularities from highly ritualized.
The interests of autistic people are often limited to certain areas. People with high functional autism in an area of their special interest ein enormes Wissen ansammeln. In Ausnahmefällen zeigen autistische Menschen außergewöhnliche Begabungen in einem sehr begrenzten Gebiet, etwa im Rechnen, Malen, in der Musik oder in der Merkfähigkeit (Inselbegabung).
Asperger-SyndromDie beiden international gebräuchlichen Klassifikationssysteme für Krankheiten, ICD-10 und DSM-IV, nennen vier diagnostische Kriterien für das Asperger-Syndrom (AS):
Qualitative Beeinträchtigung der sozialen Interaktion, repetitive und stereotype Verhaltensmuster sowie ausgeprägte Sonderinteressen, keine klinisch bedeutsame Verzögerung der sprachlichen und kognitiven Entwicklung und Symptome erfüllen nicht die Diagnosekriterien einer anderen tiefgreifenden Entwicklungsstörung or schizophrenia. Usually occur with AS and motor impairments. The
with AS in related forms reach deep into normal human behavior. It may be expected from a continuum, ie a continuous spectrum of abnormalities. For a clear outlined conglomeration of abnormalities can be used as Asperger's syndrome from true to some extent the term.
Although many behaviors take the social network of stakeholders, especially the next friend, and the family much in demand, it is not only negative aspects, the AS qualification. There are numerous reports of the simultaneous occurrence of above-average intelligence or even - for incredible force than normal people - Island talent. Minor cases of AS are in English, referred to colloquially as the "Little Professor Syndrome", "Geek Syndrome" or "nerd syndrome.
a good overview of the symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome offers, edited by Asperger e. V. brochure is how the Asperger's syndrome manifest itself? (Ref: Tibi 2005).


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