Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rerouting Drain To Outside

Today 31.10.2010 17-19h aerobics with Eveline

left Ekatharina Unfortunately, she has had a lot of stress with the Sunday hours.
We are looking for a suitable replacement for them.
It will not take long and we will again get a good coach.
In this sense, THANK YOU to Evelyn that she has found time for us!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Baby Platypuses For Sale

holidays in Cumberland

holidays in Cumberland only at Christmas and New Year!

Austrian Holidays:

01 November: All Saints
08th December: Immaculate Conception
25th December: Christmas Day 26th
December: Boxing

01 January: New Year's Day
06th January: Epiphany
25th April: Easter Monday
01 May: National Day
02 June: Ascension
13th June: Whit Monday 23rd
June: Corpus Christi
15th August: Assumption 26th
October: National
01 November: All Saints
08th December: Immaculate Conception
25th December: Christmas Day 26th
December: Boxing

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Healthiest Branded Yoghurt

TaeKwonDo Vienna

Fake By Bottomless_net

pumpkin - so round and so healthy

pumpkin makes you slim, beautiful, and protects against disease. The Mayans and Aztecs, the indigenous people of Mexico, celebrated the pumpkin for thousands of years as a sacred medicinal fruit. Just in time for the beginning of autumn, the pumpkin is also with us again it big. Until the last core, any part of the yellow giant (about 400 species) are used. The best taste Hokkaido pumpkins and musk.

Dass der Kürbis gerade dann reift, wenn es draußen kalt wird, ist sehr praktisch: Sein Fleisch steckt voller Vitamine und Antioxidantien, die unsere Immunabwehr zu Höchstleistung treiben. Als Gemüse oder Suppe ist der Kürbis dabei auch noch ein schlanker Sattmacher: 100 Gramm haben 27 Kalorien! Rezept-Tipp: Kürbispüree. Dafür Hokkaido- Kürbis klein schneiden, im Dämpfeinsatz garen, mit etwas Butter und frischen Dill stampfen, als Beilage reichen. Aber das orange Fruchtfleisch kann noch mehr. Als Auflage soll Kürbis auch Krampfadern lindern können. 
Gesund ist Kürbis somit allemal.

pumpkin seeds
For women with bladder problems and men with prostate problems are pumpkin seeds a healthy snack. Because the active ingredient cucurbitacin strengthen the bladder muscles. Daily 10 grams of pumpkin seeds to nibble, already shows its healthy and supportive action. The precious seeds are ready to buy it. Or they prepare themselves: Undo wash off the pulp, dry. Then fry without oil in a nonstick pan.

pumpkin seed oil
Es klingt paradox, ist aber es soll wirken: Kürbiskernöl soll die Blutfettwerte senken, denn seine Pflanzenstoffe halten das Cholesterin in Schach. Das Öl sollte wegen seiner wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe immer im Kühlschrank aufbewahrt werden.

Herbstlich bunt & ziemlich lecker
Kürbis ist in der Küche besonders vielseitig. Ob süß oder pikant, gedünstet, überdacken oder gar eingelegt - der Kürbis macht fast überall mit. Jetzt in der Hochsaison der Kürbisse, sollte man natürlich Bescheid wissen, wie man Kürbis einfach und leicht verarbeitet. Der Cumbirobic Therefore, just in time 'service information on the preparation and is not short tips around the pumpkin preparation.

washing and cleaning
"Prior to the preparation should be washed the pumpkin first and then cut in half with a sharp knife. The seeds and coarse fibers are best removed with a spoon and cut the then for peeling fruit into manageable pieces. "But how, you simply put on particularly stubborn pumpkin-boy?

To crack the pumpkin
The tips vom aid dazu wären: "Manche Sorten sind aber nicht so einfach zu "knacken", da sie eine harte Schale oder ein massiges Fruchtfleisch haben. Da helfen ein paar Tricks. So können Sie besonders große Exemplare wie den Muskatkürbis oder einen großen Hubbard aus etwa einem Meter Höhe auf den Boden fallen lassen. Er bekommt dann meist einen Riss und lässt sich so problemlos öffnen. Wenn aber die Schale nicht nachgibt, wird der Kürbis für dreißig bis vierzig Minuten bei etwa 150 Grad Celsius in den Backofen gelegt und anschließend wieder abgekühlt. Dann lässt er sich leicht schneiden und verarbeiten."

Abwechslung in the kitchen
Now it is scraping the barrel. The pumpkin flesh is cut according to taste, grated or processed into puree. Or the little pumpkins are first dug out carefully and then filled with all sorts of good ingredients again. Main variety. Because so many pumpkins are so varied pumpkin should come to the table. With tomatoes, onions braised or stewed together with other vegetables, the creations are almost infinite. The main thing it tastes!

buy pumpkin
Beim Einkauf sollte man einige wesentliche Punkte achten, damit man frischen Kürbis verkochen kann. Der aid gibt folgende Tipps: Achten Sie beim Einkauf auf Qualität. Die Kürbisse sollten unverletzt, frei von Druckstellen und ausgereift sein. Reife Kürbisse klingen leicht hohl, wenn man auf die Schale klopft und haben einen verholzten Stiel. Kleinere Exemplare besitzen ein festeres Fruchtfleisch, mehr Geschmack und sind weniger faserig als größere Früchte. Zierkürbisse sind ausschließlich als Dekoration zu empfehlen. Sie enthalten giftige Bitterstoffe, die aus den kultivierten Kürbissorten herausgezüchtet wurden.

Pumpkin Party
So do not go! Anyone who has been married do not have the small, large, round or oval pumpkins over it now has the best chance. A magnificent specimen does not have to be cooked as a whole. Usually a pumpkin-like Plutzer enough for several meals. For storage is to use a cool, dry place. And already, the first pumpkin party to rise, with pumpkin soup, pumpkin and pumpkin dessert.

Aerobics in Vienna

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Best And The Best The Zoofilia

sauna and steam room

sauna or steam room sauna and steam room
look very similar. The advantage of the sauna is that the desired effect - relaxation, warmth and washing out - quickly occurs. The steam room has a pleasant effect on the mucous membranes, respiratory system and skin.

effect of the sauna
In the dry heat of the sauna (60 to 95 degrees) and in the humid heat of the steam bath (45 to 50 degrees) increases the temperature of the skin by about ten degrees, the whole of the body by one to two degrees. The change between heat and subsequent cooling stimulates circulation and metabolism and cleanses the skin and body tissue. By sweating, the blood is thickened. To compensate for this, be it with water and transferred to metabolic waste products, heavy metals and disease substances from the body tissue into the blood. They leave the body through the sweat glands and kidneys.

Positive effects of the sauna
  • Regular sauna visits
  • strong immune system and reduce susceptibility to infection
  • training heart and circulatory
  • relax the muscles
  • rain slightly relaxing the metabolism of
  • improving blood circulation to respiratory
  • widen the bronchi
  • Increase the overall performance
  • exercising the elasticity of blood vessels
  • work
  • cleaning the body.

use of sauna
to promote health, it is advisable to regularly (once or twice a week) to go into the sauna.

Sauna: The various types of sauna

Finnische Sauna
Die finnische Sauna ist der am weitesten verbreitete Saunatyp in Österreich. Diese Sauna wird von einem Steinofen beheizt, der die Wärme ausstrahlt. Die Wärme wird aber auch von den Holzwänden und der Holzdecke reflektiert. Der Sauna-Raum ist normalerweise mit drei Holzbänken ausgestattet Jede der aufsteigenden Bänke stellt eine Temperaturzone dar. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit liegt bei ca. 10-30%.
dritte und höchst gelegenen Bank: Lufttemperatur 80 bis 95 Grad
zweite Bank: Lufttemperatur 70 bis 80 Grad
erste Bank: Lufttemperatur 60 bis 70 Grad

Die Luftfeuchtigkeit kann kurzfristig durch einen Sauna-Aufguss increased with water or essential oils.

The steam room was in ancient Greece. It is a nice sweat bath with sauna-like effect. In the steam room temperature between 40 ° C and 55 ° C. at a humidity of 80-100%. The typical climate of the steam is achieved by the generation of supersaturated water vapor with a steam boiler. The ideal combination of heat and humidity relaxes, cleanses, nourishes and relaxed. Especially for respiratory diseases helps the steam bath.

rules for visiting a sauna
Before visiting the sauna is always showered, so the hot water warms the body. Moreover, this is done for health reasons. dry off after showering.

stay in the sauna for longer than it is enjoyable. Always ready to go dry in the sauna.

In the sauna you can use a big towel to put around it or to lay. The perspiration damages otherwise the wood in the sauna.

first sauna-course
The first sauna session should begin on the lowest bank because the air on the upper bench is much hotter. After 5 minutes you can move further up the bank. After 8 to 10 minutes, 15 minutes, the first sauna session is terminated. If you have lain down in the sauna, then you should sit the last 1-2 minutes to the circulation again to get used to the upright posture.

cooling after sauna
done after leaving the sauna, a short stay in the air bath (outside or in a well ventilated room). Strong exhale, inhale quietly! Before you start to shiver go into the cooling room! Only now, the actual cooling. The first is cooled down their arms and legs. On cooling always remote-start heart. Only after the body is cooled. After cooling, the tube can take a cold bath.

rest for 20 minutes after the sauna

Second sauna-course
The second response is the sauna as the first. It may take 10 to 12 minutes.

An infusion at the end of the sauna heats the skin even more gangs, but is dispensable.

cooling after sauna

rest for 20 minutes after the sauna

third sauna-course
A third and final sauna-course It will operate at well tolerated by healthy people.

cooling after sauna

rest for 20 minutes after the sauna In the sauna

no gymnastics drive and not much talking! The air contains only as much oxygen as at 2,500 m altitude. Put

before getting up and leaving the sauna slowly and not get up quick! (Fainting risk)

After the sauna drink enough
After visiting the sauna! Between the sauna sessions should not make up the lost volume of water equal to, otherwise reduces the excretion of contaminants and Cleaning effect. No alcohol or coffee but mineral water and fruit juice drink! bring

Sauna rules
time (max 2 hours)
always dry in the sauna to go
Max 15 minutes per sauna-course
Not more than 3 saunas
speeches and Narratives in Sauna prevent their own relaxation and that of others.
inferior Always a towel in the sauna!
one enters the sauna is not in a bathing suit!
always cool after the sauna with cold water - never with lukewarm water.
Always ensure warm feet!
rest periods and conditions
Drinking and eating to nach dem letzen Sauna-Gang verschieben!

Wer sollte nicht in die Sauna gehen?
  • Fieber oder Erkältung
  • Akute Entzündung innerer Organe (Bauchspeicheldrüse, Blinddarm, Niere, Gallenblase)
  • Akutes Asthma
  • Epilepsie
  • Schwere Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen
  • Krampfadern
  • Krebserkrankungen
  • Akute Migräne
  • Tuberkulose
  • Schilddrüsenüberfunktion
  • Bluthochdruck (nur nach Rücksprache mit dem Arzt)

How Long Breast Is Sore After Menstruation

How to stay healthy during the autumn

pumpkin - so round and so healthy

pumpkin is slimming, beautiful and protected from diseases. The Mayans and Aztecs, the indigenous people of Mexico, celebrated the pumpkin for thousands of years as a sacred medicinal fruit. Just in time for the beginning of autumn, the pumpkin is also with us again it big. Until the last core, any part of the yellow giant (about 400 species) are used. The best taste Hokkaido pumpkins and musk.

That the pumpkin just then matures when it is cold outside, very practical: its flesh is full of vitamins and antioxidants, which drive our immune system to peak performance. As a vegetable or soup of pumpkin is also a slim unappetising: 100 calories, 27 grams! Recipe Tip: pumpkin puree. For this cut Hokkaido pumpkin small, cook in steamer insert, stamp with some butter and fresh dill, rich as a side dish. But the orange flesh can do. As a support to squash can also relieve varicose veins.
healthy pumpkin is always thus.

pumpkin seeds
For women with bladder problems and men with prostate problems are pumpkin seeds a healthy snack. Because the active ingredient cucurbitacin strengthen the bladder muscles. Daily 10 grams of pumpkin seeds to nibble, already shows its healthy and supportive action. The precious seeds are ready to buy it. Or they prepare themselves: Undo wash off the pulp, dry. Then fry without oil in a nonstick pan.

pumpkin seed oil
It sounds paradoxical, but it should work: pumpkin seed oil to lower blood fat levels, because its metabolites keep cholesterol in check. The oil should be accessible because of its valuable contents stored in the refrigerator.

& Autumn colorful pretty tasty
squash is very versatile in the kitchen. Whether sweet or savory, steamed, or even überdacken engaged - the pumpkin makes almost everywhere. Now in the high season of pumpkins, you should of course to know, how to process simple and easy pumpkin. The Cumbirobic informed 'service so just in time on the preparation and is not short tips around the pumpkin preparation.

washing and cleaning
"Prior to the preparation should be washed the pumpkin first and then cut in half with a sharp knife. The seeds and coarse fibers are best removed with a spoon and cut the then for peeling fruit into manageable pieces. "But how, you simply put on particularly stubborn pumpkin-boy?

So knacken Sie den Kürbis
Die Tipps vom aid dazu wären: "Manche Sorten sind aber nicht so einfach zu "knacken", da sie eine harte Schale oder ein massiges Fruchtfleisch haben. Da helfen ein paar Tricks. So können Sie besonders große Exemplare wie den Muskatkürbis oder einen großen Hubbard aus etwa einem Meter Höhe auf den Boden fallen lassen. Er bekommt dann meist einen Riss und lässt sich so problemlos öffnen. Wenn aber die Schale nicht nachgibt, wird der Kürbis für dreißig bis vierzig Minuten bei etwa 150 Grad Celsius in den Backofen gelegt und anschließend wieder abgekühlt. Dann lässt er sich leicht schneiden und verarbeiten."

variety in the kitchen
Now it is scraping the barrel. The pumpkin flesh is cut according to taste, grated or processed into puree. Or the little pumpkins are first dug out carefully and then filled with all sorts of good ingredients again. Main variety. Because so many pumpkins are so varied pumpkin should come to the table. With tomatoes, onions braised or stewed together with other vegetables, the creations are almost infinite. The main thing it tastes!


pumpkin shopping
When purchasing a few key points to pay attention so you can boil fresh pumpkin. The aid is the following tips: When shopping for quality. The pumpkins should be unharmed and free from bruises and mature. Mature pumpkins sound slightly hollow when you knock on the pan and have a woody stem. Smaller specimens have a firmer flesh, more flavor and are less stringy than larger fruits. Ornamental gourds are only recommended as a decoration. They contain toxic bitter substances, the out-bred from the cultured pumpkin varieties wurden.

Also nicht wie los! Wer sich bisher noch nicht über die kleinen, großen, runden oder ovalen Kürbisse drüber getraut hat, hat jetzt die beste Gelegenheit dazu. Ein prächtiges Exemplar muß ja nicht gleich als Ganzes verkocht werden. Meist reicht ein Kürbis-Plutzer gleich für mehrere Gerichte. Zur Aufbewahrung eignet sich ein kühler, trockener Ort. Und schon kann die erste Kürbis-Party steigen, mit Kürbissuppe, Kürbisgemüse und Kürbisdessert.


Aerobics in Vienna

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jak Zalozyc Strone Klanowa Na Ugu

Maroni hot and healthy!

healthy chestnut
chestnuts are healthier than many think. Compared to a true nuts are chestnuts diet tip. The calorie count of five chestnut is that of a banana or half an apple.

two percent fat
chestnut, only two percent fat, while nuts bring up to 60 percent fat. Also contains a lot of chestnut starch that will cause the blood sugar to rise slowly.

much potassium
also for the heart are chestnut well, because five chestnut cover a quarter of the daily potassium requirement.
addition to vitamins B, C, E and folic acid have the Maroni also significant amounts of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. "Maroni are good for the nerves," people said earlier. Hildegard von Bingen empfahl die Früchte der Edelkastanie zur Linderung bei Gicht, Kopfschmerzen, Herz- und Magenbeschwerden.

Weiters sind die Maroni als ein ideales Betthupferl, besonders nach einem anstrengenden Tag. Sie sind nämlich nicht nur leicht verdaulich, sondern enthalten auch die Aminosäure Tryptophan. Daraus kann sich der Körper das Glückshormon Serotonin basteln.

Maroni gegen Übersäuerung Wer gerne Fleisch auf dem Speiseplan hat, should, according to bank Hofer also regularly enjoy chestnuts. After all, "Maroni are very basic, and help us to build a surplus of acids in the body."

better and recover faster Maroni will also build on the body really. They are an ideal food after surgery and stressful days. "Who was sick, recover better and faster is their strength again"
The combination of calcium and phosphorus in starch of the sweet chestnut, moreover, the bones and teeth.

Maroni plenty of food, not fat
Maroni make you fat. A sentence that each of us has heard. But it is not. Added: 100 grams chestnuts have about 220 calories, but you have to be just right with it.

Cumberland Tip: Maroni not eat as a snack, but instead of a meal.

The great advantage of the Maroni: You make fast and above all long enough. "The ingredients of the Maroni make enormously valuable. In a Stanitzel Maroni puts the value of a five-course menu."
chestnuts roasting himself
chestnuts roasting itself is not magic. First, the Maroni be sorted out. The good, beautiful chestnut are cut as typical, as you know it from the chestnut roast. By the way you heat your oven to heat before good. Now place the cut chestnuts to the back

diversity instead of just Maroni in the bag
Today Maroni spread a touch of winter atmosphere. Earlier, before the potatoes have been discovered, were the chestnuts but according Bankhofer a staple food.

  • an old recipe: simply peel the chestnuts, add to the soup and cook
  • to fill the holiday goose with chestnuts or chestnuts to the side dishes spinach and cabbage, as well. Serve with game.

five chestnuts per day
Recommendation: Do not eat more than one serving of chestnuts per day. In one portion is defined as five chestnuts.
tube and bake them, until the "shell" of the "flesh" triggers. In principle, the Maroni looks after about 20 minutes just as you know it from the chestnut roast. And the pleasant scent of roasted chestnuts will enchant you.

K ochen with chestnuts
chestnuts are not fried in delicious condition. The chestnut can also be fine dining sideboard. Cooked and glazed chestnuts are often an ingredient in local game dishes. Of cooked chestnut puree can conjure up, and you can spend a lot more and you conjure up the sweet Maroni.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chinese Food Chicken Chow Mein Calories

Cumbipump "24-hour fat burning machine"

Kein anderes Training kann das besser!

Jeden Freitag von 18:30-19:20
Im Sportcenter Cumberland
mit Nenad

Cumbipump verwandelt Ihren Körper in eine „24-h-Fettverbrennungsmaschine“.
Ein significantly increased metabolism causes the body many hours after the training burn more energy.

No workout burns body fat more effectively than Cumbipump

Cumbipump is a long weight training program, which in 50 minutes All of the main muscle trained
without women to give rise to muscle bulk.

Cumbipump not only makes your back strong for everyday , firms but, shape and define your entire musculature perfect promotes strength and endurance of muscles, burns calories, improves posture and prevents osteoporosis.

Cumbipump aimed at an audience and Fitness offers through its set expiration optimal results and maximum safety for health.
The individual weight selection and variety of options, both beginners and advanced students, and older people and participants who are biased health, easily join.

An hour Cumbipump consists of the following:
  1. warm
  2. legs / squats
  3. back / buttocks / hamstrings
  4. arms / triceps
  5. arms / biceps
  6. Legs / Lunges
  7. shoulder / arms
  8. legs / Abdominals
  9. breast
  10. abdominal
  11. Cool Down / Stretch

Aerobics in Vienna

Bachelorette Chapstick Label Sayings And Quotes

5 5 Freitag Samstag Sonntag 5

colored leafy trees and lots of freshly cracked chestnuts on the citizens of Stone - Is this October is not the most beautiful in the world? Must have.
Otherwise it would not pull so many cyclists and nature lovers into the open. Not only does the weather in October 2010 so special.
has According calendar this month although quite unspectacular 31 days, but five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays. And there are only every 823 years.
In the far east, we added ("found a name associated cohaerens Latin):" for this cohesion. Bag full of money "And that is why now so many chain letters are circulating
. I've got an e-mail yesterday. What did it say? When I send this email to eight good people, according to the Chinese Feng Shui principle * that my finances are improving already within four days. We'll see if it works. called
The Romans "october mensis (Latin octo = eight) and" 10ber "&" 8ber "are Latin dates (not to be confused:
And here's some information about the Golden October with Blütenber).
are for October, there are other old German names such as "Wine Month".
This name is already according to Wikipedia, by Charlemagne in the 8th Century have been introduced, and points to the beginning of the harvest.
is the other name "Gilbhart" because this month will turn the foliage yellow and brown.
was in the Middle Ages in October as a holy month in which was preferred to marry. Even kings often married in October.
* According to Wikipedia, is meant by the term "Feng Shui" the doctrine of the harmonization of man with his environment. The older term is "Kan Yu", "watching the sky and the earth" is short for.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Does Sweat Make Pityriasis Worse



Süße Köstlichkeiten aus vitaminreichen Sommerfrüchten und erfrischenden Milchprodukten. Lassen Sie sich verführen!
Aerobic in Wien

Für 4 Portionen: 600 g gemischtes Obst (z.B. 1 Apfel, 1 Orange, 1 Birne, 150 g Kirschen), Saft von 1/2 Zitrone, Süßstoff nach Belieben Zubereitung:

Orange dick schälen und filetieren. Kirschen waschen und entsteinen, eventuell halbieren. Apfel und Birne gründlich waschen, das Kerngehäuse entfernen, das Fruchtfleisch in Stücke schneiden. 
Fruchtstücke auf Dessertschälchen verteilen. Mit Zitronensaft und Süßstoff abschmecken. Variante für Juni: Erdbeeren, Aprikosen und Melonenstücke mischen. Variante für Juli: Kirschen, Pfirsiche und Weintrauben mischen. Tipp: Mit Mandelstiften oder einem Klecks Vanillejoghurt servieren.

Per serving: 80 calories, 1 g protein, 0 g fat, 16 g carbohydrates