Thursday, March 11, 2010

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The preload concept - a starter, which reduce food intake below soll

The rationale behind the preload concept is that eating a small meal at a precisely defined distance shall Before making the (main)-meal, the subsequent food intake. The aim of the preload to the appetite and reduce hunger at the beginning of the meal so much that total less is consumed (3). A smaller distance between the preload the meal (about 20 - 30 minutes instead of> 60 min) seems more favorable to the reduction of the amount of food auszuwirken (6).

is particularly well studied, the administration of drinks in different volumes and compositions. Positive data is available for the taking of larger quantities (400 ml) of carbonated beverages to about 10 minutes before the actual meal (8). When equal volumes of a high carbon dioxide content has a stronger appetite-reducing effect (8). This type of preload significantly reduced the energy consumption of the meal. It also seems to be a dose-response relationship between the recorded volume and the degree of saturation to give. The larger the volume of the preload (600 ml instead of 300 ml), the greater the saturation effect and the subsequent reduction in food intake (7).

original objective of the application of the preload concept was to reduce the total energy supply. The use of a preload would thus be useful only if the reduction in energy intake in the subsequent meal at least compensated for the energy content of preloads. Desirable would be a relevant reduction of total energy intake of the day. The recent study data collectively, have not be proven, that is by including a preload, the total energy intake (preload + meal) significantly reduced (1, 2). Was often in study results are documented a decrease in food intake, but usually does not reach a complete compensation of the Prelaod energy content (2, 7). An exception was a study were offered in various soups as Preload: soup with low energy density reduced the total energy intake (preload + dinner), with the main meal was about 20 percent less eaten (9). The lower the energy content of the preloads, the more likely a compensation in the subsequent meal (8) was. The ambitious goal of a relevant reduction of total daily calorie intake by an energy-containing preload has not yet been reached (1, 2, 7).


Bertenshaw EJ, Lluch A, Yeomans MR. Dose-dependent effects of beverage protein content upon short-term intake. Appetite. 2009 Jun;52(3):580-7.
Bertenshaw EJ, Lluch A, Yeomans MR. Satiating effects of protein but not carbohydrate consumed in a between-meal beverage context. Physiol Behav. 2008 Feb 27;93(3):427-36.

Yeomans MR, Gray RW, Conyers TH. Maltodextrin preloads reduce food intake without altering the appetiser effect. Physiol Behav. 1998 Jun 15;64(4):501-6.

Luhovyy BL, Akhavan T, Anderson GH. Whey proteins in the regulation of food intake and satiety. J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Dec;26(6):704S-12S. Review.

Akhavan T, Luhovyy BL, Brown PH, Cho CE, Anderson GH. Effect of premeal consumption of whey protein and its hydrolysate on food intake and postmeal glycemia and insulin responses in young adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Feb 17. [Epub ahead of print]

    Almiron-Roig E, Flores SY, Drewnowski A. No difference in satiety or in subsequent energy intakes between a beverage and a solid food. Physiol Behav. 2004 Sep 30;82(4):671-7.

  1. Rolls BJ, Bell EA, Waugh BA. Increasing the volume of a food by incorporating air affects satiety in men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Aug;72(2):361-8.

  2. Moorhead SA, Livingstone MB, Dunne A, Welch RW. The level of carbonation of a sugar-sweetened beverage preload affects satiety and short-term energy and food intakes. Br J Nutr. 2008 Jun; 99 (6) :1362-9.
  3. Flood JE, Rolls BJ.Soup preloads in a variety of forms reduce meal energy intake. Appetite. 2007 Nov, 49 (3) :626-34.
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