Monday, October 25, 2010

The Best And The Best The Zoofilia

sauna and steam room

sauna or steam room sauna and steam room
look very similar. The advantage of the sauna is that the desired effect - relaxation, warmth and washing out - quickly occurs. The steam room has a pleasant effect on the mucous membranes, respiratory system and skin.

effect of the sauna
In the dry heat of the sauna (60 to 95 degrees) and in the humid heat of the steam bath (45 to 50 degrees) increases the temperature of the skin by about ten degrees, the whole of the body by one to two degrees. The change between heat and subsequent cooling stimulates circulation and metabolism and cleanses the skin and body tissue. By sweating, the blood is thickened. To compensate for this, be it with water and transferred to metabolic waste products, heavy metals and disease substances from the body tissue into the blood. They leave the body through the sweat glands and kidneys.

Positive effects of the sauna
  • Regular sauna visits
  • strong immune system and reduce susceptibility to infection
  • training heart and circulatory
  • relax the muscles
  • rain slightly relaxing the metabolism of
  • improving blood circulation to respiratory
  • widen the bronchi
  • Increase the overall performance
  • exercising the elasticity of blood vessels
  • work
  • cleaning the body.

use of sauna
to promote health, it is advisable to regularly (once or twice a week) to go into the sauna.

Sauna: The various types of sauna

Finnische Sauna
Die finnische Sauna ist der am weitesten verbreitete Saunatyp in Österreich. Diese Sauna wird von einem Steinofen beheizt, der die Wärme ausstrahlt. Die Wärme wird aber auch von den Holzwänden und der Holzdecke reflektiert. Der Sauna-Raum ist normalerweise mit drei Holzbänken ausgestattet Jede der aufsteigenden Bänke stellt eine Temperaturzone dar. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit liegt bei ca. 10-30%.
dritte und höchst gelegenen Bank: Lufttemperatur 80 bis 95 Grad
zweite Bank: Lufttemperatur 70 bis 80 Grad
erste Bank: Lufttemperatur 60 bis 70 Grad

Die Luftfeuchtigkeit kann kurzfristig durch einen Sauna-Aufguss increased with water or essential oils.

The steam room was in ancient Greece. It is a nice sweat bath with sauna-like effect. In the steam room temperature between 40 ° C and 55 ° C. at a humidity of 80-100%. The typical climate of the steam is achieved by the generation of supersaturated water vapor with a steam boiler. The ideal combination of heat and humidity relaxes, cleanses, nourishes and relaxed. Especially for respiratory diseases helps the steam bath.

rules for visiting a sauna
Before visiting the sauna is always showered, so the hot water warms the body. Moreover, this is done for health reasons. dry off after showering.

stay in the sauna for longer than it is enjoyable. Always ready to go dry in the sauna.

In the sauna you can use a big towel to put around it or to lay. The perspiration damages otherwise the wood in the sauna.

first sauna-course
The first sauna session should begin on the lowest bank because the air on the upper bench is much hotter. After 5 minutes you can move further up the bank. After 8 to 10 minutes, 15 minutes, the first sauna session is terminated. If you have lain down in the sauna, then you should sit the last 1-2 minutes to the circulation again to get used to the upright posture.

cooling after sauna
done after leaving the sauna, a short stay in the air bath (outside or in a well ventilated room). Strong exhale, inhale quietly! Before you start to shiver go into the cooling room! Only now, the actual cooling. The first is cooled down their arms and legs. On cooling always remote-start heart. Only after the body is cooled. After cooling, the tube can take a cold bath.

rest for 20 minutes after the sauna

Second sauna-course
The second response is the sauna as the first. It may take 10 to 12 minutes.

An infusion at the end of the sauna heats the skin even more gangs, but is dispensable.

cooling after sauna

rest for 20 minutes after the sauna

third sauna-course
A third and final sauna-course It will operate at well tolerated by healthy people.

cooling after sauna

rest for 20 minutes after the sauna In the sauna

no gymnastics drive and not much talking! The air contains only as much oxygen as at 2,500 m altitude. Put

before getting up and leaving the sauna slowly and not get up quick! (Fainting risk)

After the sauna drink enough
After visiting the sauna! Between the sauna sessions should not make up the lost volume of water equal to, otherwise reduces the excretion of contaminants and Cleaning effect. No alcohol or coffee but mineral water and fruit juice drink! bring

Sauna rules
time (max 2 hours)
always dry in the sauna to go
Max 15 minutes per sauna-course
Not more than 3 saunas
speeches and Narratives in Sauna prevent their own relaxation and that of others.
inferior Always a towel in the sauna!
one enters the sauna is not in a bathing suit!
always cool after the sauna with cold water - never with lukewarm water.
Always ensure warm feet!
rest periods and conditions
Drinking and eating to nach dem letzen Sauna-Gang verschieben!

Wer sollte nicht in die Sauna gehen?
  • Fieber oder Erkältung
  • Akute Entzündung innerer Organe (Bauchspeicheldrüse, Blinddarm, Niere, Gallenblase)
  • Akutes Asthma
  • Epilepsie
  • Schwere Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen
  • Krampfadern
  • Krebserkrankungen
  • Akute Migräne
  • Tuberkulose
  • Schilddrüsenüberfunktion
  • Bluthochdruck (nur nach Rücksprache mit dem Arzt)


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