Sunday, November 19, 2006

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7. (4.12.2006) Beziehungen zwischen den Organismen

(living together of organisms of different species, which is useful for one or more partners)

Proto cooperation (A casual relationship between the Different Species in the draw all participants their benefits but also without would be another viable - Hummel and red clover)

commensalism (A relationship in which only one species has an advantage, but the other has no apparent disadvantage - scavengers -)

mutualism (. coexistence for the benefit of both species - the sea anemone that lives in the cochlea of \u200b\u200bthe hermit crab Cancer is protected, sea anemone prof benefits from the food residue -)

Eusymbiose (Partner alone are no longer viable - leaf-cutting ants and fungi, food and propagation -)

Parasitismus (Zusammenleben bei dem der Parasit einen Vorteil gegenüber dem Wirt genießt bzw. dieser sogar geschädigt wird. Es gibt 3 Arten des Parasitismus: Wirt lebt während er Symbiose, Wirt stibt relativ schnell, Wirt wird vorher schon abgetötet)
Sybiosen können aber auch über den Raum definiert werden:
Ektosymbiose (Partner sind körperlich separately - flowers and pollinators, clown fish and sea anemone -)
endosymbiosis (One of the partners is taken into the body of the other - intestinal bacteria -)

The various reasons are to Synbiosen respond:
- food symbiosis (leaf-cutting ants and fungi)
- reproductive symbiosis (bees and flowering plants)
- symbiosis with protection from predators (ants to aphids)
- Ektosymbiose (hermit crab and parasite Rose)
- endosymbiosis (fungi and algae)
- commensalism (coastal and shark sucker)
... theme for me was very clear where perhaps do a little more explanation would be good: to take various reasons Synbiosen.

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6. (27.11.2006) Abiotische/ Biotische Faktoren

Abiotic factors :
the abiotic factors that affect an organism. For example: Light, temerature, water, nutrients, wind, ...

Biotic factors :
If the influences of the living environment. For example, parasites, pollination, seed dispersal, feeding relationships, ...

Furthermore, a distinction is inter-and intra-specific factors (competition), depending on whether the influence of individuals of their own species or other type starts.

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6. (27.11.2006) Fortpflanzung der Samenpflanzen

reproduction of flowering plants
are in bloom, the so-called reproductive organs. The stamens are the Pollen sacs where the pollen grains in turn generates
be formed in the carpels, the embryo sac. The male part grows out in the form of the pollen tube from the pollen grain. It grows through the style to the embryo sac and fertilize the egg there.
The embryo sac is the female part in which the egg is. Both male and female part of the flower have a half set of chromosomes (habloid).
arrives at the gymnosperms the pollen directly on the ovules. In the angiosperms he first arrived on the stigma, that is un-pollination between fertilization a longer time interval than is the Nacksamern. merge
When sexual reproduction (simple reproduction) two sex cells together. Fertilization happens via external fertilization (sex cells of different plants) or self-fertilization (sex cells of the same plant).
In asexual reproduction means the reproduction in which only the genes of one parent are included. Say it is an identical copy.
The pollination can in turn break down into two categories: self-pollination (pollination by pollen from the same plant) and cross-pollination (Bestäubung durch Pollen einer anderen Pflanze).

Saturday, November 18, 2006

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5. (20.11.2006) Aufbau/ Funktion: Blätter

Blatt/ Blätter

Zusammengestezte Blätter und ihre verschiedenen Formen der Blattspreiten (= durch tiefe Einschnitte in getrennte Teilblättchen zerlegt):

Blätter haben die Funktion des Gasaustausches inne, sprich sie geben den Wasserdampf ab, erzeugen somit einen Unterdruck im Blatt und dieser zieht neue Flüssigkeit aus den Wurzeln bzw. dem Stamm. Weiters ist es für die Fotosyntese zuständig. Für diese Funktionen sind verschiedene Gewebe zuständig:

- Kutikula (Schutz gegen Wasser)
- Palisadengewebe (Fotosyntese)
- Schwammgewebe (Fotosyntese, Transport of water vapor)
- intercellular spaces (airing)
- stomatal (release of water vapor, gas exchange)
- lower epidermis (Protection)
- vascular bundles (water and oxygen transport, consolidation)
- Upper Epidermis (Protection)

The leaves have adapted by different transformations to their environment:

- leaf tendrils (there have threadlike, unbranched or branched organs formed the plant to serve Klatten Eg. pea, Pumpkin)

- Journal thorns (parts of the leaf have transformed themselves through lignification or strengthening tissue in rigid bodies to protect the health and adaptation to dry conditions Eg cacti.. Thistle)

- memory leaves (leaves form in fleshy, shell-like onion leaves to seat in the folded stem axis serves the water and mass storage example: onions, snowdrop, tulip)...

- Blattsukkulente Pflanzen (Blätter wandeln sich zu fleischig verdickten Wasserspeichern um, dies dient der Anpassung an trockene Bedingungen Z.B.: Mauerpfeffer, Hauswurz, ...)

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5. (20.11.2006) Aufbau/ Funktion: Stamm


Die Sprossachse oder Stamm unterteilt sich in Knoten und blattlose Zweischenknotenstücke. Die Knoten bilden die Blätter und Blüten, welche dann von der Sprossachse getragen werden.
Sie besteht aus verschiedenen Bestandteilen die alle unterschiedliche Funtionen erfüllen.

- central cylinder (storage, water and fuel line )

- Mark (storage): Located right in the middle

- Education tissue (formation of new cells): "Age Rings," they cross the central cylinder

- epidermis (protection): the bark

Surrounds - bark (assimilation, storage, consolidation)

- vascular bundles (Water and fuel lines, consolidation): the central cylinder contained lines. If they increased again you get to see their smaller components, which consist of sieve cells, blood vessels, tissues and strengthening education tissue.

The above-described cross-section refers to the plants, dicotyledons:

einkeimblättrigenPflanzen The kopöette is the stem is infused with the vascular bundles. Say no central cylinder, no tissue formation, etc.

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5. (20.11.2006) Aufbau/ Funktion: Wurzel

root - root - leaf
All seed plants are geliedert into three main parts: root and shoot, and this can be divided again into the trunk (stem axis in non-woody plants) and in the leaves.
It is usually located below ground and has no leaves. The root system can be designed differently. You can have one main root that penetrates deep into the soil (deep roots) or the Seitenwuzeln grow rather flat out to all sides (Shallow). If the root of the lower Part of the shoot axis is growing this is called sprossbürtige roots.
deep roots (eg oak, dandelion, pine, fir, rape, ...)
shallow roots (such as spruce, poplar, potato, grass, ...)
Sprossbürtige Wuzelsysteme (eg cereals, ferns, onion, lily of the valley, ...)
The root has three main tasks:
- anchor the plant in the soil
- uptake of nutrients and water and transmission to the offspring
- reserve materials store
The different components have different Funktuionen:
- root hairs -> water and nutrient uptake
- rhizodermis -> Protection
- central cylinder -> stock and water management
- bark -> hydrogen storage and ventilation
- vascular bundles with vessels and sieve-tubes -> stock and water management
- Wurzelhaare -> Wasser- und Nährstoffaufnahme
- Rhizodermis -> Schutz
- Rinde -> Stoffspeicherung und Durchlüftung
- Zentralzylinder -> Stoff- und Wasserleitung
- Bildungsgewebe -> Bildung neuer Zellen
- Wurzelhaube -> Schutz
by metamorphosis of the roots are "functional" roots were participating in certain environmental conditions have adapted. storage roots : Beet (thickened main root, eg: carrot and beet), tubers (thickened sprossbürtige roots, such as: lesser celandine and orchids); detention and climbing roots (attachment to solid surface, ie: Ivy and Liane)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

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Kommentare zu Thema 4

was by and large ok for me, that is not too difficult.
was more problematic that I could use the bio-book is not really (topic is dealt with not really) and so I had to rely 100% on the Internet. There is either explained very little or very much ... so you have to look for his balance sometimes.
I still hope for a more detailed explanation of the "Einfurchenpollen / three furrows pollen" is not quite clear to me whether I have it right or enough understood.

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4. (13.11.2006) Unterschied Einkeimblättrige-/ Zweikeimblättrige Pflanzen

Monocots / Dicotyledons

seed plants:

  • gymnosperms (conifers) this is the seed open to, for example in a journal
  • angiosperms ( flowering plants), the seed grows in the ovary of the flower
  • monocotyledons (a shoot growing from a seed with one cotyledon)
  • dicotyledonous Plant (from a seed a shoot grows with two cotyledons)

Eikeimblättrige plants :

seed is only one cotyledon created. The stunted radicle very rapidly and tired of this, it leads to the formation of seitlichangelegten your roots (not the main root). The stem contains vascular bundles. The stems are usually unbranched. Say seedlings with cotyledon and parallel venation leaves. (Such as all grasses, tulips)

Dicots Plant :

If plants whose seeds have two cotyledons and seedlings have network nerv-engine blades.

There are the Einfurchenpollen ( embryo has two cotyledons and pollen grains which is einfurchig) and three furrows pollen (embryo sits between two cotyledons, however, goes from pollen produced with three furrows) infurchenpollen

E :

three furrows pollen


addendum on the basis of comments / questions:

question: work out better, which plants, then, to the 1 - and 2 - keimblättrigen plants belong. What, for example with the beautiful orchids?


monocots plants -> lily plants, bulbs, asparagus plants, banana plants, orchids, grasses

Dicots Plants -> Water Lilies similar, magnolias, laurels, pepper, ranunculus, carnations, roses, ... .

Monday, November 6, 2006

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4. (13.11.2006) Unterschied Nacktsamer/ Bedecktsamer

seed plants

have seed plants (as the name implies), as seed dissemination organs. In contrast to the Cryptogams (Verbreitungsoragne: spores).
This distinction is then divided into two groups:
- angiosperm, seeds are wrapped entirely of carpels.
- gymnosperms, seeds are wrapped only in part from the carpels.


The carpels are not completely closed. Gymnosperms are the original form, ie the angiosperms evolved from them.

The various flowers are asexual and consist solely of stamens (see illustration) or carpels. Often, several flowers of the same sex in journal summarized.

is the dissemination of pollen by the wind, with the possible pollination by insects. In this case, the seeds fall directly onto the unprotected site conception. In still other plants (Ginkopflanzen, cycads), there are sperm cells from the pollen tube into the cavity of the pollen chamber (filled with liquid) run from where they can swim to the egg. These

At current gymnosperms I eat to woody plants. The two main differences in comparison to the angiosperms are in the pathways (such as the liquid is transported in the plant) and in the fact that the angiosperms are fully enclosed by carpels (seed is spread through the fruit).

angiosperms (flowering plants)

The seeds are encased in an ovary (fruit leaves). He is the ovule in which there are the egg cells. If this develops a fertilized ovule of the ovary of a plant embryo (including the seeds). In the maturation, the ovary often developed for, pulp (eg, cherry).
are in the group of angiosperms there are differences in the flowers, the pathways, the components, den Befruchtungsmechanismen,... . Sie beinhaltet die meisten Arten.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Should I Work If I Have Tonsillitis

Kommentare zu Thema 1-3

Um ehrlich zu sein empfand ich die Themen der Zellteilung nur teilweise interessant.
Aber nach dem ich mich in die Materie eingearbeitet hatten (zu Beginn doch recht verwirrend) bin ich ganz gut voran gekommen.
Ich habe die für mich wichtigesten Punkte herausgearbeitet und fest gehalten.
Verständnisprobleme gab es nur zu Beginn, doch wie schon gesagt, gig es anschließend ganz gut voran.

Erarbeitet habe ich die Themen durch Suche in Internet, durch Besprechen mit Familienmitgliedern und natürlich durch das Biologiebuch.

Monday, January 16, 2006

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Häufige komorbide Symptome sind:

Frequent comorbid symptoms are:
aggression or autoimmune AD (H) S, Bipolarstörung, depression, epilepsy, eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, especially in girls), migraine, non-verbal learning disorder, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD), prosopagnosia (face blindness), sleep disorders, self-injurious behavior, sensory integration disorders or sensory integrative dysfunction (SID), social phobia, tic disorders (resembling Tourette's syndrome), temper tantrums, central auditory processing disorders and OCD.
distinction of states within the autism spectrum to distinguish between atypical and early-onset autism can usually be done easily, since the atypical autism is defined because of its differences from the early childhood autism. Since atypical autism usually associated with intellectual disability is also a boundary with the Asperger syndrome given. Before Asperger's syndrome was introduced in the 1990s as a separate diagnosis, patients were given that now receive the diagnosis Asperger's syndrome, the diagnosis of atypical autism.
early childhood autism is different from Asperger's syndrome due mainly to the lack of delay in Asperger's Syndrome linguistic and cognitive development. Can be difficult to differentiate between autism and Asperger's syndrome, if the early childhood autism occurs in the form of highly functional autism. In the variant of the highly functional autism is no mental retardation and symptoms similar to those of Asperger's Syndrome very difficult. In research is controversial, whether there is a difference between high functional autism and Asperger syndrome. Therefore, in part, the terms of high-function autism and Asperger syndrome are used interchangeably. A good-understand overview of the similarities and differences between high functional autism and Asperger syndrome, the essay Is There a Difference Between Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism by Tony Attwood.
cause of autism is a neurological disorder and has organic causes.
Because the parties usually look normal, they are uneducated outsiders in the public quickly as experienced rude and provocative. The blame for their inappropriate behavior is usually attributed to the parents. Such accusations and resulting guilt feelings often do not end in withdrawal and social isolation. The theory that autism arises because of the emotional coldness of the mother (former terminus of the so-called "refrigerator mother") by loveless upbringing, lack of care, trauma, etc. is now disproved.
The exact causes however are not yet clear, but there are a number of theories, of which the key will be addressed below. Usually explain the various theories is only one aspect of autism, so that autism is ultimately probably due to interaction of several factors.
can not be ruled also that it is autism is a product of human evolution, not a disability or illness. Autism is perhaps only part of the biological diversity of humanity. This assumption is supported by new research results in which subclinical forms of autism are examined. Moreover, our company is developing more and more in a direction that autism can be striking, because it aims to steadily more social skills. People who were not earlier than autism could be diagnosed today even as people with Asperger syndrome. Here especially, the deviation from the norm plays a role: the question of whether autism is present, this increasingly to the question of how much has autism is a human. It is clear that it is autism to an autistic spectrum (above) is where all the possible intermediate steps between "autism" and appear "normal" (reference: Kennedy 2002; Ratey and Johnson 1999).

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Genetische Faktoren

FaktorenBei genetic family studies reveal that there is a family history of autism. Genetic factors are therefore a cause for autism is very likely. Twin studies from Europe and the USA show that an identical twin autistic child are far more likely (about 95.7%) has an autistic twins, dizygotic twins as a child. It could be initially concluded that the cause is genetic type. But since not all monozygotic autistic twins an autistic twin who can find no single explanation for a genetic basis. But according to recent findings from these families and twin studies geht hervor, dass die Entstehung der Erkrankung durch eine Kombination verschiedener spezifischer Gene (sicher mehr als zwei), die wahrscheinlich insbesondere während der Gehirn-Entwicklung aktiv sind, bedingt ist.
HirnschädigungenVerschiedene Studien haben ergeben, dass Hirnschädigungen Ursache für Autismus sein können. Festgestellt wurden insbesondere eine Funktionsstörung der linken Gehirnhälfte, abnorme Veränderungen des Stammhirns in Kombination mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit sowie Störungen in der sensorischen Reizverarbeitung. Jedoch besteht in diesem Bereich noch weiterer Forschungsbedarf.
Biochemische BesonderheitenBei Untersuchungen von Menschen mit Autismus wurden Besonderheiten im biochemischen Bereich festgestellt. Some of them have an increased dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine and serotonin. However, the findings are inconsistent in this area and allow no general conclusions.
feeling blindness (mind blindness theory) Leo Kanner himself assumed that children with autism have deficits in affective contact, so their ability to recognize from the body language of other people whose feelings is limited. This is attributed to cognitive deficits (blindness feeling, Eng. Min blindness). People with autism have difficulty understanding that people have different feelings. It was also found that autistic people as opposed to neurologically typical people perceive objects and people in the same brain region. Recent neurobiological observations also lead to an insufficient involvement of mirror neurons in the cognitive processes as (co-) cause of autism.
empathising system Ising theory (ES) British autism researcher Simon Baron-Cohen suspects that autism caused by high levels of testosterone in the womb, have an extremely strong male brain. In a study of 58 pregnant women were recorded children who were exposed in utero to increased testosterone levels, compared with normal children by a smaller but higher quality vocabulary and less frequent eye contact. At the age of four years, these children were less socially developed. Subsequently developed bar

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Repetitive und stereotype Verhaltensmuster

Repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior changes in their environment, such as moved furniture or another school, in people with autism lead to anxiety and uncertainty. Sometimes Affected got into panic when things are not at their usual place or in a specific arrangement. The fact that autistic people have an intense awareness of details and therefore also notice small changes, exacerbated this problem. Licenses run from the problems of irregularities from highly ritualized.
The interests of autistic people are often limited to certain areas. People with high functional autism in an area of their special interest ein enormes Wissen ansammeln. In Ausnahmefällen zeigen autistische Menschen außergewöhnliche Begabungen in einem sehr begrenzten Gebiet, etwa im Rechnen, Malen, in der Musik oder in der Merkfähigkeit (Inselbegabung).
Asperger-SyndromDie beiden international gebräuchlichen Klassifikationssysteme für Krankheiten, ICD-10 und DSM-IV, nennen vier diagnostische Kriterien für das Asperger-Syndrom (AS):
Qualitative Beeinträchtigung der sozialen Interaktion, repetitive und stereotype Verhaltensmuster sowie ausgeprägte Sonderinteressen, keine klinisch bedeutsame Verzögerung der sprachlichen und kognitiven Entwicklung und Symptome erfüllen nicht die Diagnosekriterien einer anderen tiefgreifenden Entwicklungsstörung or schizophrenia. Usually occur with AS and motor impairments. The
with AS in related forms reach deep into normal human behavior. It may be expected from a continuum, ie a continuous spectrum of abnormalities. For a clear outlined conglomeration of abnormalities can be used as Asperger's syndrome from true to some extent the term.
Although many behaviors take the social network of stakeholders, especially the next friend, and the family much in demand, it is not only negative aspects, the AS qualification. There are numerous reports of the simultaneous occurrence of above-average intelligence or even - for incredible force than normal people - Island talent. Minor cases of AS are in English, referred to colloquially as the "Little Professor Syndrome", "Geek Syndrome" or "nerd syndrome.
a good overview of the symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome offers, edited by Asperger e. V. brochure is how the Asperger's syndrome manifest itself? (Ref: Tibi 2005).

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Soziale Interaktion

Social InteraktionDas most serious problem for people with AS is that of the impaired social interaction behavior. Affected are two areas, firstly the ability to casual relationships with other people produce, and other non-verbal communication.
children and young people usually lack the desire to establish relationships with peers. This request is normally only in adolescence, but usually lacks the ability to.
The impediments in the area of \u200b\u200bnon-verbal communication will concern the understanding of non-verbal messages of other people and sending out their own non-verbal signals.
prove to be particularly problematic, the difficulties in social interaction behavior, because people with Asperger syndrome have no obvious outward signs of disability. So even people who are otherwise disabled by tolerance towards other people excel, the difficulties of people with Asperger's syndrome as a deliberate provocation feel. If such an interested party responds to a question put to him only with silence, this is often interpreted as stubbornness and rudeness.
make in everyday life, the difficulties in social interaction behavior apparent in many ways. People with AS can be difficult to keep eye contact with other people or record. Avoid body contact such as shaking hands. If you are unsure when it comes to lead discussions with others, especially if it is a rather trivial small talk. Social rules, the other master intuitively understand people with AS are not intuitive, but they must acquire only with difficulty. Therefore, people with AS often have no or hardly any friends. In school, such as they are during the breaks better for themselves because they can start with the usual handling of other students with each other only slightly. In class, they are usually much better in writing than in the oral area. In the training and professional expertise makes them the region usually no problem, just the small talk with colleagues or with customers. Also the telephone may be difficult. In the study, oral examinations or presentations constitute major constraints. Since the labor market well in all areas of contact and team skills as much as one of professional competence, people with AS have problems finding a suitable place at all. Many are self-employed, but they can prevail in case of problems with customers barely, as if a customer pays. A workshop for people with disabilities, however, they would be in his head. Most people with AS can be high drama to the outside world a facade maintained, so that their problems at first glance are not directly visible, but for personal Contact shine through, for example in an interview. People with AS are shy on the outside but as extreme, but this is not the real problem. Shy people understand the social rules, but do not dare to apply it. People with AS would they dare to apply, but they do not understand and can apply it not so. The empathy is limited in people with AS. People with AS can place himself badly in other people and see their moods or feelings to outward signs. In general, it prepares them difficult to read between the lines and understand non-literal meanings of words or phrases. This allows them to offend in social intercourse, as they do not understand other people obvious non-verbal signals. They can also get into dangerous situations because they external signs that indicate an imminent danger such as by violent criminals, can not interpret correctly.
stereotyped patterns of behavior and SonderinteressenRepetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior show people with AS in their lifestyles and in their interests. The lives of people with AS is determined by distinct routines. If they are disturbed in these can result in serious adverse effects. People with AS are usually not very flexible and fall off track when they are disturbed in their routines be. Whose interests people with AS are sometimes confined to one area on which they usually have a wealth of knowledge. Unusual is the extent to which they devote themselves to their area of \u200b\u200binterest, for other areas as their own, they are usually difficult to excite. Since most people with AS may well think logically, their interests are often in mathematics, natural sciences, but other areas are possible.
repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior and strong special interests can both advantages and disadvantages bring. A well-organized daily routine provides stability, but routines are lived for its own sake, this can be a problem. Pronounced Special interests can form the basis for a career, but can also lead to a narrowed thinking.
Comorbid symptoms with autism may experience a range of comorbid symptoms. People with autism tend to usually strong visual thinking. Synesthesia is not uncommon for them such that they associate certain colors perceptions. People with autism are sensitive to external stimuli such as touch, on the other hand, they usually have a decreased sensitivity to pain. During adolescence or early adulthood occur in people with autism sometimes psychotic episodes. With Asperger's Syndrome motor Abnormalities occur. Positive effects of autism such as a special creativity, inclination for honesty and great stamina.
In people with autism, the intelligence is in contrast to neurologically typical people are not uniformly strong. As they accumulate in the area of their special interest, often a wealth of knowledge and good logical and systematic thinking to develop their skills in the social and emotional areas are underdeveloped. This uneven distribution of intelligence explains why some otherwise mentally disabled people to develop a narrowly circumscribed area outstanding abilities.



autism (from Gr: self) is a pervasive developmental disorder.
forms of autism in early childhood autism (including the variant highly functional autism) are atypical autism and Asperger syndrome, which make up the autism spectrum. To the fact that it is autism is a continuum of different forms, just to be conceptually, is spoken by autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
was coined the term "autism" in 1911 by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler. He called autism a fundamental symptom of schizophrenia, which affected the retirement in the inner world of thought in people with schizophrenia said.
Leo Kanner (ref: Kanner 1943) and Hans Asperger (ref: Asperger 1944) took this concept to and thus named a special kind of disorder, unlike people with schizophrenia who are retiring active in their affairs described Kanner and Asperger people living from birth in a state of inner solitude. This was subject to the term "autism" to a change of meaning. Today the term "autism" used to describe the Asperger and Kanner described disorder.
Kanner's research, the term "autism" narrow sense and essentially described today's so-called early infantile autism, gained international recognition and became the basis for further autism research. The publications Aspergers However, the term "autism" a wider sense and even mild cases were included, first recited little, partly because of the Second World War and partly because Asperger published in German. Only in the 1990s, Asperger's international research reputation acquired in the art. The English psychologist Lorna Wing (Ref: Wing 1981) led in the 1980s continued the research and defined the Asperger described by Asperger milder cases of autism and Asperger syndrome.
There are three types of autism:
Atypical Autism, Infantile Autism (including infantile autism, autistic disorder, Kanner's syndrome or Kanner's autism called), including the variant of the highly functional autism (high-functioning autism engl.) and Asperger syndrome. These three types make up the autism spectrum (autism spectrum engl.). On one side of this spectrum is the atypical autism, who usually performs with severe mental disabilities. On the other side of this spectrum, Asperger's syndrome is established, which usually occurs with normal to above-average intelligence. Both the transitions within the spectrum and the transition from Asperger syndrome to "normalcy" is fluid. All conditions within this spectrum are the characteristics of limited social interaction, impaired communication and repetitive behavior patterns in common. Depending on the intensity of the expression of patients are classified within this range.
Atypical autism differs from childhood autism in that children diagnosed after the age of three (atypical age of onset) and / or do not have all the symptoms (atypical symptoms and atypical age of onset / atypical symptoms).
Autistic children with atypical age of onset of symptoms show regarding the full picture of infantile autism, which manifests itself in them but only after the age of three.
Autistic children with atypical symptoms create abnormalities in the day, for early childhood autism typisch sind, jedoch die Diagnosekriterien des frühkindlichen Autismus nicht vollständig erfüllen. Dabei können sich die Symptome sowohl vor als auch nach dem dritten Lebensjahr manifestieren. Diese Form des atypischen Autismus tritt oft mit erheblicher Intelligenzminderung auf, weshalb auch von „Intelligenzminderung mit autistischen Zügen“ gesprochen wird.

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Frühkindlicher Autismus

early childhood AutismusDie two internationally used classification systems for diseases, ICD-10 and DSM-IV, mention four diagnostic criteria for early childhood Autism
Qualitative impairment in social interaction, qualitative impairment of communication, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior and onset before 3 Of age. Furthermore, called ICD-10 or nonspecific problems such as fears, phobias, sleep disorders, eating disorders, temper tantrums, aggression and self-injurious behavior (self-mutilation).
is usually associated with infantile autism, mental retardation. However, there are also cases in which there is no mental retardation. This variant of infantile autism is described as high-function autism (high functioning autism engl.). It is very similar to Asperger's syndrome. A distinction can be made only by the development in early childhood, notably through the beginning of language development. Some of the concepts of high-function autism and Asperger's syndrome are also used interchangeably. This reflects the fact that both disorders are similar in their appearance, however, ignores that in the end it are two different disorders.
Social interaction a qualitative impairment in social interaction seen as an extreme contact disorder that manifests itself in the first months of life by a lack of communication with parents, especially the mother. Children with autism stretch of the mother's arms does not preclude to be lifted. You do not smile back when smiled at and comment on the parents do not provide adequate eye contact. This contrasts with a strong object-centeredness, which is often limited to a particular type of goods. Their attention on a few things, such as taps, door handles, joints between slabs or directed graph paper, they attract magical, so anything past them going. They often refer to objects an other foreign purpose, such as the parts of a toy train by size and color, or their only interest in a toy car is to turn the wheels constantly.
KommunikationBei people with autism is missing in about half of patients present with language altogether. The other half of the patients experience a delay in language development. Initially lacking the communicative function of language. Words or sentences are simply repeated (echolalia). In childhood, patients often change the pronouns (pronominal reversal). They talk about other than I and of themselves than you or the third person. This characteristic improves, usually employed in the course of development. New words (neologisms) are common. People with autism-like in certain formulations (perseveration). In communication with other Menschen haben sie Schwierigkeiten, Gesagtes über die genaue Wortbedeutung hinaus zu verstehen, zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen. Ihre Stimme klingt eintönig (fehlende Prosodie).
Die Probleme in der Kommunikation äußern sich außerdem in Schwierigkeiten in der Kontaktaufnahme zur Außenwelt und zu anderen Menschen. Manche Autisten scheinen die Außenwelt kaum wahrzunehmen und teilen sich ihrer Umwelt auf ihre ganz individuelle Art mit. Deshalb wurden autistische Kinder früher auch Muschelkinder oder Igelkinder genannt. Die Wahrnehmungen im visuellen und auditiven Bereich sind oft deutlich intensiver als bei neurologisch typischen Menschen, daher scheint eine Abschaltfunktion im Gehirn die Reizüberflutung als Selbstschutz auszublenden. Autistic people have a strong need for individual differences in body contact. On the one hand, take some with complete strangers direct contact and sometimes inappropriate, on the other hand, can not touch for them to be uncomfortable because of the sensitivity of their sense of touch.
Against this background, a design-understand communication with an autistic people is difficult. Emotions are often misinterpreted or not even understood. These potential problems must be taken into account in making contacts and require a tremendous amount of empathy.

Friday, January 6, 2006

Communication Board Free Stroke

