Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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Appetitsubpression of Hoodia gordonii?

Hoodia gordonii

Hoodia gordonii is a plant native to South Africa which is also often known as Hoodia. In the media, the extract from Hoodia gordonii is advertised as a natural appetite inhibitors. Under the continuous intake of Hoodia extract it to come to a reduction in appetite or to a prolonged feeling of satiety. In the long run this property to a Abnahme des Körpergewichts beitragen.
Studien zum Wirksamkeitsnachweis
In einer tierexperimentellen Untersuchung an Raten wurde unter der Dosierung von 6.25–50 mg/kg eine reduzierte Nahrungsaufnahme und nachfolgend eine Gewichtsreduktion bei den Tieren beobachtet (1). Weitere tierexperimentellen Daten bestätigen diese Ergebnisse (2).

Bisher sind keine Ergebnisse aus Placebo-kontrollierten Studien zur Anwendung von Hoodia gordonii in von Experten begutachteten Zeitschriften publiziert worden. Untersuchungsergebnisse einer Phase-I/II-Untersuchung an 18 Probanden lieferten erste Hinweise, dass die Einnahme über 15 Tage die Gesamtkalorienaufnahme compared with the placebo group reduced (3), resulted in a decrease in body fat, while no adverse effects occurred. These data have been published only as a press release and are not reviewed by experts (3).
Due to the lack of proof of efficacy in humans at present be no recommendation for the use of Hodia extract the long-term weight reduction.

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Saturation Index - Particularly satisfying food

Saturday, March 27, 2010

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start the day without breakfast - the possible consequences

Den Tag ohne Frühstück beginnen – mögliche Folgen

Laut Umfrage im Auftrag der Gesellschaft für Erfahrungswissenschaftliche Sozialforschung (GEWIS) verzichten 9 Prozent der Erwachsenen komplett auf das Frühstück. Weitere 16 Prozent frühstücken nur gelegentlich. Ganze 39 Prozent genießen das Frühstück at home, the rest, at work or on the way there. seems Much more important that that is the observation that "breakfast skippers" have an increased risk of future overweight or even obese is to (2). Also increased, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus. In addition, the waiver takes on breakfast in the short term to an increase in appetite (4). The health-related quality of life suffers from this behavior (3).

Conclusion: Starting the day without breakfast entails, especially health risks.

This might interest you:

saturation index - Is there more satisfying food?

Strong saturation by slowly eating

influence of energy density on the saturation

think away appetite, insatiable desire to resist

A protein-rich meal has a high saturation effect

there from drugs of nature, which influence the saturation positive?

Is there a connection between vitamin C status and saturation?

The effect of chromium on food intake and satiety


first Dubois L, Girard M, Potvin Kent M, Farmer A, Tatone-Tokuda F. skipping breakfast is associated with differences in meal patterns, macronutrient intakes and overweight among pre-school children. Public Health Nutr. 2009 Jan; 12 (1) :19-28. Epub 2008 Mar 18th

second Croezen S, Visscher TL, Ter Bogt NC, Veling ML, Haveman-Nies A. Skipping breakfast, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity as risk factors for overweight and obesity in adolescents: results of the E-MOVO project. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2009 Mar;63(3):405-12. Epub 2007 Nov 28.
3. Huang CJ, Hu HT, Fan YC, Liao YM, Tsai PS. Associations of breakfast skipping with obesity and health-related quality of life: evidence from a national survey in Taiwan. Int J Obes (Lond). 2010 Jan 12. [Epub ahead of print]
4. Giovannini M, Agostoni C, Shamir R. Symposium overview: Do we all eat breakfast and is it important? Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2010 Feb;50(2):97-9.
Suchbegriffe: Adipositas, Appetit, Breakfast-Skipper, Diabetes mellitus, Weight loss, do not eat breakfast. Waiver of breakfast, no breakfast, obesity, satiety

Thursday, March 18, 2010

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Strong saturation by slowly eating

far lacked the scientific evidence that slow food is really healthier than a meal taken in a hurry. Two studies now provide good arguments for eating a reduced pace. In a study of 30 normal-weight adults could be demonstrated that slow food, the total energy intake was significantly reduced in a more pronounced saturation contributes (1). A recent crossover study (2), confirmed these findings. In this study, 17 young men consumed a large portion of ice cream (300 ml, 675 kcal) either in 5 minutes or 30 minutes. The decisive result was that two saturation hormones (peptide YY and glucagon-like peptide), a significantly greater increase after the slower Eisverzehr showed. In addition to these objective parameters for a more satisfying effect, participants reported subjectively (2) more satiety after the slow Enjoying ice-cream.

Conclusion: Slow food reduces energy intake and increased the saturation.
literature: first
Andrade AM et al. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008, July 108 (7) :1186-91.
2. Kokkinos A et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Jan, 95 (1) :333-7.

peppers (yellow) Link: Are there any particularly satisfying foods? Link - Another Article about "fast food and obesity"

Link - Another Article on "stress and eating behavior"

might be interested you:

influence of energy density on the saturation

    think away appetite, insatiable desire to resist

  • A protein-rich meal has a high saturation effect

  • there from drugs of nature, which influence the saturation positive?

  • Is there a connection between vitamin C status and saturation?

  • The effect of chromium on food intake and satiety

  • Keywords: satiety, expected saturation Essgeschwindigkeit. make fast food, Esstempo saturated, glucagon-like peptide, slow food, Peptide YY, tired, be tired, be tired of filling

Saturday, March 13, 2010

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The effect of portion size on energy intake

from larger portions of food is eaten, regardless of how intense the hunger state at the beginning of the meal was (7, 8). It seems that adults ignore hunger and satiety signals arising from the larger portions. Clinical studies on this question is clear (7, 8):

you offer people great and small servings of macaroni and cheese, they are consuming large portions of 30 percent more calories (1). was served several days in various sizes sandwich for lunch, then the men took of the great sandwiches and 56 percent women 31 percent more calories (2). Despite the different amounts of energy, the participants reported at the end of the meal over a similar state of saturation.

In a canteen serving of the pasta at the same price was increased by 50 percent. This led to a higher energy intake by 43 percent (3).
  • In another study examined whether a larger snack (snack-size: +50%) to a reduced uptake in the subsequent meal out. Although 37% of men and the women ate 18% more of the offered snack, did not lead to reduced food intake at the next meal (4). An increased uptake by larger portions in one day was not compensated by a lower intake the next day (5). Over longer periods (4 weeks) is not caused by large portions receiving more compensation (6, 8).

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The portion size will be chosen individually, is usually relatively constant. It is the result of repeated trial and error ": the hunger was satisfied enough with this food? Was the amount sufficient until the next meal to keep enough? Was that uncomfortable feeling of fullness after the meal?
When persons regularly offered large portions (eg in restaurant), thus increasing the long run be freely chosen, individual portion size (6).
One survey found that 69 percent eat the restaurant's guests are offered portions to complete. Of these people but 30 percent would have been content with a smaller portion (7).

Conclusion: The offered portion size influenced very much the power consumption.

Link - another contribution on the influence of portion size on the saturation

This might interest you:

saturation index - Are there any particularly satisfying foods?
Strong saturation by slowly eating

influence of energy density on the saturation

think away appetite, insatiable desire to resist

A protein-rich meal has a high saturation effect

Are there natural ingredients that affect the saturation positive?

Is there a connection between vitamin C status and saturation?

Die Wirkung von Chrom auf die Nahrungsaufnahme und das Sättigungsgefühl


Rolls BJ, Morris EL, Roe LS. Portion size of food affects energy intake in normal-weight and overweight men and women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 Dec;76(6):1207-13.

Rolls BJ, Roe LS, Meengs JS, Wall DE. Increasing the portion size of a sandwich increases energy intake. J Am Diet Assoc. 2004 Mar;104(3):367-72.

Diliberti N, Bordi PL, Conklin MT, Roe LS, Rolls BJ. Increased portion size leads to increased energy intake in a restaurant meal. Obes Res. 2004 Mar;12(3):562-8.
Rolls BJ, Roe LS, Kral TV, Meengs JS, Wall DE. Increasing the portion size of a packaged snack increases energy intake in men and women. Appetite. 2004 Feb;42(1):63-9.

Rolls BJ, Roe LS, Meengs JS. Larger portion sizes lead to a sustained increase in energy intake over 2 days. J Am Diet Assoc. 2006 Apr;106(4):543-9.
    Jeffery RW, Rydell S, Dunn CL, Harnack LJ, Levine AS, Pentel PR, Baxter JE, Walsh EM. Effects of portion size on chronic energy intake. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2007 Jun 27;4:27.
  1. Ello-Martin JA, Ledikwe JH, Rolls BJ. The influence of food portion size and energy density on energy intake: implications for weight management. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jul;82(1 Suppl):236S-241S. Review.
  2. Steenhuis IH, Vermeer WM. Portion size: review and framework for interventions. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2009 Aug 21, 6:58.
  3. Searches: saturated, energy intake, food portion, hunger, caloric intake, food intake, portion, portion size, snack

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little sleep increases appetite

who sleeps little, is not simply more time to eat, but sleep deprivation increases appetite and hunger.

Epidemiological studies also confirm that the shorter the sleep duration, the higher the risk for obesity. In essence this means a sleeping period of significantly less or more than 7.7 hours with an increase in body mass index connected (2). People who sleep during the work week for less than 6 hours have a significantly higher risk of being overweight than people who sleep 8 hours or more (3). Link - Another article on the subject of sleep and appetite


Spiegel K, Tasali E, Penev P, Van Cauter E. Brief communication: Sleep curtailment in healthy young men is associated with decreased leptin levels, elevated ghrelin levels, and increased hunger and appetite. Ann Intern Med 2004 Dec 7; 141 (11) :846-50.

Taheri S, Lin L, Austin D, Young T, Mignot E. Short sleep duration is associated with reduced leptin, elevated ghrelin, and increased body mass index. PLoS Med. 2004 Dec;1(3):e62.
National Sleep Foundation 2008; SLEEP IN AMERICA POLL

Das könnte Sie interessieren:
  1. Ausgeprägte Sättigung durch langsames Essen

    Einfluss der Energiedichte auf die Sättigung

    Appetit wegdenken, unersättlichem Verlangen widerstehen

    Eine proteinreiche Mahlzeit hat einen hohen Sättigungseffekt

    Gibt es Wirkstoffe aus der Natur, die die Sättigung positiv Influenced?

    Is there a connection between vitamin C status and saturation?

    The effect of chromium on food intake and satiety

Thursday, March 11, 2010

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The preload concept - a starter, which reduce food intake below soll

The rationale behind the preload concept is that eating a small meal at a precisely defined distance shall Before making the (main)-meal, the subsequent food intake. The aim of the preload to the appetite and reduce hunger at the beginning of the meal so much that total less is consumed (3). A smaller distance between the preload the meal (about 20 - 30 minutes instead of> 60 min) seems more favorable to the reduction of the amount of food auszuwirken (6).

is particularly well studied, the administration of drinks in different volumes and compositions. Positive data is available for the taking of larger quantities (400 ml) of carbonated beverages to about 10 minutes before the actual meal (8). When equal volumes of a high carbon dioxide content has a stronger appetite-reducing effect (8). This type of preload significantly reduced the energy consumption of the meal. It also seems to be a dose-response relationship between the recorded volume and the degree of saturation to give. The larger the volume of the preload (600 ml instead of 300 ml), the greater the saturation effect and the subsequent reduction in food intake (7).

original objective of the application of the preload concept was to reduce the total energy supply. The use of a preload would thus be useful only if the reduction in energy intake in the subsequent meal at least compensated for the energy content of preloads. Desirable would be a relevant reduction of total energy intake of the day. The recent study data collectively, have not be proven, that is by including a preload, the total energy intake (preload + meal) significantly reduced (1, 2). Was often in study results are documented a decrease in food intake, but usually does not reach a complete compensation of the Prelaod energy content (2, 7). An exception was a study were offered in various soups as Preload: soup with low energy density reduced the total energy intake (preload + dinner), with the main meal was about 20 percent less eaten (9). The lower the energy content of the preloads, the more likely a compensation in the subsequent meal (8) was. The ambitious goal of a relevant reduction of total daily calorie intake by an energy-containing preload has not yet been reached (1, 2, 7).


Bertenshaw EJ, Lluch A, Yeomans MR. Dose-dependent effects of beverage protein content upon short-term intake. Appetite. 2009 Jun;52(3):580-7.
Bertenshaw EJ, Lluch A, Yeomans MR. Satiating effects of protein but not carbohydrate consumed in a between-meal beverage context. Physiol Behav. 2008 Feb 27;93(3):427-36.

Yeomans MR, Gray RW, Conyers TH. Maltodextrin preloads reduce food intake without altering the appetiser effect. Physiol Behav. 1998 Jun 15;64(4):501-6.

Luhovyy BL, Akhavan T, Anderson GH. Whey proteins in the regulation of food intake and satiety. J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Dec;26(6):704S-12S. Review.

Akhavan T, Luhovyy BL, Brown PH, Cho CE, Anderson GH. Effect of premeal consumption of whey protein and its hydrolysate on food intake and postmeal glycemia and insulin responses in young adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Feb 17. [Epub ahead of print]

    Almiron-Roig E, Flores SY, Drewnowski A. No difference in satiety or in subsequent energy intakes between a beverage and a solid food. Physiol Behav. 2004 Sep 30;82(4):671-7.

  1. Rolls BJ, Bell EA, Waugh BA. Increasing the volume of a food by incorporating air affects satiety in men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Aug;72(2):361-8.

  2. Moorhead SA, Livingstone MB, Dunne A, Welch RW. The level of carbonation of a sugar-sweetened beverage preload affects satiety and short-term energy and food intakes. Br J Nutr. 2008 Jun; 99 (6) :1362-9.
  3. Flood JE, Rolls BJ.Soup preloads in a variety of forms reduce meal energy intake. Appetite. 2007 Nov, 49 (3) :626-34.
  4. This might interest you:

  5. Strong saturation by slowly eating

    influence of energy density on the saturation

    appetite thought away, resist insatiable desire

    A protein-rich meal a high saturation effect

    Are there natural ingredients that affect the saturation positive?

    Is there a connection between vitamin C status and saturation?

    The effect of chromium on food intake and satiety

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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Alkohol zum Essen erhöht den Appetit und reduziert die Sättigung

by alcohol drinks supplied calories when eating act additive, ie there is no compensation, eg by an earlier saturation of charge. alcohol as an aperitif or enjoyed food, increased energy intake. In studies, a clear dose-response relationship between the amount of alcohol was consumed before the meal (aperitif) and energy intake during the subsequent meal was documented (Caton et al 2004). This increased energy intake in the short term, that is compensated at the next meal is not over and therefore contributes to a positive energy balance. The appetite-stimulating effect of the alcohol directly, ie without time delay. Als Konsequenz steigert Alkohol sowohl als Aperitif als auch zu den Mahlzeiten genossen im gleichen Maße die Nahrungsaufnahme. Literatur:
Caton SJ, Ball M, Ahern A, Hetherington MM. Dose-dependent effects of alcohol on appetite and food intake. Physiol Behav. 2004 Mar;81(1):51-8.
Yeomans MR, Phillips MF. Failure to reduce short-term appetite following alcohol is independent of beliefs about the presence of alcohol. Nutr Neurosci. 2002 Apr;5(2):131-9.
Yeomans MR. Effects of alcohol on food and energy intake in human subjects: evidence for passive and active over-consumption of energy. Br J Nutr. 2004 Aug;92 Suppl 1:S31-4. Review.

peppers (orange) might be interested you:
Strong saturation by slowly eating

influence of energy density on the saturation

  • think away appetite, insatiable desire to resist

  • A protein-rich meal high saturation effect

  • there has natural ingredients that affect the saturation positive?

  • Is there a connection between vitamin C status and saturation?

  • The effect of chromium on food intake and satiety

  • Keywords: Alcohol, alcohol drink, alcohol intake when eating, increased appetite, appetitstimulierender effect, positive energy balance, reduced energy intake, peppers

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Regelmäßig geschäftlich Essen gehen, führt zu einer positiven Energiebilanz

There are many reasons why regularly eat out in restaurants to a positive Energiebilanz führen kann. Positiv wird eine Energiebilanz immer dann, wenn wir mehr Kalorien zu uns nehmen als wir verbrauchen.  Abgesehen davon, dass wir uns scheuen, lecker angerichtete Speisen nicht zu essen, bzw. halbvolle Teller zurückzugeben, ist ein 4-Gänge-Menü von der Menge her häufig bereits ein Garant für eine zu hohe Energieaufnahme. 

Paprika (orange)
Viel entscheidender scheint die Tatsache, dass wir die angebotenen Speisen oft nicht kennen, bzw. nicht sicher einschätzen können, wie hoch die Energiedichte or the energy content. Specifically, we often face the following problem: One can suggest taste that Vorsuppe contains high levels of fat, or if the pasta and risotto prepared with cream. Since we do not know, however, the risk of excessive energy intake is large. This is especially likely when we used to at home more economical use of butter and cream are. After all, how much we eat, not every day is a new decision, but unconsciously based on experience.
the freely elected learned is portion size for foods with a known energy density, the sensory perceptions (consistency, taste, smell) a wichtige Steuerungsgröße darstellen (1). Die Energieaufnahme während einer Mahlzeit wird im Wesentlichen über das Gewicht der zugeführten Speisen kontrolliert. Auf Basis der nahrungsmittelspezifischen, gelernten Sättigung wird langfristig eine ausgeglichene Energiebilanz sichergestellt. Es ist demnach die zugeführte Menge an Pizza, die uns signalisiert, wir sind satt. Bei unbekannten Speisen hingegen, insbesondere mit hoher Energiedichte, bleibt die „gelernte“ Portionsgröße unverändert und führt damit kurzzeitig zu einer positiven Energiebilanz (1). 

Tomate To own energy balance, could be one conclusion: only by food, you know, you can eat normal portions. All unknown forms of preparation require eine aktive Zurückhaltung, d.h. kleine Portionsgrößen. Schmeckt ein Essen besonders lecker, gilt es weniger zu essen als wir eigentlich möchten. Literatur: 1. Yeomans MR, Weinberg L, James S. Effects of palatability and learned satiety on energy density influences on breakfast intake in humans. Physiol Behav. 2005 Nov 15;86(4):487-99.
Ein weiterer, entscheidender Parameter für die Gesamtenergiezufuhr stellt die Schmackhaftigkeit der Speisen dar. Wer seinem Körpergefühl vertraut, das unter Normalbedingungen immer rechtzeitig Sättigungssignale aussendet, um die Mahlzeit zu beenden und damit eine ausgeglichene Energiebilanz zu sichern, wird getäuscht, wenn besonders schmackhafte Speisen serviert werden. Bei sehr schmackhaften Essen funktioniert das innere Feedback nicht mehr richtig. Wir essen mehr als gewöhnlich. Gemeint ist hier nicht das bewusste Eingeständnis einer kleinen Schwäche („ich weiß, das ist zu viel, aber ausnahmsweise, weil es so gut schmeckt, I do not begrudge me a piece! "). No, there are also those misguided who eat their usual portions and rely on their inner sense of satiety (1). How significant is the palatability of the total intake is shown by the fact that subjects not normally associated with food with high energy density (eg very greasy) unconsciously reduce the portion size, this no longer do as soon as the food is very tasty too. in balance

Das könnte Sie interessieren:

Ausgeprägte Sättigung durch langsames Essen

Einfluss der Energiedichte auf die Sättigung

Appetit wegdenken, unersättlichem Verlangen resist

A protein-rich meal high saturation effect

there has natural ingredients that affect the saturation positive?

Is there a connection between vitamin C status and saturation?

The effect of chromium on food intake and satiety

Searches: balanced energy balance, eating out, energy density, energy content, private dining, the portion weight, portion size, Portion volume, positive energy balance, palatability, peppers, tomatoes

Saturday, March 6, 2010

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Vielfalt beim Essen stört den Sättigungsprozess

we become in the course of a meal offered as yet another food, is the feeling of satiety, which is to end the meal out, a distinct delay. A classic example is a meal in buffet form in comparison with a set menu sequence. Various studies show that the energy intake during meals, which are offered in buffet style, on the energy consumption is to be taken at fixed menu. In explaining is this phenomenon of "Sensory-specific satiety" to a special meaning. Behind this term refers to an interesting observation: the continuous supply of the same food, ie at constant taste, with the same consistency and same appearance leads to an ever-increasing specific satiety, ie, the benefit arising from the supply takes place continuously. Practically, this means that we no later than the third bratwurst sausage can see no other more. Particularly interesting is now that we can eat again as soon as we get a different food offered. Satiety seems blown away when we someone a delicious Ice cream with whipped cream offering. The term "Senory-specific satiety" accurately describes this fact: There is therefore a saturation, which forms specific only to the currently consumed foods. Any change shifts the onset of absolute saturation and thus the end of the meal.

strawberry This observation may have important implications for a balanced energy balance. The probability of eating too much is greater, the greater the variety of food offered. . From the bottom of a meal out in buffet style very often to a positive energy balance The consequence for those who often eat more than they actually need, would be: reduce
It therefore follows that there are two degrees of saturation: First, the saturation, which leads to the termination of a uniform meal, the resulting feeling is described as a pleasant feeling of satiety. On the other the second stage of saturation, which occurs after several passages is varied, rather than feeling that "there is nothing more," described as an absolute fullness.

For breakfast, there will be no choice of four more jams, at lunch, the dessert disappear, for we know, still would be room, even if you are already correctly filled. Also at the dinner must no longer be three different types of bread and cheese.

Various studies have attempted to quantify by how much food intake increased when diversity comes into play. Be identical in different kinds of composite sandwich Geschmacksrichtungen angeboten, so steigt die Nahrungsaufnahme um 15%, wenn z.B. drei statt nur einer Geschmacksrichtung zur Auswahl stehen (Rolls et al. 1982). In der gleichen Untersuchung konnte gezeigt werden, dass allein unterschiedliche Formen der angebotenen Nudeln zum Mittagessen zu einer um 14 Prozent höheren Aufnahme führen. Auch Joghurts in verschiedenen Zubereitungsformen und Geschmacksrichtungen führten im Vergleich zu nur einer Joghurt-Sorte - und zwar der bevorzugten (Lieblingssorte) der Teilnehmer - zu einer höheren Nahrungsaufnahme von 12,6% (Rolls et al. 1981). Besonders auffällig war der Vergleich eines 4-Gänge-Menüs, das entweder im Wesentlichen aus den gleichen Speisen oder aus 4 verschiedenen Menü-Punkten was. Here, the recording was among the varied foods by 60 per cent higher (Rolls et al. 1984). But even ice cream is eaten, when different varieties are available, compared to only one, self-selected species (Berry et al. 1985). In further studies, it was examined whether the energy density decisive influence on the specific saturation increases. This was compared including potato chips with high or low energy content and it was found that there were no differences in the course of the specific saturation for both chip types (Miller et al. 2000).
These food-specific saturation effect over long periods of time. That which we call Monotonie des Speiseplans bezeichnen, wenn es z.B. in der Kantine jede Woche an mindestens zwei Tagen das gleiche Gemüse und immer in Verbindung mit Kartoffeln gibt, führt dazu, dass wir in der Regel weniger essen als in einer Kantine, die beinahe jeden Tag Abwechslung zu bieten hat.

Sørensen LB, Møller P, Flint A, Martens M, Raben A. Effect of sensory perception of foods on appetite and food intake: a review of studies on humans. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2003 Oct;27(10):1152-66. Review.


Das könnte Sie interessieren:

Strong saturation by slowly eating

influence of energy density on the saturation

  • think away appetite, insatiable desire to resist

  • A protein-rich meal has a high saturation effect

  • Are there natural ingredients that affect the saturation positive?

  • Is there a connection between vitamin C status and saturation?

  • The Effect of chromium on food intake and satiety

  • Keywords: satiety, diet, strawberry breakfast, gsaufnahmeausgeglichene energy balance, menu, Nahrun, plum, positive energy balance, satiety, sensory-specific satiety, specific saturation, diversity

Monday, March 1, 2010

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Resistente Stärke beeinflusst die Körperzusammensetzung

could be out to prove in an experimental animal study for 8 weeks that a diet with a high content of resistant starch (RS) compared to a standard diet with available quickly in the body fat percentage reduced. Overall, energy intake was lower in the RS group and the so-called lean body mass (LBM) than in the comparison group.

Conclusion: In addition to an enhancement of satiety, a high proportion of resistant starch * in the diet has a beneficial effect on body composition by reducing with a stable body weight, fat content in favor of lean body mass
Next links on resistant starch:

Resistant starch has a pronounced effect of saturation

Einfluss von resistenter Stärke auf die Sättigung - Die Aufnahme wirkt sich insbesondere auf die nachfolgende Mahlzeit aus

Ausgeprägte Sättigung durch langsames Essen

  • influence of energy density on the saturation

  • think away appetite, insatiable desire to resist

  • A protein-rich meal has a high saturation effect

  • Are there natural ingredients that affect the saturation positive?

  • Is there a connection between vitamin C status and saturation?

  • The effect of chromium on food intake and satiety

  • Literature: Sun PW et al. PLoS ONE 2007, 2 (12): e1309 * eg Hi-maize ®

    (corn starch)

Keywords: Impact, fat content, body fat percentage, body composition, lean body mass, resistant starch, a feeling, effect of resistant starch