Saturday, March 6, 2010

Blood And Puss From Earring Hole

Vielfalt beim Essen stört den Sättigungsprozess

we become in the course of a meal offered as yet another food, is the feeling of satiety, which is to end the meal out, a distinct delay. A classic example is a meal in buffet form in comparison with a set menu sequence. Various studies show that the energy intake during meals, which are offered in buffet style, on the energy consumption is to be taken at fixed menu. In explaining is this phenomenon of "Sensory-specific satiety" to a special meaning. Behind this term refers to an interesting observation: the continuous supply of the same food, ie at constant taste, with the same consistency and same appearance leads to an ever-increasing specific satiety, ie, the benefit arising from the supply takes place continuously. Practically, this means that we no later than the third bratwurst sausage can see no other more. Particularly interesting is now that we can eat again as soon as we get a different food offered. Satiety seems blown away when we someone a delicious Ice cream with whipped cream offering. The term "Senory-specific satiety" accurately describes this fact: There is therefore a saturation, which forms specific only to the currently consumed foods. Any change shifts the onset of absolute saturation and thus the end of the meal.

strawberry This observation may have important implications for a balanced energy balance. The probability of eating too much is greater, the greater the variety of food offered. . From the bottom of a meal out in buffet style very often to a positive energy balance The consequence for those who often eat more than they actually need, would be: reduce
It therefore follows that there are two degrees of saturation: First, the saturation, which leads to the termination of a uniform meal, the resulting feeling is described as a pleasant feeling of satiety. On the other the second stage of saturation, which occurs after several passages is varied, rather than feeling that "there is nothing more," described as an absolute fullness.

For breakfast, there will be no choice of four more jams, at lunch, the dessert disappear, for we know, still would be room, even if you are already correctly filled. Also at the dinner must no longer be three different types of bread and cheese.

Various studies have attempted to quantify by how much food intake increased when diversity comes into play. Be identical in different kinds of composite sandwich Geschmacksrichtungen angeboten, so steigt die Nahrungsaufnahme um 15%, wenn z.B. drei statt nur einer Geschmacksrichtung zur Auswahl stehen (Rolls et al. 1982). In der gleichen Untersuchung konnte gezeigt werden, dass allein unterschiedliche Formen der angebotenen Nudeln zum Mittagessen zu einer um 14 Prozent höheren Aufnahme führen. Auch Joghurts in verschiedenen Zubereitungsformen und Geschmacksrichtungen führten im Vergleich zu nur einer Joghurt-Sorte - und zwar der bevorzugten (Lieblingssorte) der Teilnehmer - zu einer höheren Nahrungsaufnahme von 12,6% (Rolls et al. 1981). Besonders auffällig war der Vergleich eines 4-Gänge-Menüs, das entweder im Wesentlichen aus den gleichen Speisen oder aus 4 verschiedenen Menü-Punkten was. Here, the recording was among the varied foods by 60 per cent higher (Rolls et al. 1984). But even ice cream is eaten, when different varieties are available, compared to only one, self-selected species (Berry et al. 1985). In further studies, it was examined whether the energy density decisive influence on the specific saturation increases. This was compared including potato chips with high or low energy content and it was found that there were no differences in the course of the specific saturation for both chip types (Miller et al. 2000).
These food-specific saturation effect over long periods of time. That which we call Monotonie des Speiseplans bezeichnen, wenn es z.B. in der Kantine jede Woche an mindestens zwei Tagen das gleiche Gemüse und immer in Verbindung mit Kartoffeln gibt, führt dazu, dass wir in der Regel weniger essen als in einer Kantine, die beinahe jeden Tag Abwechslung zu bieten hat.

Sørensen LB, Møller P, Flint A, Martens M, Raben A. Effect of sensory perception of foods on appetite and food intake: a review of studies on humans. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2003 Oct;27(10):1152-66. Review.


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  • Keywords: satiety, diet, strawberry breakfast, gsaufnahmeausgeglichene energy balance, menu, Nahrun, plum, positive energy balance, satiety, sensory-specific satiety, specific saturation, diversity


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