Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jak Zalozyc Strone Klanowa Na Ugu

Maroni hot and healthy!

healthy chestnut
chestnuts are healthier than many think. Compared to a true nuts are chestnuts diet tip. The calorie count of five chestnut is that of a banana or half an apple.

two percent fat
chestnut, only two percent fat, while nuts bring up to 60 percent fat. Also contains a lot of chestnut starch that will cause the blood sugar to rise slowly.

much potassium
also for the heart are chestnut well, because five chestnut cover a quarter of the daily potassium requirement.
addition to vitamins B, C, E and folic acid have the Maroni also significant amounts of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. "Maroni are good for the nerves," people said earlier. Hildegard von Bingen empfahl die Früchte der Edelkastanie zur Linderung bei Gicht, Kopfschmerzen, Herz- und Magenbeschwerden.

Weiters sind die Maroni als ein ideales Betthupferl, besonders nach einem anstrengenden Tag. Sie sind nämlich nicht nur leicht verdaulich, sondern enthalten auch die Aminosäure Tryptophan. Daraus kann sich der Körper das Glückshormon Serotonin basteln.

Maroni gegen Übersäuerung Wer gerne Fleisch auf dem Speiseplan hat, should, according to bank Hofer also regularly enjoy chestnuts. After all, "Maroni are very basic, and help us to build a surplus of acids in the body."

better and recover faster Maroni will also build on the body really. They are an ideal food after surgery and stressful days. "Who was sick, recover better and faster is their strength again"
The combination of calcium and phosphorus in starch of the sweet chestnut, moreover, the bones and teeth.

Maroni plenty of food, not fat
Maroni make you fat. A sentence that each of us has heard. But it is not. Added: 100 grams chestnuts have about 220 calories, but you have to be just right with it.

Cumberland Tip: Maroni not eat as a snack, but instead of a meal.

The great advantage of the Maroni: You make fast and above all long enough. "The ingredients of the Maroni make enormously valuable. In a Stanitzel Maroni puts the value of a five-course menu."
chestnuts roasting himself
chestnuts roasting itself is not magic. First, the Maroni be sorted out. The good, beautiful chestnut are cut as typical, as you know it from the chestnut roast. By the way you heat your oven to heat before good. Now place the cut chestnuts to the back

diversity instead of just Maroni in the bag
Today Maroni spread a touch of winter atmosphere. Earlier, before the potatoes have been discovered, were the chestnuts but according Bankhofer a staple food.

  • an old recipe: simply peel the chestnuts, add to the soup and cook
  • to fill the holiday goose with chestnuts or chestnuts to the side dishes spinach and cabbage, as well. Serve with game.

five chestnuts per day
Recommendation: Do not eat more than one serving of chestnuts per day. In one portion is defined as five chestnuts.
tube and bake them, until the "shell" of the "flesh" triggers. In principle, the Maroni looks after about 20 minutes just as you know it from the chestnut roast. And the pleasant scent of roasted chestnuts will enchant you.

K ochen with chestnuts
chestnuts are not fried in delicious condition. The chestnut can also be fine dining sideboard. Cooked and glazed chestnuts are often an ingredient in local game dishes. Of cooked chestnut puree can conjure up, and you can spend a lot more and you conjure up the sweet Maroni.


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