Monday, October 25, 2010

How Long Breast Is Sore After Menstruation

How to stay healthy during the autumn

pumpkin - so round and so healthy

pumpkin is slimming, beautiful and protected from diseases. The Mayans and Aztecs, the indigenous people of Mexico, celebrated the pumpkin for thousands of years as a sacred medicinal fruit. Just in time for the beginning of autumn, the pumpkin is also with us again it big. Until the last core, any part of the yellow giant (about 400 species) are used. The best taste Hokkaido pumpkins and musk.

That the pumpkin just then matures when it is cold outside, very practical: its flesh is full of vitamins and antioxidants, which drive our immune system to peak performance. As a vegetable or soup of pumpkin is also a slim unappetising: 100 calories, 27 grams! Recipe Tip: pumpkin puree. For this cut Hokkaido pumpkin small, cook in steamer insert, stamp with some butter and fresh dill, rich as a side dish. But the orange flesh can do. As a support to squash can also relieve varicose veins.
healthy pumpkin is always thus.

pumpkin seeds
For women with bladder problems and men with prostate problems are pumpkin seeds a healthy snack. Because the active ingredient cucurbitacin strengthen the bladder muscles. Daily 10 grams of pumpkin seeds to nibble, already shows its healthy and supportive action. The precious seeds are ready to buy it. Or they prepare themselves: Undo wash off the pulp, dry. Then fry without oil in a nonstick pan.

pumpkin seed oil
It sounds paradoxical, but it should work: pumpkin seed oil to lower blood fat levels, because its metabolites keep cholesterol in check. The oil should be accessible because of its valuable contents stored in the refrigerator.

& Autumn colorful pretty tasty
squash is very versatile in the kitchen. Whether sweet or savory, steamed, or even überdacken engaged - the pumpkin makes almost everywhere. Now in the high season of pumpkins, you should of course to know, how to process simple and easy pumpkin. The Cumbirobic informed 'service so just in time on the preparation and is not short tips around the pumpkin preparation.

washing and cleaning
"Prior to the preparation should be washed the pumpkin first and then cut in half with a sharp knife. The seeds and coarse fibers are best removed with a spoon and cut the then for peeling fruit into manageable pieces. "But how, you simply put on particularly stubborn pumpkin-boy?

So knacken Sie den Kürbis
Die Tipps vom aid dazu wären: "Manche Sorten sind aber nicht so einfach zu "knacken", da sie eine harte Schale oder ein massiges Fruchtfleisch haben. Da helfen ein paar Tricks. So können Sie besonders große Exemplare wie den Muskatkürbis oder einen großen Hubbard aus etwa einem Meter Höhe auf den Boden fallen lassen. Er bekommt dann meist einen Riss und lässt sich so problemlos öffnen. Wenn aber die Schale nicht nachgibt, wird der Kürbis für dreißig bis vierzig Minuten bei etwa 150 Grad Celsius in den Backofen gelegt und anschließend wieder abgekühlt. Dann lässt er sich leicht schneiden und verarbeiten."

variety in the kitchen
Now it is scraping the barrel. The pumpkin flesh is cut according to taste, grated or processed into puree. Or the little pumpkins are first dug out carefully and then filled with all sorts of good ingredients again. Main variety. Because so many pumpkins are so varied pumpkin should come to the table. With tomatoes, onions braised or stewed together with other vegetables, the creations are almost infinite. The main thing it tastes!


pumpkin shopping
When purchasing a few key points to pay attention so you can boil fresh pumpkin. The aid is the following tips: When shopping for quality. The pumpkins should be unharmed and free from bruises and mature. Mature pumpkins sound slightly hollow when you knock on the pan and have a woody stem. Smaller specimens have a firmer flesh, more flavor and are less stringy than larger fruits. Ornamental gourds are only recommended as a decoration. They contain toxic bitter substances, the out-bred from the cultured pumpkin varieties wurden.

Also nicht wie los! Wer sich bisher noch nicht über die kleinen, großen, runden oder ovalen Kürbisse drüber getraut hat, hat jetzt die beste Gelegenheit dazu. Ein prächtiges Exemplar muß ja nicht gleich als Ganzes verkocht werden. Meist reicht ein Kürbis-Plutzer gleich für mehrere Gerichte. Zur Aufbewahrung eignet sich ein kühler, trockener Ort. Und schon kann die erste Kürbis-Party steigen, mit Kürbissuppe, Kürbisgemüse und Kürbisdessert.


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