Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bachelorette Chapstick Label Sayings And Quotes

5 5 Freitag Samstag Sonntag 5

colored leafy trees and lots of freshly cracked chestnuts on the citizens of Stone - Is this October is not the most beautiful in the world? Must have.
Otherwise it would not pull so many cyclists and nature lovers into the open. Not only does the weather in October 2010 so special.
has According calendar this month although quite unspectacular 31 days, but five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays. And there are only every 823 years.
In the far east, we added ("found a name associated cohaerens Latin):" for this cohesion. Bag full of money "And that is why now so many chain letters are circulating
. I've got an e-mail yesterday. What did it say? When I send this email to eight good people, according to the Chinese Feng Shui principle * that my finances are improving already within four days. We'll see if it works. called
The Romans "october mensis (Latin octo = eight) and" 10ber "&" 8ber "are Latin dates (not to be confused:
And here's some information about the Golden October with Blütenber).
are for October, there are other old German names such as "Wine Month".
This name is already according to Wikipedia, by Charlemagne in the 8th Century have been introduced, and points to the beginning of the harvest.
is the other name "Gilbhart" because this month will turn the foliage yellow and brown.
was in the Middle Ages in October as a holy month in which was preferred to marry. Even kings often married in October.
* According to Wikipedia, is meant by the term "Feng Shui" the doctrine of the harmonization of man with his environment. The older term is "Kan Yu", "watching the sky and the earth" is short for.


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